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«sheryls» well, it is unless its 0## (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:31am)
«John J. Ryan» What does 30! equal? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:31am)
«sheryls» or anything about #31 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:31am)
«sheryls» above i mean (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:31am)
«sheryls» so we have to figure out how many permutations there are that dont begin with zero or have numbers above 31, and then take them out of the total permutations (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«John J. Ryan» Never mind, the computer calculator has a factorial function. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» it isn't as big as 30!, the number is always a number between 000 and 999 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«sheryls» then factor that inot the chances of it falling on the same date of the drawing (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«sheryls» which would have to be drawn from statistical evidence (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» it is ten cubed (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«sheryls» no, gordon (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«sheryls» we're talking about how many permutations of those 3 numbers there are. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» why not? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» am I totally confused about what you are talking about? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» there are 3 numbers and 10 possible numbers those numbers can be. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» ok, how many combinations of 3 of 0-9 can you make? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» 000 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» 001 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» 002 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» and they are independant (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» right, unique permutations. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» so it's not 999 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» so its' 10*10*10 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» that's 1000 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«sheryls» *thinks* like i said, it's been a while since descrete. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:35am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» 30! gives you the number of ways to arrange 30 numbers in a unique sequence (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:35am)
«sheryls» i think you're right (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:35am)
«Josh Woodward» 30 numbers, without reusing any of them (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:35am)
«Josh Woodward» 30^30 is the number, allowing for reuse (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:36am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» right, that is why I said arrange (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:36am)
«sheryls» josh to the rescue! you know i failed 222 the first time ;) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:36am)
«Josh Woodward» heh.. is that discrete? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:37am)
«sheryls» ja. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:37am)
«sheryls» i passed it the second time! (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:37am)
«sheryls» swear it. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:37am)
«Josh Woodward» gotcha. i don't remember what i took for math. i hardly remember what i ate for breakfast today. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:37am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I'm continuous myself (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:37am)
«sheryls» i think you probably had 322, since you were a math minor, no? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:37am)
«Josh Woodward» righty-o (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«sheryls» there's more than 30 numbers, arent there? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I'm teaching finite math but we skip the probablitly chapters. grrr. I love them. Lots more fun than algebra (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«sheryls» that would only go up to 030 (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«Josh Woodward» the math minor melted my brain. i have to struggle to add the tip on to the price of the meal in restaurants.. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«sheryls» i hear that, brotha' cheese (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«Josh Woodward» agreed, gordon. i love stats and probability.. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«sheryls» i didnt take stats. eric had fun with it tho. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«sheryls» but aparantly, they mostly did like, baseball problems. yech. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«Josh Woodward» me either, i just did it for fun. i don't think it counted towards the minor.. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«Josh Woodward» yech (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«Josh Woodward» did you take calc 2? that was the worst class i ever had.. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:40am)
«Josh Woodward» calc 3 was easy, calc 2 destroyed me :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:40am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I always do baseball problems. Of course I also always do fruvous problems (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:41am)
«sheryls» no, i had calc 1 and i hated it - i liked calc in high school much better. we learned more and the prof wasnt a prick. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:41am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» This year i'm going to do DVN problems (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:41am)
«Josh Woodward» jian laughed at me for this (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:42am)
«sheryls» i didnt have one math prof i liked at BG. i stayed away from the math dept. at all costs. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:42am)
«sheryls» lol - no he didnt. he siad he loved a man of statistics! (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:42am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» that's unusual. Most profs are much better than HS teachers. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:42am)
«sheryls» no way, Mr. Yeager in high school was the *best* math teacher i ever had. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:43am)
«sheryls» we finished the college calc book and had to do physics problems for the rest of the year. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:43am)
«Josh Woodward» yeah, my high school math teacher was the best, too (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:44am)
«sheryls» must be a nw ohio math teacher thing ;) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:44am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I spend my life getting students to recover from their HS math teachers. There are good ones but you guys were lucky. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:44am)
«Josh Woodward» (i'm about to maybe break fhdc, don't panic if i do :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:45am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Gordon was evacuated belatedly kisses the hand of Sheryl ( was distracted by the siren call of math) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:45am)
«Josh Woodward» (woohoo, go me) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:45am)
«sheryls» didja break it? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:46am)
«Josh Woodward» nope :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:47am)
«sheryls» is that a stupid question? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:47am)
«Josh Woodward» hehe, the powerwall would have been fine, so no (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:47am)
«sheryls» if user!=sheryl{break;}else{keeprunningforsheryl;} (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:47am)
«Josh Woodward» any german speakers know what the hell Kommienezuepadt means? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:48am)
«sheryls» my friend says "um, are you sure that's german?" (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:49am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» a derogatory term for a communist? :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:49am)
«sheryls» he says it sounds like "tardiness" spelled wrong. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:49am)
«Josh Woodward» it probably isn't. it stumped babelfish too :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:49am)
«sheryls» does tardiness make sense? (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:50am)
«Josh Woodward» nothing really makes sense, it's a tom waits song :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:50am)
«sheryls» oh, right. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«Josh Woodward» it's lots of fun :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«sheryls» josh, your email on that YNB page is still @bgsu :D (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«Josh Woodward» yeah, whatever :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«Josh Woodward» i think i'm still getting mail from it anyway (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«sheryls» i am too (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«Josh Woodward» though maybe not.. they finally disabled my alpha account awhile back (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«sheryls» yeah i noticed when my epic stopped working. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«sheryls» besides, they killed alpha (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«Josh Woodward» hehe.. forgot abut that :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«Josh Woodward» ahh (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«sheryls» they switched it to (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:53am)
«Josh Woodward» probably good.. the cheap laptop i bought last year was more powerful than it.. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:53am)
«Josh Woodward» heaven help the remains of bgsuvax :-) (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:53am)
«sheryls» it's a new machine - and aparantly, my account is still there. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:53am)
«sheryls» ergh, my code hates me. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:54am)
«sheryls» 14 weeks and counting shakes it. "you make sense to me! why dont you make sense to the browser??" (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:55am)
«sheryls» and aparantly, we have "cute" stored procedures. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:56am)
«John J. Ryan» Great site Josh. I love the Common Song Sequence section as well. (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:57am)
«John J. Ryan» If there was one for TMBG, there would be Spin The Dial -> Older -> Twisting (Sep 12, 2002 @ 9:57am)
«Bender» Merf (Sep 12, 2002 @ 10:01am)

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