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«meh» *hugs all 'round* Good night everyone. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:29pm)
«iPauley» okey... have good sleeping! *lacyschnugglies* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:29pm)
«Talcott» *hugs* G'night! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:30pm)
«iPauley» *sigh* Paul Shaffer trying to do Carnac the Magnificent: "El Paso!" *opens the envelope...* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:43pm)
«iPauley» "What a MExican quarterback chooses if he doesn't choose El Punto or El Runno." *groan* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:44pm)
«Talcott» ok, time for me to get going. G'night all! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:50pm)
«J» does anyone here have a mac (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:04am)
«J» guess noone is here (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:06am)
«Mollie» I'm here. I have a mac. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:24am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess is here. and excited :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:25am)
«Shelly» pauley--heehee..i love it!!! gotta tell a friend of mine that (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:26am)
«jaye» dear lord. that's terrible. don't spread it around. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:27am)
«iPauley» Pauley *Back Online* remembers seeing a carson original... "dippidy-doo..." (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:29am)
«iPauley» "what forms on your dippidy early in the morning" (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:30am)
«jaye» wow. you can stop now. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:30am)
«iPauley» hehehehehe (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:30am)
«jaye» see? you scared away shelly (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:30am)
«iPauley» eep! :( (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:30am)
«iPauley» liiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaa (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:35am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess ree-members when 'comedian' at old part-time theatre gig did the 'dippity doo' doing carnac (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:36am)
«Shelly» jac---am IMing with the drea and -trying to fend evil terrier off from eating my dinner (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:37am)
«jaye» oh. i was content to blame it on pauley (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:39am)
«Shelly» well...i -made- my dinner at 8pm...reheated it thrice..and am now eating it..heehee (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:40am)
«iPauley» :-P (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:40am)
«Shelly» {and apparently, edgar wants to eat it, too} (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:40am)
«jaye» ugh. the boardhost spam control is really irritating when i'm trying to reply to folks (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:41am)
«iPauley» Conan O'Brien rerun: David Hasslehoff has checked himself into the BEtty Ford clinic for an alcohol problem... yes, he knew he had a problem 'cause he thought his car was talking to him... (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:42am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess caves and gives each dog a potato (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:43am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess is a sucker for a pretty face ;) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:44am)
«Shelly» {or at least a pouty one} (Sep 20, 2002 @ 12:44am)
«Shelly» o/' there must be 50 ways to kill your cover o/' (Sep 20, 2002 @ 1:01am)
«iPauley» ok, me go sleepy. nitenite! (Sep 20, 2002 @ 1:15am)
«jaye» GO TO BE, SHELLY! (Sep 20, 2002 @ 3:12am)
«jaye» or BED even (Sep 20, 2002 @ 3:12am)
«Shelly» :O (Sep 20, 2002 @ 3:14am)
«jaye» 0:-) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 3:15am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess just finished update *cowers* (Sep 20, 2002 @ 3:15am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess leaves befor jaci reads it and throws tomatoes ;) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 3:15am)
«jaye» jaci. huzzah. read it already. i don't waste good tomatoes :P (Sep 20, 2002 @ 3:16am)
«nate...» that's bizarre that not just one, but a couple people in the current poll think of grinders as being baked..... (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:37am)
«nate...» even FURTHER subset of regionalism in sandwich names! (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:37am)
«Andrea Krause» epiphany of the day: I get less burned out on Peter Mulvey than pretty much any of my other fave artists. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:48am)
«Andrea Krause» (well, really, never. I get burned out on others but have never gotten Mulvey burnout) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:49am)
«Josh Woodward» it's funny you mention that, i'm the same way. he's the only one i've been able to listen to for 5 years straight and never not want to hear him. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:49am)
«Andrea Krause» yep...I mean...I sometimes get Fruvous burnout (kinda in it now)..haven't listened to XTC in a long time...Kinda in Melissa Ferrick burnout, etc. But I never go "nah" when it occurs to me to listen. : (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:52am)
«Andrea Krause» (to peter, that is.) listening to 10k mornings right now. I just...can't get sick of that voice. I wonder if that epiphany qualifies him to make a coup for my top spot? Heee. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:53am)
«Josh Woodward» heh.. whois your top spot? (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:54am)
«Andrea Krause» Well it was beatles until 98, then Fruvous took over. They've been there still out of loyalty...but I rarely listen. (and they've given me so much. :) ) Peter got top male solo, Melissa got top female (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:56am)
«Josh Woodward» gotcha. :-) i need to listen to some MF. oh wait, abbreviations don't help. melissa ferrick. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:57am)
«Josh Woodward» i have some of her stuff on one of my mp3 cds somewhere (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:57am)
«Andrea Krause» hehe yeah...she rocks...but her latest album kinda bores me...dunno if it's the album or the burnout. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:57am)
«Andrea Krause» Andrea Ren�e Krause melts as Peter singing Beatles comes on...combination of my musical passions. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:58am)
«Josh Woodward» i just listened to the elvis costello and anne sofie von otter CD, they do the same song. plus they also do "take it with me" by tom waits. mmm. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 8:59am)
