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«beth-pseudocanuck!» stinker. i'm in NH, not TOO far away from noho. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» Batnose Beth :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» Jody, you're near the Ark, another IH level venue :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:34pm)
«nate...» why would you want to batnose beth? wouldn't that hurt? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:34pm)
«nate...» john: yeah.. the ark is a pretty cool place. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:34pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» batnosing other people doesn't hurt, though, nate? what are you trying to say here? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:34pm)
«Jody» IH? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:34pm)
«lawrence» Iron Horse. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:34pm)
«nate...» well, I imagine hitting anyone in the nose with a bat would hurt, really. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:35pm)
«nate...» that's why I try to stay off the wall when people are being violent like that. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:35pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» hahahaha he said "hookah" (listening to bj don't cry) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:35pm)
«John J. Ryan» "This wall has been rated PG for mild violence." (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:36pm)
«Jody» I want to go to a show that's really awesome. I went to see guster this summer and it wasn't at all what I expected. (Mostly cause of the John Mayer Fan Effect.) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:36pm)
«Jody» hehe, John made a funny. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:36pm)
«lawrence» the enemy called spork finally gets to see Guster headlining on November 30. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:36pm)
«lawrence» can't wait. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:36pm)
«nate...» ew.. yeah, I've heard REALLY bad thing about john mayer fans. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:36pm)
«John J. Ryan» Lawrence, you seeing Ben Folds on his fall tour at all? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«jaye» *gag* john mayer (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«lawrence» yes. like I said earlier, October 16. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«Jody» I've only been to one concert, and I'm totally wishing I waited til they were headlining. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«John J. Ryan» What kind of things, Nate? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«lawrence» last time I saw Guster was when they opened for BNL in 2000. ugh. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«John J. Ryan» that's the same venue as TMBG the next day, is that correct? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«nate...» just that they're really obnoxious and annoying and loud. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» i saw guster on the bnl tour, too. they got totally swallowed in the MCI center (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:38pm)
«John J. Ryan» I should really go see Guster as the Roseland, shouldn't I? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:38pm)
«lawrence» John - no, TMBG are at Lisner, Ben Folds is at the Warner (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:38pm)
«John J. Ryan» Oh wait, they are playing the Hammerstein (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:38pm)
«nate...» i saw guster at middlebury.... they were pretty good... but the sound was the worst I think I have EVER heard at any show... ever. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:38pm)
«John J. Ryan» It's just fuinny because they're playing the same venbue in Philly one day apart as well, I'm thinking of doing both (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:39pm)
«Jody» I'd say any chance to go see Guster, do it. I'm suspecting they'll get big eventually and it won't be the same. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:39pm)
«nate...» hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:39pm)
«Jody» hop? hop! (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:40pm)
«nate...» I dunno.. I think guster has gotten about as big as they're going to get.... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:40pm)
«Jody» you just never know. hehe, you're prolly right. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:40pm)
«lawrence» yeah, I think they're probably considered too "weird" by most people to get more popular. althougb BNL got huge. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:40pm)
«nate...» which is still pretty damned big... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:40pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» BNL also sold out. grrr. don't get me started. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:40pm)
«lawrence» BNL did not sell out. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«nate...» but bnl got huge by releasing an album that WASN'T weird.... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«Jody» I don't know why Guster is considered weird. Honestly. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» exactly, nate. they suck for it. i still love them, but i still hate BOaPS (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«lawrence» well, most bands have bass... and drums.... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«Jody» Stunt was pretty bad. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» stunt is MUCH better than BOaPS, though. that was the evil album that i refuse to buy. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«nate...» oh.. well, BOaPS doesn't even enter into it.. that was before they got really popular anyway... but I still don't think they "sold out" per se. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«lawrence» I think most mainstream people would be turned off by a) the nontraditional arrangement, and b) Ryan's vocals. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:41pm)
«nate...» stunt was the "launch us into pop radio" album. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:42pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» no, that was rock spectacle here in boston. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:42pm)
«Jody» eh, pretty good point. Although I love Ryan's voice. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:42pm)
