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«Talcott» not much. Looking up grad-school stuff (as I've been doing most nights at work lately ;) How 'bout you? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:47pm)
«meh» Being distracted and thinking about twelve things at once. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:48pm)
«meh» Er, as for me. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:48pm)
«meh» And beign increasingly incohearant, I guess. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:48pm)
«sheryls» oh, not much. just finished dinner and a crazy day. i tried to call you yesterday to see if you wanted to go to the grocery store (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:49pm)
«sheryls» i was kinda scared that you-know-who would pick up. (and i DONT mean voldemort) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:49pm)
«Talcott» d'oh. I always manage to miss the phone (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:49pm)
«sheryls» tomorrow i send in my passport application!!!!! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:50pm)
«Talcott» yay! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:50pm)
«Talcott» oh, speaking of tomorrow, might we see you at the Peter Mulvey show? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:50pm)
«sheryls» oh, crud, you might not. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:52pm)
«sheryls» i always forget about such things. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:52pm)
«meh» Yay Passport app! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:54pm)
«meh» I dunno, I always expect Voldemort to answer the phone at Talcott's house. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:54pm)
«Talcott» <whisper>Now there's a scar</whisper> (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:55pm)
«Talcott» Lacy: Did you send Sheryl the link you sent me? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:55pm)
«meh» *snort* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:56pm)
«meh» Oh! No, I didn't! *goes to send Sheryl linkage* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 9:56pm)
«sheryls» WOOOOOOOOHOOO!! goblet of fire length!!!!!!!!! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:05pm)
«sheryls» *Dance* that and "soon" are the only details i care about :D (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:05pm)
«meh» *Giggle* I had pretty much the same reaction. *huge grinz* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:07pm)
«Talcott» hehehe, me too :D (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:09pm)
«sheryls» *sigh* :D (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:10pm)
«sheryls» ah, paxil i just drank 2 bottles of water. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:11pm)
«Talcott» Hey! TMBG are gonna be in Ann Arbor next month (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:18pm)
«meh» Really? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:19pm)
«Talcott» Yup! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:21pm)
«Talcott» It's a monday though, but it's late Oct (21st I think) so you might be back up here (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:22pm)
«meh» Oooh. That'll be cutting it close. I think Bruce wants us on the road through the end of October -- especially because we've had soo much tech-related downtime. But if the State actually holds firm, we should be done by then... (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:23pm)
«meh» Pity I probably won't know until practically just before then if I'll be around. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:23pm)
«iPauley» helloooooooooooooooooo wall (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:24pm)
«Talcott» eh, it's not like it's far away (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:24pm)
«Talcott» hey Pauley! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:24pm)
«iPauley» howdy talcott :) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:24pm)
«meh» It's a Pauley! Hiyas! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:24pm)
«iPauley» *tosses some schnuggles at lacy* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:25pm)
«meh» *Pauleyschnuggles* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:27pm)
«meh» *randomly chuckles* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:28pm)
«iPauley» heehee (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:28pm)
«iPauley» speaking of random... I have a sudden urge to make some oatmeal... :-P (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:31pm)
«meh» It's not cold enough for me to want oatmeal yet. I usually only do the feeling like oatmeal thing a few times when it's the season of snow. *hopes for lots of snow this year, but fears she'll be disappointed* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«Talcott» I was supposed to be cold all week. Instead someone hit the switch for "too hot and too muggy" It's nearly october, time for fall! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:34pm)
«meh» *sniffles* Mum said the long-range forcast was for higher temp than normal, but lower than normal percipitation this winter. *sniffles some more* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:35pm)
«Talcott» argh! No. I'm going to trust the farmers almanac (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:36pm)
«Talcott» I will not stand for another 70degree december (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:36pm)
«meh» By all means, do whatever you can to ensure a nice cold snowy winter. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:37pm)
«J» hmm im starting to regret buying a mac (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:40pm)
«J» the stupid thing wont even let me open logic (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:41pm)
«Talcott» ack! OSX I take it? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:43pm)