«Josh Woodward» i wish i liked her voice more, though (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:00am)
«Andrea Krause» I hate how voices can sway me so much...I miss out on a lot of great songs because voices turn me off. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:01am)
«Josh Woodward» i'm starting to get past that. i love waits, dylan.. greg brown.. etc (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:01am)
«Josh Woodward» cohen (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:01am)
«Josh Woodward» gives me hope that i might be able to produce some decent music someday myself ;-) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:02am)
«Andrea Krause» hehe you just named three of my big hitters for not being able to get to the songs through the voices. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:03am)
«Josh Woodward» hehe.. yeah, you're not alone i'm sure (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:03am)
«Josh Woodward» it took peter to really turn me onto greg brown (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:04am)
«Andrea Krause» (waits dylan greg brown.) I love every cover I hear of their and voices. sigh. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:04am)
«Josh Woodward» now i *love* GB's voice. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:04am)
«Josh Woodward» and tom waits' voice. even when he does his "bone machine" falsetto screeching. mmm. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:04am)
«Josh Woodward» dylan's voice just plain sucks, though. hehe (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:04am)
«Andrea Krause» Peter and Fruvous have done a lot for me in terms of covering things and helping me discover them. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:04am)
«Josh Woodward» very true, same here (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Andrea Krause» Also on the female side of things soprano voices tend to turn me off. ANd highly polished or trained voices. I don't know...I like the voices to feel lived-in. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Josh Woodward» oh, and chris smither too.. although i hate peter's version of Every Mother's Son. which sucks because he plays it at every freaking show. :-) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Josh Woodward» ditto. that's anne sofie von otter. she'd make a great opera singer, but she doesn't quite click with elvis costello :-) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:06am)
«Josh Woodward» a female voice in general is a harder sell for me. i think males have a bigger range of styles. you just can't the same grovelyness (heh) out of a female. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:07am)
«nate...» i loooove tom waits' voice... :) mmmm (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Andrea Krause» Hehe I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. There's just something to be said for letting the polish drop sometimes. It's great to be ABLE to do it...but good music isn't always about.. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Andrea Krause» perfection (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Andrea Krause» Hehe some chicks manage to be quite grovely! :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Andrea Krause» I think I actually don't mind Tom Waits' voice as much as maybe I dislike the delivery. I'm not sure which. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«nate...» yeah, it took me some time to get into Tom. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«Josh Woodward» i think i just like the fact that his music sounds like the percussion is created from banging on dead carcasses with bones. i guess you have to be a little strange to get into that. *grins* (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«nate...» I think it was seeing Big Time that got me totally hooked. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«nate...» AND he does a TON of really interesting stuff with mic and recording techniques..... not to mention bizarre and seldom-used instruments. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«Josh Woodward» i bought Rain Dogs because of JFOB. from the very first notes of Singapore i was hooked for life. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«Josh Woodward» exactly. i think he's a musician's musician. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«Andrea Krause» Hehe and I'm clearly not a musician. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:12am)
«Josh Woodward» i remember reading an interview about "chocolate jesus" and he was talking about how he loves to record outside. why cares if there are chickens nearby. it's all good. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:12am)
«Andrea Krause» I've fallen away from my "assimilate everything remotely good" phase of music. It seems like it takes so much more to impress me these days. Weird. (not Waits related) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:12am)
«Josh Woodward» andrea: you might want to check out "Alice". it's more in his older style (more, uh, musical), and it's a truly beautiful work. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:13am)
«Andrea Krause» I love intruding the rainstorm on Songs for Clem (Sarah Harmer)...or the trains in 10Kmornings (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:13am)
«Josh Woodward» me too! i was a little disappointed that there weren't more intrusions on 10kM, though (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:14am)
«Josh Woodward» it was too sterile (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:14am)
«Josh Woodward» same with the irish record.. no talking or even clapping between some songs (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:15am)
«Josh Woodward» 5:30 am was just right, though :-) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:15am)
«Andrea Krause» The train going through airbag is...fucking brilliant (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:16am)
«Josh Woodward» omg, i thought i was being lifted out of my chair during that part (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:17am)
«Andrea Krause» i rarely listen to just doesn't compel me much for some reason...I keep forgetting there are great songs on it. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:17am)
«Andrea Krause» it couldn't have been more perfectly timed and chills moment. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:17am)
«Josh Woodward» he really did choose great songs for it. steven's green is a masterpiece. i love ithaca, too. (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:18am)
«Josh Woodward» joshw renames this website to (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:18am)
«Andrea Krause» Hey, I wouldn't argue. :) (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:20am)
«Andrea Krause» I wish the deep blue list had expressed interest when you mentioned creating a site like this for him. *pout* (Sep 20, 2002 @ 9:20am)

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