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«renita» yay! do you have any plans as to what you're going to do? (besides play with leftcoasters) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:39pm)
«renita» julie!!! sorry I missed your call yesterday. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«Lisa Kay» work...perhaps! (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«jaye» mmmjulie (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«Lisa Kay» I don't have a full time job yet, but I'm temping to make money and actively looking (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«renita» do you have anything lined up...? or any leads...? or are ya winging it? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«renita» oops. ne'er mind. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«Lisa Kay» completely winging it! hehehhee (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:41pm)
«Lisa Kay» it's an adventure (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:41pm)
«Lisa Kay» some call it insane, I call it exciting (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:41pm)
«renita» gah. I'm in the mac lab at school.... (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:41pm)
«renita» Lisa-- I approve :D (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:41pm)
«Lisa Kay» chocolate? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:42pm)
«Lisa Kay» oooh. yummy (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:43pm)
«jaye» well, i thought it only fair since i invited myself over ;) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:43pm)
«renita» renita*butch n' fierce* is happy that julie and jaci got some time together... but I'm jealous too ... (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:44pm)
«sheryls» i wish i had like, a 3 day layover on the west coast in december. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«renita» and you know, I can't deal with this mac computer.. it's making me wiggy... *twitch* (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«sheryls» that would be fun. but, alas, the plan will take me straight from Tokyo to chicago. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«sheryls» Renita's gettin' wiggy widit. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«sheryls» plan = plane (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«renita» sheryl--so you have any layover at all? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«sheryls» renita: chicago - about 3 hours (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«renita» oh. d'oh! so sad :( (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«sheryls» i know. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«sheryls» the one i WANTED had a layover in Vancouver ;) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«sheryls» that was the Air Canada trip, but that trip went byeybye by the time i had the money. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«renita» crappy. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:47pm)
«renita» bye julie!!! (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:47pm)
«Andrea Krause» *grumble* who the heck dares schedule a 4-5 meeting when lots of people leave by 3:30? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'm planning on a Left coast trip tenatively the weekend before FRFF :) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«renita» JohnRyan--tha's cool :) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:52pm)
«John J. Ryan» I just hope it comes to pass.... (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:53pm)
«renita» 'specially sinc eI know I won't be going to frff, unless I find me a sugardaddy, or get hit by a car and get a huge settlement or win the lottery. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:53pm)
«Lisa Kay» if that sugar daddy is looking for other ...sugar daughters, send him my way! (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«renita» okay :) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:58pm)
«John J. Ryan» LOL (Sep 23, 2002 @ 3:58pm)
«renita» gah. the poll has me craving bbqduck. mmmmbbqduck. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:02pm)
«renita» I thought I had found me a good candidate for a sugar daddy. but. um. then he turned out to be gay. *sigh* (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:02pm)
«jaye» oops ;) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:03pm)
«renita» yah. doesn't quite work. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:04pm)
«sheryls» well that sucks. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:05pm)
«sheryls» he could still be a sugar daddy, i suppose though. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:05pm)
«sheryls» doesnt mean you have to give him any sugar ;) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:05pm)
«renita» welp. off to pay off the remainder of my student fees! (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:05pm)
«renita» yah, but sheryl--why would he pay for me to do stuff if he wasn't getting anything out of the deal? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:06pm)
«sheryls» well you could repay him in other types of favors. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:09pm)
«sheryls» like, cleaning, cooking, wash his car, etc. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«sheryls» or just say "give me money and i'll be your friend" (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«sheryls» because, you know, you're friendship should just be worth *that much* :) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«sheryls» 13 weeks and counting is, of course, cleaning. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«jaye» jaci. carry on. is more successful with "give me money and i'll go away" (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«sheryls» kidding. not cleaning. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«sheryls» 13 weeks and counting is, of course, kidding. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:10pm)
«sheryls» yeah that might work too. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«jaye» of course :P (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«sheryls» my friend has a shirt that says that (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«goovie is married!» joooooy :) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:25pm)
«goovie is married!» oh, well. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:28pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Hi wall, I'm back. Do I have to kiss all the hands again? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:38pm)
«goovie is married!» no. no one's here. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:40pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You are here (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:42pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I updated give me a cookie (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:42pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Read Wise Madness (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:42pm)
«goovie is married!» hrm. do i have to give points to donny osmond for quoting airplane? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:43pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» No you don't (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:43pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» He has so many anti-points it doesn't make a difference (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:44pm)
«goovie is married!» ". We drove back to Carey�s apartment then went I my car down to the Renaissance Faire. " (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:44pm)
«goovie is married!» is that english? (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:44pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» no (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:44pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» OK let me fix that (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:44pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You should be a professional diaryland editor. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:45pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» With a platinum membership you edit their entries. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:45pm)
«goovie is married!» you've only had 2 hits on dland today. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:46pm)
«goovie is married!» 3, counting me. and the other two were both shannon. go us. :) (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:46pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I know I was just looking at that. Who is (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:47pm)
«goovie is married!» is pauley's blog. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:47pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I just saw his name at the bottom. (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:48pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I'm a donut (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:48pm)
«goovie is married!» oh (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:48pm)
«goovie is married!» yes, you are (Sep 23, 2002 @ 4:48pm)

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