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«Shelly» were always one of those 'man, i HOPE she can make it', but i figgered with school and all that it was doubtful (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:11am)
«jaye» we'll see about frff. i was thinking tonight that i ought to open a savings acct for that sort of thing. throw my vls check in it for starters (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:11am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess is taking the change for cruise fund to ba nk tomorrow to cash in for paper moola. first conversion...mwwaahhhaaa (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:13am)
«Shelly» Shellyus is SURE that next year's cruise is gonna be TOTAL mayhem!!!!{the -fun- kind ;) } (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:14am)
«jaye» jaci. huzzah. fears mayhem (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:14am)
«Shelly» 4 words: leaves. from. new. orleans. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:14am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess still wonders who's gonna be in charge of mike's leash so he makes the boat :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:15am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» howdy :D i gotta shower and head to the airport :D (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:16am)
«jaye» not you, mike, don't get all excited :P (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:16am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» not me? you're getting mail for someone else too? :D (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:17am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» jaci, i'll give you a call on thursday when we're driving into seattle, unless, you're not going to be around? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:17am)
«Shelly» jaci =popular. she gets mail from everyone. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:17am)
«jaye» no, i just meant no leash for you :P (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:17am)
«jaye» i'll be across the street at the school for a few hours in the early afternoon, but other than that i'll be around (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:18am)
«Shelly» unlike me. mail thinks i'm dead. {bastardization of a CAROUSEL line} (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:18am)
«jaye» mike's just using me for my address. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:18am)
«Shelly» awww...but mebbe mike WANTS a leash, jac! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:19am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» okie dokie, well, i'll maybe be seeing you then. :) If not, some other time :D (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:19am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» and now i gotta shower, i still need to pack (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:19am)
«Mike "Racer" Yoshioka» have a good evening :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:19am)
«Shelly» of those over the border things, eh? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:19am)
«jaye» that's not a fantasy i'm going to fuel. no leash from me (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:19am)
«Shelly» hi mike/bye mike :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:19am)
«jaye» bye mike! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:20am)
«Shelly» ok. i don't -get- the poll. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:21am)
«jaye» it certainly operates on another level (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:22am)
«Shelly» yeah. and not mine. -clearly- (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:25am)
«Shelly» mayhap i should just select 'other' heh (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:26am)
«jaye» maybe there's a logic course you can enroll in. though i doubt it resembles our earth logic :P (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:26am)
«Shelly» ok..FIRST you give me evilimagery via frum, then you earworm me with murray's voice.... (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:27am)
«Shelly» bassist overload!!! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!!! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:27am)
«Shelly» {not that i'mcomplaining ;)} (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:28am)
«jaye» *blink* (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:28am)
«jaye» jaci. huzzah. is innocent (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:28am)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess *rolls eyes* whatEVer (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:28am)
«jaye» so. anyway. what the hell are you still doing up? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:29am)
«Shelly» um. it's ME. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:30am)
«jaye» oh. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:30am)
«Shelly» actually, i needta do an email to the masses re shellycon and stuff and was HOPIN lis would be around still{well..when i came on} but she wasn't (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:31am)
«jaye» i just asked because i'm tired and i don't even have to get up tomorrow. til noon, anyway (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:31am)
«jaye» and then i realized how late it is here and thus how late it is there and yeah (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:32am)
«Shelly» do you not remember my low-sleep necessity? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:32am)
«Shelly» heh..i don't REALLY hafta get up at all, either.. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:32am)
«jaye» i remember, i do not understand :P (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:32am)
«jaye» my ear hurts. ow. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:33am)
«Shelly» heh..neither do i....i just accept and relish it :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:34am)
«Shelly» hurts as in infection or earache or like pain ow? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:34am)
«jaye» earache. i think it's a fun symptom of the allergy action (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:36am)
«Shelly» {and why am i suddenly thinking 'addicted like an addict'?} (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:39am)
«Shelly» my ear aches like an earache...teehee (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:39am)
«jaye» i don't know. i'm trying to pretend that season never happened (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:39am)
«Shelly» yaya (Sep 17, 2002 @ 2:42am)
«Shelly» goodnight, sis. goodnight, wall. goodnight, moon. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 3:30am)
«nate...» oooooooooo... goodnight moon' (Sep 17, 2002 @ 8:48am)
«nate...» that was probably my favorite book when I was a little kid. :) (Sep 17, 2002 @ 8:48am)
«goovie is married!» "good night, seaport! good night, new york! good night, MOOOOON!" ~larry kirwan (Sep 17, 2002 @ 8:57am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Good Morning wall (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:25am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Carey doesn't love me. She ran away when I signed on. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:36am)
«goovie is married!» gordondon! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:40am)
«goovie is married!» *poke* (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:40am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Gordon L. Nash kisses the hand of his beloved brain (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:40am)
«goovie is married!» halloo (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:42am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» "halloo?" (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:43am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» what language is that? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:44am)
«goovie is married!» winnie the pooh (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:44am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Ahhh, I don't speak pooh (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:45am)
«goovie is married!» or fox hunter (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:46am)
«goovie is married!» as in, "tally-ho and view halloo!" (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:46am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» didn't burt say it in Mary Poppins? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:48am)
«goovie is married!» no, he didn't. the fox hunters did. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:48am)
«goovie is married!» no, wait. he and michael said it when their horses lept off the carousel (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:49am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» See I remembered something (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» and You weren't even an embry when I last saw it. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I take htat back, you were a little kid. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» it was about 1983 (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«goovie is married!» bah. i remember 1983. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:57am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You had a boyfriend hten (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:57am)
«goovie is married!» i did. that was before the long drought of 1985-1997. :P (Sep 17, 2002 @ 9:59am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I think I read about that in the Farmer's Almanac (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:00am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Now you are in "the years of plenty." (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:00am)
«goovie is married!» mmmmmplenty (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:01am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» yeah yeah, Neal, David, your harem... (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:02am)
«goovie is married!» bah. none of you count. none of you are jonathan. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:05am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» How about Gregory? I mean he's Gregory. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:06am)
«goovie is married!» gregory is our jonathan! (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:07am)
«goovie is married!» change your name to "oh, gregory!" (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:08am)
«goovie is married!» oh, jonathan! pictures skippy and his wife watching gregory sing with royal crown revue. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:08am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I will not (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:08am)
«goovie is married!» heeee. vote in my new poll. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:09am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» OK (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:09am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» guess how I voted (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«goovie is married!» i already know (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«goovie is married!» mmmjonathan (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» well he is jonathan. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:13am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Did you feel too tall? (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:13am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Oh, Gregory quoted a potato (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:14am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» That's the problem. When you quote a potato, it's hard for other people to respond. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:17am)
«goovie is married!» heehee. i only feel too tall in my anya shoes. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:17am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You are pretty highty in your spice girl shoes too. (Sep 17, 2002 @ 10:17am)

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