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«Reverend Dude» well, you expected that you wouldn't have to worry about it again, so you didn't (Sep 3, 2002 @ 5:59pm)
«A girl named Becca» ack! if you have drivers and you're "functioning properly," WHY DON'T YOU WORK?!?!?! (Sep 3, 2002 @ 5:59pm)
«Reverend Dude» hope things go better for you, becca. I have to go eat now. talk to you soon (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:00pm)
«A girl named Becca» bon appetit! (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:00pm)
«Reverend Dude» merci (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:00pm)
«A girl named Becca» de rien. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:00pm)
«nate...» and besides... having seen your computer, becca.... all they really had to was yank tcp/ip and reinstall at worst.... more likely just a release/renew. :P (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:00pm)
«A girl named Becca» fine. thank you. but. they didn't. and now they can't make my (expletive deleted) printer function. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:00pm)
«nate...» aww... well, what is it doing? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:01pm)
«A girl named Becca» nothing. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:01pm)
«Cory» hey does anyone no stacey schaffner on here???? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:01pm)
«A girl named Becca»'s the story. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:01pm)
«A girl named Becca» i downloaded the drivers. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» check. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» installed them. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» check. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» went to "add printer." (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» browsed for printer. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» selected printer. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» was told it couldn't be installed. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» called it people. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:02pm)
«A girl named Becca» it people told me to uninstall everything and start over. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» i did so. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» downloaded/installed drivers again. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» went to "add printer." (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» browsed for printer. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«nate...» when you're adding the printer, does it give you a "have disk" option? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» discovered that it's not on the list. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» yes. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» i'm getting there. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«nate...» okay.. *waits* (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» called it people back. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» they said essentially what you just did. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«A girl named Becca» i went to device manager, found the location of the drivers, put it in as the location in the have disk thing...and got nothing. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:04pm)
«A girl named Becca» there were 4 files...3 said the location had nothing dealing with my hardware, one paused and then nothing happened. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:04pm)
«A girl named Becca» tried to email xerox support...but...the exact purchase date is *required* to send the form. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:05pm)
«A girl named Becca» and i don't know it. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:05pm)
«nate...» *nods* (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:05pm)
«A girl named Becca» this is the end of the story. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:06pm)
«nate...» ahh.. this is a USB printer, yah? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:06pm)
«A girl named Becca» yup. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:06pm)
«A girl named Becca» or, it can be, and i'm using it as one. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:06pm)
«nate...» did you plug it in before or after you restarted? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:06pm)
«nate...» (and, you're running windows 98, yah?) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:07pm)
«A girl named Becca» i plugged it in before i even turned the 'puter on...and have unplugged and replugged it several times during this process (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:07pm)
«A girl named Becca» (and, yes.) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:07pm)
«nate...» try this(if you haven't already..) unplug from USB.... "uninstall" using device manager.... reboot system twice.... then once it is FULLY booted, ie, HD not doing anything... plug in to USB port... it should say that it found new hardware, etc. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:08pm)
«A girl named Becca» ok (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:08pm)
«A girl named Becca» sounds like stuff that i've done...but i didn't reboot twice in a row on. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:09pm)
«nate...» of course, make sure the printer is on before you plug it back in. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:09pm)
«A girl named Becca» right (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:09pm)
«A girl named Becca» back soon (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:09pm)
«nate...» okies (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:09pm)
«nate...» yeah, 98 SOMETIMES requires two full reboots to completely drop usb drivers due to the poor usb support.... 98 first edition had bugger all for usb.... 98SE was n'kay... but glitchy as hell. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:10pm)
«Shelly» hongry (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:21pm)
«nate...» uh huh (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:22pm)
«Shelly» well then, make me some food, boy! ;) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:24pm)
«nate...» yes ma'am! *fetches the grits* (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:25pm)
«Shelly» Shell-infamous princess actually -likes- grits. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:25pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» umm...grits? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:26pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» That's something I never *did* acquire a taste for while I was in KC. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:26pm)
«Shelly» why have i been earwormed since friday with o/' cheer-lea-ders drive ca-ma-ros..cheer-lea-ders don't date geeks o/' ???? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:27pm)
«Shelly» heh..and me...up north here in yankee territory -likes- them... (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:28pm)
«Shelly» abby called me a yankee the other day *pout* damn southerners!! (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:28pm)
«jaye» argh!!!!!!!!!!! why is my cd player being EVIL????? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:28pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Shelly: I think it's a brain tumor. :-) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:28pm)
«Shelly» the earworm is a brain tumor? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:29pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» on the bright side, though, maybe you'll get superpowers like John Travolta in Phenomenon (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:29pm)
«Shelly» or did you mean the grits thing is a brain tumor. mebbe it also factors into my -supposed- southern accent... (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:30pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Umm...actually was referring to the earworm, but it could all be part of a larger syndrome. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:31pm)
«Shelly» 'doector..i have a brain tumor that makes me crave southern foods....and speak in a southern accent...can you HELP me???' (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:31pm)
«nate...» you are in the deep south...... I mean, you're further down than CT, for cryin out loud! (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:31pm)
«Shelly» ok, PA is SO not the deep south!!! hell, VA is MUCH deeper than we are. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:32pm)
«lawrence» HEY! (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:33pm)
«lawrence» we are not the south. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:33pm)
«nate...» as I said, anything south of the MA/CT border is the south. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:33pm)
«nate...» so thehre. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:33pm)
«nate...» err... "there" (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:33pm)
«Shelly» well, neither are -we-, lawrence..nate is just a dumb yankee (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:33pm)
«jaye» whatever. i'm from seattle - you're -all- south to me (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:34pm)
«lawrence» it has been my lifelong dream to leave this godawful state and move to a place where the prevailing attitude is NOT "The South will rise again." (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:34pm)
«nate...» lawrence: I say do it! :) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:34pm)
«lawrence» ok, are you willing to hire me, then, for at least what I'm making now with the same benefits? :) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:35pm)
«nate...» if what you're making is $5 a week, and the benefits are "couch to sleep on"... then yes, I will hire you as a housecleaner. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:36pm)
«nate...» ;) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:36pm)
«lawrence» I'll take that as a 'no.' :) (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:36pm)
«jaye» hrm. that sounds like an improvement to me. where do i apply? (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:37pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» mmmm...couch.... (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:37pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Line forms to the left, Jaci. :-� (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:37pm)
«nate...» hehe (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:38pm)
«Shelly» heh...and i'd like to be IN your state, lawrence..or at least closer to it...buit that's not coz of 'the south shall rise again' philosophy (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:38pm)
«lawrence» ugh. VA is a hellhole. you don't want to live here. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:39pm)
«lawrence» the state is totally broke because of the stupid "No car tax" thing, and while it's nice to not have to pay as much personal property tax on my car, it means things like education and transportation are getting cut a lot. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:39pm)
«nate...» that sucks... :( (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:40pm)
«nate...» unfortunately, it seems the only way education gets funding is through taxes..... (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:40pm)
«lawrence» yeah. it was really shortsighted on the Governor's part - he ran on it and was elected on it, though. and he got to 70% and then hit so much resistance he couldn't do the other 30%. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:40pm)
«lawrence» but still tried. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:40pm)
«lawrence» he wanted to make the state MORE broke, apparently. (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:40pm)
«nate...» hence... places like NH.... where education and any kind of culture is non-existant.... (Sep 3, 2002 @ 6:41pm)

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