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«Shelly» meliss--yeah..and the thing is that IF they go to the city, andy said he could prolly give them a lift back here,, either way, i am sure all will work out} (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:54am)
«Shelly» no's thing is that way when everyone DOES get to the area, if i'm NOT at the hotel, you can call me on it since it's a local # (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:55am)
«Mamalissa!» I guess whomever I go with will know the hotel info? Could you email or frum me just in case? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:55am)
«Shelly» i'm gonna do an email later in the afternoon with the hotel directions and number (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:55am)
«Shelly» batnose! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:55am)
«Mamalissa!» batnose! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:56am)
«Shelly» double batnose! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:56am)
«Mamalissa!» does that make it extra smelly? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:56am)
«Shelly» teehee! i am excited! we're all gonna have a BLAST!! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:56am)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» hi all :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:57am)
«Mamalissa!» I can't believe I even considered *not* coming. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:57am)
«Shelly» i can't believe it's -finally- here!! though i am like, MEGA-detail freaked now. like, i got a response email from julie about something and had to think 'why did i email julie?' (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:57am)
«Shelly» awwwww.....*blush* glad you can make it. and the cool thing is our hotel rooms are exACTLY the ones i wanted, too...they have doors that open to the parking lot AND one in the main hotel, so we don't HAFTA go thru the lobby {though we MUST loiter there (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«Mamalissa!» hey beth! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«Shelly» at one point. and take pix} (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«Shelly» bethy!!!!!! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess wishes that bethycould have swung coming.... :'( (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:00pm)
«Mamalissa!» speaking of loitering...I do need to free up my telephone line. Just in case they call. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:00pm)
«Shelly» too...waiting on a call about an interview...i'll send the directions and addy & such later (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:00pm)
«John J. Ryan» Hey folks (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:01pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» melissa, respond before you leave! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:01pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» hi john (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«Shelly» bethy--that sounded absosmurfly star-trekkish to me for some reason (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» which? respond before you leave? you're weird :-p (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«John J. Ryan» Can't wait to hear about your weekend tonight (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«Mamalissa!» Hey John - I may want a ride Friday - I'd like to leave with someone earlier if possible... (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess got no love ...not even a 'hi'..from bethy *sniffle* (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«Mamalissa!» Beth - respond before I leave. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» HI SHELLY (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» *HUGS* (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» hehe (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«Shelly» heh...some shellyette� -you- are beth....i may hafta report you to 'the man' ;) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«J» I urge you all to swivel in your chairs (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» clem?! NO ANYTHING BUT THAT! ;-) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:05pm)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess is not in a that'd be kinda hard (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:05pm)
«Shelly» well, bethy, i -do- have the POWER ;) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:05pm)
«J» swivel in your shoes (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:05pm)
«Shelly» shoes on either....can i swivel in my jeans? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:06pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» melissa....respooooond...i gotta run! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:06pm)
«Shelly» Shellyus is now earwormed with deidre's 'new shoes (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«Shelly» Shellyus is now earwormed with deidre's 'new shoes' (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«J» jean swiveling is great (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«Mamalissa!» I be gone! I'll be back later! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«Shelly» better respond to bethy 'fore she has a coronary :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«J» ok I just had a swiveling accident I take back my adoration for it (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:08pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» haha i'm out, too. ciao y'all. leave me happy frums!!!! *HUGS* (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:08pm)
«Shelly» a swileling accident? oh NO!! -anything- but that :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:08pm)
«Shelly» actually, now that i have checked my email, i must go erranding....careful on the swiveling!!{yay..i spelled it right this time ;) } toodles! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:09pm)
«J» yes i knocked over my guitar stand swiveling to fast (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«Shelly» john--i'm gonna email everyone directions and hotel addy and # later, m'kay? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«J» i must go to school (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«Shelly» julie---be careful with that chair. heehee (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«J» college rots (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«Shelly» have a GREAT DAY! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«J» thankyou for your concern (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«J» good byr have a fruvis full one (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Wow. That was weird. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:36pm)
«John J. Ryan» Bah, busy day at work. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:42pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» new dland. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Rob Balder» Wow the first person ever to hold the same job as Mr. Spock has been named. They just appointed a "science officer" on the space station. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«Rob Balder» There's no pic of her ears. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«lawrence» ack: (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:48pm)
«Bender» hey (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:49pm)
«Misch» save your hey, you might marry a horse someday. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:53pm)
«Bender» oh, shush. how are you? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:54pm)
«Misch» I'm alive. Job hunting.... but alive. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:56pm)
«Bender» I'm suffering through school, waiting to move to montclair (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:57pm)
«Misch» Montclair... New Jersey? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:58pm)
«goovie is married!» hoo, rah, ray, and a riger for montclair high! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 12:59pm)
«Bender» Montclair, NJ. Actually, Upper Montclair, but who's counting? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:00pm)
«Bender» The Weasel In My Mind tackles Carey (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:00pm)
«Bender» I like the name, dad and I saw that episode last night, too :P (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:01pm)
«goovie is married!» heehee. yay superstar. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:02pm)
«goovie is married!» and yay leah. :) so are you definitely moving? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:02pm)
«Bender» probably (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«Bender» 99.9% (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«Misch» Why would people want to move to NJ? So you have to pay a ton more on car insurance? ;-) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«Bender» I already live in NJ. Now, I'm moving to a better part :P (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«Misch» Ahh. Okay :-) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:04pm)
«Bender» I'm moving in with my aunt and uncle (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«Bender» and four kids (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«Bender» and three cats (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«Bender» and three fish (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«Bender» and two dogs (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«Bender» I hope they'll let me get a rat (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«Bender» I'm already thinking up rat names (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«Bender» like Tristana (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«Bender» or Sophocles (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«Misch» What about Pinky? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:08pm)
«Bender» too obvious (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:09pm)
«Bender» besides, pinky was a mouse (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:09pm)
«Misch» Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:10pm)
«Bender» I think so, brain, but wouldn't we look funny without our ears? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:11pm)
«Misch» *hee hee* (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:12pm)
«Bender» The Weasel In My Mind grins (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:13pm)
«goovie is married!» name it amy :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:16pm)
«Bender» hee! good idea (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«Bender» if it's male, I'll probably go with JB, short for "Joe Brown" (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«Bender» that's my band director's name (Sep 17, 2002 @ 1:24pm)

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