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«jaye» hee! i was saved the earworm 'cause i'm listening to the dixie chicks (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Oddly enough, it's the Don Henley version of that song I think of when I think of it. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«jaye» yes. that is odd. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«John J. Ryan» New Bosstones is GOOD. A marked improvement over the last one: Pay Attention. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» 'specially with as big a theater queen as I am. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«jaye» new dixie chicks is GOOD too. so there *snap* :D (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«John J. Ryan» I can't argue there. Dixie Chicks are a lot bigger than the Bosstones. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«John J. Ryan» But I'm proud to be one of few Bosstones fans in the Fruhead community. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» Paul D. Beasi likes the Bosstones (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:23pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Whaddya talking about, JJR? Lots of people hereabouts like the Bosstones. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I mean, the Bosstones aren't precisely unknown. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«jaye» even me ;) (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«jaye» jaci's an angel. cleans up her desk. less'n five days! (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Yeah...and Jaci has been hiding under a rock for the past 10 years. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«John J. Ryan» Oh really? That's very nice of you say about the Bosstones. :) (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«John J. Ryan» They have a great lyric line in one their new songs: (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«John J. Ryan» oO You know, to be king you don't need a castle... Oo (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» plus, their drummer is *really* cute. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» the last show i saw of theirs was bizarre, because they accidentally double booked hartford and texas (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«John J. Ryan» Whoa, that's nuts. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» so they opened an all day concert in hartford instead of closing it, alomst no one was there yet (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» the sound sucked so much (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«John J. Ryan» So they played Hartford I take it. What did they do about Texas> (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» That's a bummer. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:33pm)
«goovie is married!» whoa. what happened to my front page? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» They're playing only a few few miles from my house in October, at a place I used to play a lot. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:33pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» they flew to texas that night to play (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:33pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» hmm. that grammar sucked. I meant they flew to texas to play that night :) (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:34pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» the sound was so bad (Meadows = CRAP) that at one point when barret was singing out in the audience on a wireless mic, he stopped mid song and said something like: (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:35pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» "No WONDER nobody out here is interested. I sound like f-ing sh-t!" (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:35pm)
«John J. Ryan» That's Dicky. :) (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«John J. Ryan» The Bosstones are all very nice guys. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:38pm)
«John J. Ryan» Dicky remembered me when I went to them play with TMBG on New Year;s (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:38pm)
«sheryls» went to them play? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:47pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Someone set us up the bomb. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:48pm)
«lawrence» what you say !! (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:48pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Speak not to me as if a child I am, okay, Yoda? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:49pm)
«lawrence» to us, all your base belong are, hmmmm. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:53pm)
«goovie is married!» hee. yay newsradio :) (Sep 9, 2002 @ 1:56pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» That's one of my very favoritest quotes. Right after "But Jimmy has fancy plans, and pants to match" (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:02pm)
«goovie is married!» donkey donkey donkey! (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:03pm)
«goovie is married!» i keep forgetting to tape that, but i think a&e's still stuck in the hell of the last season. ew. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:04pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» heh (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:06pm)
«sheryls» oh dear, my old cube-mate has posessed carey. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:10pm)
«goovie is married!» your old cube-mate used to shout about donkeys all the time? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:15pm)
«John J. Ryan» oO Donkey-ridin', donkey-ridin' Oo (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:17pm)
«sheryls» goovie: yep. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:21pm)
«sheryls» in fact, i have a post it note that says "DONKEY" on my monitor from him. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:21pm)
«goovie is married!» good lord. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:21pm)
«sheryls» and when i call his cell, he answers "DONKEY!" (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:22pm)
«sheryls» and i yell "MONKEY!" (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:22pm)
«jaye» wow. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:22pm)
«John J. Ryan» What a jackass. :) (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:24pm)
«lawrence» o/~ I love donkey, donkey don't lie. I love donkey, almost much as pie o/~ (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:26pm)
«sheryls» boo. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:28pm)
«lawrence» (bonus points to anyone who gets that reference :) (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:28pm)
«John J. Ryan» Rutgers: We're #117! scratches head. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:29pm)
«lawrence» (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:29pm)
«lawrence» actually, look at first (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:32pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Gordon destroyer of souls kisses the hand of his beloved brain (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:51pm)
«goovie is married!» ehn (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:52pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Do I have to give someone a proper thrashing for you? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:55pm)
«goovie is married!» how about everyone alive? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:55pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» .oO All I want is a proper cup of coffee, made in a proper copper coffee pot Oo. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:57pm)
«jaye» jaci's an angel. feels the love (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:57pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Jaci...let's run away. Right now. This place doesn't deserve me anymore. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:58pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Gordon destroyer of souls kisses the hand of the loved Jaci (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:59pm)
«jaye» nope. i'm not running away with you. you called me easy. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:59pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I call 'em like I see 'em. And I'm *into* easy chicks. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 2:59pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Hmmph. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:00pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I'll give you one of my Honey BBQ wings... (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:00pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Run away to the Planet of Misfit Toys with me in the mothership. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:01pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Carey's coming too! (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:01pm)
«jaye» i'm allergic to chicken, you goober. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:02pm)
«jaye» i am not a toy (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:02pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» The toys are just a metaphore. I never metaphore I didn't like. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:03pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» .oO I know you must have loved one time, but now I'm just a toy Oo. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:03pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» no e at the end of metaphor (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:03pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I think that if I started a bar, I'd call it "Metaphores." (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:03pm)
«lawrence» metaphors be with you. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:03pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» hmm...that just don't *look* right. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:04pm)
«jaye» i *heart* that song (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:04pm)
«goovie is married!» it would probably look better if gordon bothered to spell it correctly :P (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:04pm)
«jaye» gordon? spell correctly? surely you jest (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:05pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» No, I'm serious. And don't call me "Shirley." (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:06pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Spelling is a societal convention, don't try and put me in a box. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:06pm)
«goovie is married!» gordon's in a box! he's wearing nice socks! he likes bagels and lox! (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:07pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Damn The Man, and damn The Man's spelling conventions. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:07pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Would you, could you, in a box? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:08pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I went to a spelling convention once, spellcon (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:08pm)
«jaye» but you're not a conscientious objector to that convention - you're just lazy. how about that box? :D (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:08pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I'm not lazy. I'm very busy on a molecular level. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:09pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» It's ok as long as the box has a mattres so I can sleep in it. (I didn't misspell Mattress I left the last s off for savings. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:10pm)
«goovie is married!» i heard about that. there was a spelling bee with mark lutz and andy hallet. :P (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:10pm)
«jaye» jaci's an angel. is dizzy on a molecular level (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:10pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Umm..I think Jaci is dizzy on *every* level. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:11pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» damn you, Carey...I hnow have GE&H earwormed. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:13pm)
«jaye» no. i'm a sort of redhead - not blonde. (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:14pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Not only was there a spelling bee but Common Rotation sang Silent E Did you knom that Adam Busch had a band? (Sep 9, 2002 @ 3:14pm)

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