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«Shelly» jaci---you don wanna know ;) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:06pm)
«nate...» jaci: (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Battlebots is a show on comedy central. Robots fight each other. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«Shelly» ok..the trading spaces poll is hard (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» No it isn't. I just said I didn't know what it is. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«nate...» I think robot wars is better, though. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«Shelly» tis truly bizarro (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«goovie is married!» the brit version is robot wars. hosted by craig charles. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«jaye» oh. huh. ok. i just watch ts and buffy. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:08pm)
«Shelly» well, for me, who knows what it's hard to frank cracks me up!!! (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:08pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah, robot wars rules. cute little british nerdboys *and* lister. lovely. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:08pm)
«nate...» well, it's not JUST british.. there's a us and a UK version. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:08pm)
«goovie is married!» see, like i said in the poll, i just watch buffy and noggin. but i don't see having a poll here about your favorite character on degrassi: next. :P (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:09pm)
«Eri» ts and buffy are pretty much the only shows i watch, with occasional other stuff. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:09pm)
«jaye» "what the frank?!" i think he'd be fun to work with. but i'd rather die than let him design for me (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:09pm)
«nate...» what's "noggin"? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:09pm)
«nate...» I think I've only seen, like, 3 of those people on the show, but I haven't seen the show very often. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» How about a MST 3K poll. Ok everyone who do you like Joel or Mike? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«nate...» vern's always on it, though..... and he has made some cool stuff... so I voted for him. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«nate...» wait, though... what's noggin? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«Shelly» jac--agreed...but he cracks me yah re: the fun to work with thing (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«goovie is married!» noggin (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:12pm)
«Shelly» see, now -i-'d be left outta that one grrrrodan..i think i've seen -part- of an ep of that (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:12pm)
«goovie is married!» and the n. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:12pm)
«Shelly» Shell's jersey=retired eats pocky mmmmmmmm (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:12pm)
«nate...» umm.... huh... okay. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:12pm)
«jaye» school!jaci isn't cool enough to have noggin or bbc america or anything, really. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:12pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Once again I forgot to tell bad Carey about the new Degrassi (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«Shelly» mmmmmmmmmmEFO nowhereman from FRFF *swoon* (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«nate...» i've never even HEARD of noggin... let alone have it. :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«goovie is married!» i'm not cool enough, either. but i'm going to keep pretending i am until i have no money left and have to give up the digital cable. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«Shelly» Shell's jersey=retired hath not even cable, jac...seeeoooo... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«jaye» i'd never heard of it til carey got it (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«jaye» noggin, that is, not cable (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«nate...» n a i g h t has cable included in his rent... so that's all good. :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:14pm)
«goovie is married!» hrm. noggin was one of the main reasons i got digital. i liked the idea of square one and electric company at 3am. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:14pm)
«goovie is married!» you have cable included in your rent?? nice. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:14pm)
«jaye» what is this phrase, "included in rent"? i know this not :D (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:16pm)
«Shelly» Shell's jersey=retired *swoooooooon*s.....HOW could i have missed this?? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:16pm)
«nate...» my rent is all-inclusive.. I love it. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:16pm)
«Shelly» jaci--me neither---i have water inc. not HOT water...justwater. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«Rob Balder» My company sells high speed internet that's included in rent. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«jaye» man. ain't nuttin' included in mine. damn catholics (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«Eri» square one? oh do i ever miss that show. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«nate...» I don't know eri, do you? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«Rob Balder» But I don't have it cause they dont have a contract with my property (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Mathman (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«jaye» i don't have water included (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:17pm)
«jaye» ooh! i can leave now! byebye (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«nate...» yeah, it rocks... electric, gas, heat, hot water, cable, cable modem, etc.... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» bye Jaci (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«goovie is married!» bye jaci :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«nate...» bye jaci! (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«Shelly» oh...i lie. our garbage is free...but that's coz it's city garbage serv. last appt i hadta pay for THAT too (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Gordon yelled at class gives jaci a farewell kiss on the hand. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«goovie is married!» technically, i could leave now. all the bigwigs are out of the office at a party. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:18pm)
«Shelly» toodles sis!! i am mid-frum answerin yer question (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:19pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You had to pay for Garbage? I make my own. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:19pm)
«Rob Balder» I wish I was that crafty. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:19pm)
«nate...» I could probably get away with wandering out the back door now.... but... it's a bad time to do anything that would jeapordize my job. heh (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:19pm)
«goovie is married!» i have heat included. and i guess some of the rent goes to pay the security guards who spend all their time fighting with each other or falling asleep at the desk with the doors open. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:19pm)
«nate...» besides, I'm out in 10 minutes anyway.... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:19pm)
«Shelly» care---how was the ice cream?? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:20pm)
«nate...» sound like quality guards, carey. heheh (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:20pm)
«nate...» 9 (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:21pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah, they rule. :P the ice cream was lovely, tho. mmmmmmoxley's. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:21pm)
«nate...» ooo.. I should get some ice cream on the way home.. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:21pm)
«Shelly» yeah. care now has me jonesin for ice cream. but i have pocky. and CDN chocolates ;) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:22pm)
«goovie is married!» birthday goovie tosses nate some moxley's. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:22pm)
«nate...» ooo! what flavor? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:22pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» What flavor did you get? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:22pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» batnose (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:22pm)
«nate...» heh (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:23pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Gordon yelled at class loves moxley's. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:23pm)
«nate...» 7 (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:23pm)
«nate...» 6 (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:23pm)
«goovie is married!» we had chocolate, vanilla, and cookies & cream. yumyumyum. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:24pm)
«goovie is married!» 54321? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:24pm)
«goovie is married!» enema countdown? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:24pm)
«nate...» ooo! cookies and cream... mmmmm (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:24pm)
«nate...» 5 (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:25pm)
«Shelly» Shell's jersey=retired dost not think she hath ever had moxley's (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:25pm)
«nate...» never heard of it... but if people feel that strongly about it, it must be good. :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:25pm)
«Shelly» 5 minutes ahhh ahhh ahh (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:25pm)
«nate...» (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:25pm)
«Shelly» tater--yah..must be and grrrodan eat lotsa ice cream (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:26pm)
«nate...» cute (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:26pm)
«nate...» (the site, that is...) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:26pm)
«Shelly» i wondered hoe ice cream could be cute ;) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:26pm)
«nate...» ahh.. it's a towson, md thang.... the "where to buy" doesn't even have cities or states listed. hehe (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:27pm)
«nate...» oh, and ... 3 (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:27pm)
«Shelly» you can ONLY get it in one (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:27pm)
«nate...» exactly. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:27pm)
«nate...» heehee! (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:27pm)
«Shelly» don't even THINK of getting it elsewhere lol (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:27pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah, i was about to say that. there's only one moxley's. luckily, it's just a few blocks from my office. :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:27pm)
«Shelly» o/' God keep pur land...glo-rious and free o/' (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:28pm)
«Shelly» pur land??? OUR land..heh (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:28pm)
«goovie is married!» oOo canada we stand on guard for theeeeeeOo (Sep 25, 2002 @ 4:29pm)

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