«lawrence» but it still sounds like BNL. I don't think they really changed their sound that much. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:42pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» it's more the content, not so much the sound. you'd never hear anything like "box set" or "yoko ono" anymore (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:42pm)
«nate...» agreed. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:42pm)
«Jody» See, I lived in MT, where I didn't hear of them until Stunt, and a visit to Seattle where a longtime fan bought me Gordon. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:43pm)
«nate...» with what lawrence said, that is. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:43pm)
«Jody» True, Beth, true. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:43pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» i've been a fan SINCE gordon. their "evolution" *coughSELLOUTcough* has disappointed me (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:43pm)
«nate...» yeah... it wasn't till stunt that they were, like, on mtv and stuff. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:43pm)
«nate...» that's when they got the teenybopper crowd. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:43pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» the little kids i babysat for in high school knew "one week"...that bothered me. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:44pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» and with that, it's lunchtime....ciao y'all! (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:44pm)
«nate...» heh.. exactly my point. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:44pm)
«nate...» but still, they haven't stopped putting out good music, so I have no problem with them. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«lawrence» but... there are a LOT of people who only know Fa Fa and maybe Barrel of a Gun, too. does that mean Guster have sold out? I don't think so. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«Jody» I admit, I am a former teenybopper fan. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«nate...» Hell, if I could make a buttload of money off my music by selling it to companies to use in ads, I'd do it too! (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«John J. Ryan» Ooooh, actually Guster on Nov 30th in Philly looks a lot more promising. It's a Saturday. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«Jody» Spork: Hmm, it really depends on where you live. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«lawrence» it's the Saturday after thanksgiving, in fact. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«nate...» see, exactly lawrence..... by beth's definition, guster has sold out. heh (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:45pm)
«Jody» I missed Beth's idea of selling out... (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:46pm)
«Jody» this is scary (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:46pm)
«lawrence» or a better example - 99% of people who have heard of They Might Be Giants associate them only with Particle Man and don't even realise that they had two albums before Flood and like... 6 after it. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:46pm)
«John J. Ryan» Can't check my calendar right now though. Only problem with that show is that I'd probably end up going by myself. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:47pm)
«John J. Ryan» How fast do you think those Guster shows will sell out? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:48pm)
«lawrence» the Electric Factory is big. but I'd recommed getting tickets soon (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:49pm)
«nate...» m hm... or how 99% of people who listened to nirvana thought Nevermind was their first album. :P (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:49pm)
«John J. Ryan» Guster has its own ticketing agent, sweet. Bypassing ticketbastard is always nice. :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:51pm)
«Jody» go to, john. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:51pm)
«nate...» but really, guster is too "big" for me to want to see live.... any band that charges $25 for tickets and you have to see them in a huge theatre.... eh.. I'll stay home and listen to the disc, thanks. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:51pm)
«lawrence» uhh, they aren't playing in a huge theater in philly. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:52pm)
«lawrence» the Electric Factory is big, but it's not that big. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:52pm)
«nate...» the only band I'll pay over $15 to see live is like, efo. or tom waits, but I'd pay any price to see him live. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:52pm)
«nate...» heh.. yeah, but I'm also not gonna drive to philly. ;) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:52pm)
«John J. Ryan» Electric Factory, 2,000-2,500 capacity, general admission. Balcony seats. :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:53pm)
«lawrence» is it that big? I thought it was more like 1500. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:53pm)
«John J. Ryan» It's longer than it is wide. Bad news if you're in the back. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:53pm)
«nate...» iron horse is about as big as I really like to go for a venue. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:53pm)
«John J. Ryan» It's almost as big as Roseland I think. I could be wrong. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:53pm)
«lawrence» yeah, nate, too bad no one fits in the iron horse and they cram two shows into one evening so everything is an hour long. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:54pm)
«nate...» naw, there are very few bands who have to cut their set short . (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:55pm)
«John J. Ryan» Is the Iron Horse REALLY that small? What is its capacity? (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:55pm)
«lawrence» 200 or so. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:55pm)
«lawrence» maybe less. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:55pm)
«nate...» I've NEVER seen a band there who only played an hour long set. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:56pm)
«John J. Ryan» Wow. I was just at Joe's Pub to see People Are Wrong on Monday night. That was 150, and it was TINY. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:56pm)
«nate...» depends on if they have the tables on the floor in front of the stage... if they don't, you can fit a lot more. :) (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:56pm)
«lawrence» Godfrey Daniels is even smaller - I think the capacity there is 80. (Sep 25, 2002 @ 1:56pm)

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