«meh» Hark, is that a Gordon I see on the reccent users list? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:50pm)
«jaye» who is hark? ;) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:58pm)
«meh» *giggle* Uhm... Talcott, maybe? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:59pm)
«Talcott» Heya Jaci! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:59pm)
«meh» Hiya Jaci. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:59pm)
«jaye» eep! hello =) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 10:59pm)
«Talcott» eep? I didn't know I was hidding ;) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:00pm)
«iPauley» hidding? is that like kidding only completely and totally different? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:01pm)
«Talcott» yeah. It's what people like me do when they can't spell ;) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:02pm)
«meh» hidding? (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:02pm)
«jaye» stop hidding me! ow! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:02pm)
«meh» Spelling is for people who aren't English majors. *snort* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:02pm)
«Talcott» hey! I like that idea ;) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:05pm)
«jaye» i don't! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:05pm)
«jaye» spelling is for everyone! or my head will explode! and that is not pretty! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:05pm)
«meh» I think I should put that on a T-shirt. With a few extra l's. Or maybe an extraneous q or something. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:05pm)
«Talcott» Spelling is to the world of words, what Forms are to the physical world. They are an ideal (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:06pm)
«iPauley» in Rochester: I-490 westbound shut down for 7 miles between exits 4 and 2 -- spilled beer hops and grain. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:06pm)
«meh» Welcome to the wild world of words! Where your host is hopefully not the clause-o-dile hunter. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«meh» Woah... beerslicked highways. Now there's a concept... (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«meh» well, beerfixinsslicked, anyway. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«Talcott» mmmmmmm....makeyourownbeer (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«Talcott» like legos you can drink! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:08pm)
«Talcott» Ok, I'm really out of it tonight ;) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:08pm)
«iPauley» it shows. :-P (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:08pm)
«iPauley» I noticed the closure coming home from work tonight, but I didn't know why -- fortunately, I get off at exit two, so it was no big deal to me. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:09pm)
«iPauley» three cars slid off the highway on that stretch, no injuries. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:09pm)
«Talcott» that's good then (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:09pm)
«iPauley» they still haven't found the semi that was leaking. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:10pm)
«meh» Wow. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:10pm)
«iPauley» oops -- I meant I get off at exit 4. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«Drea» Drea, WLC falls over laughing.. Ji just snuck in a Fruvous title on Play! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:16pm)
«Talcott» oh? (I've still never seen an ep. of that) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:16pm)
«iPauley» Talcott: geesh. silly american. oh, wait... (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:17pm)
«iPauley» ;) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:17pm)
«meh» We should form a club. "Silly Americans." Our motto can be "Please! Someone foreign adopt us!" (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:18pm)
«iPauley» hehehehehe (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:18pm)
«Drea» he had a taped interview with Bob Geldof, then had a little text blurb after about how "I Don't Like Mondays" propelled Boomtown Rats to fame.. and gave a list of other "depressing songs".. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:18pm)
«Talcott» lol! (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:19pm)
«Drea» and at the bottom was.. "Beware the Killer Tents - Moxy Fruvous" *snicker* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:21pm)
«Talcott» about a depressing song ;) (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:23pm)
«Drea» lol! (talking about The Banger Sisters): "Susan Serandon as a groupie eh? I should go back to touring" (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:23pm)
«meh» I have never been more depressed than when listening to the haunting ballad of the killer tents. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:24pm)
«meh» *cracks up* (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:24pm)
«meh» Grr. I have to do the whole sleeping thing really soon, or I won't be alive by the end of work tomorrow. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:24pm)
«Talcott» And you have to be alive to go see Sir Peter of the Mulveys (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:25pm)
«iPauley» NY Lottery commercial: Firefighter: "If I had a million dollars, I'd buy Billy a new house, 'cause I'm tired of working on it on my days off." (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:26pm)
«meh» This is true. I must be alive for this. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:26pm)
«meh» *LOL* Now that's amusing. (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:26pm)
«Talcott» hehe (Sep 19, 2002 @ 11:28pm)

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