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«Shelly» {but he -is- manic!!!} (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:27pm)
«Shelly» o/' just a-noth-er man-ic mi-key (ahhh ahhh ahhh) o/' (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:28pm)
«Misch» Ack... the kiddies have returned... I can feel the school's network slowing down already. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:31pm)
«nate...» irish tenor... is that anything like an irish setter? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:32pm)
«Shelly» tater---*HUGGGSSSSSSS* and, -no- he is NOT like an irish setter (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:33pm)
«Shelly» i used to -have- an irish setter..she was calmer :) (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:34pm)
«John J. Ryan» I thought Clem was an Amish tenor :) (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:36pm)
«goovie is married!» duuuude, stephen kellogg at jammin' java 9/13. *bounce* (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:38pm)
«Shelly» will he be bringing cereal? *runs* (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:39pm)
«goovie is married!» i wonder if i can get stephen for my birthday. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:39pm)
«Shelly» mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjamminjava........ (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:39pm)
«Shelly» /me *thwap*s the lurking grrrrrrrrrroDANdan, just coz she -can- (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:40pm)
«goovie is married!» hee. how shallow am i? i don't even like his music that much. i just think he's a cutie. :P (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:41pm)
«Shelly» heh (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:41pm)
«Shelly» everyone please note that on care's bday wishlist stephen kellog has been added (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:41pm)
«Shelly» {please don't forget andrew kerr, murray foster, and, of course, gregory :) } (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:42pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hands of his beloved brain and his evil queen (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:42pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Hey I want to Marry Stephan too, it's on your quote page. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» He's very cool, he should let Andrew Kerr write his music (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«goovie is married!» i'd rather have david for my bday than andrew. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«goovie is married!» can i have david for my birthdya?? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» No he has a girlfriend (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» and you have some guy in chicago (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«goovie is married!» no, i don't have andrew. or john prine. or oliver. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» There's that fake david guy. You know, the one on drugs. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:47pm)
«goovie is married!» mmmmmfakedavid (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:48pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah, the same drugs you're on. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:49pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» mmmmimmodium (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:49pm)
«goovie is married!» now if only realdavid would put his september schedule up (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:50pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» He's waiting to hear from Rod (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:51pm)
«goovie is married!» rod already emailed him (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:52pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» but they still have to find a date where they are both free for the goovie is the queen of everything concert. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:53pm)
«goovie is married!» oooh. sounds fun. i suggest my birthday. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:55pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Can I come? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:58pm)
«goovie is married!» yes, but you aren't invited to the orgy (Aug 29, 2002 @ 12:59pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» No fair I invited you to mine. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:01pm)
«goovie is married!» *snort* (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:01pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me slips Carey a roofie (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:02pm)
«goovie is married!» *thwap* (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«jaye» wow. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«nate...» cow. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«nate...» bow. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«nate...» pow. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«nate...» FoW (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hand of Jaci (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«nate...» vow. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Want a roofie Jaci? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«jaye» mmmFoW. :D (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«jaye» gordon. you're a creep. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I was just being polite. I didn't want you to feel left out. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:08pm)
«goovie is married!» *nod* he's a creep. let's excommunicate him. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:09pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You mean I'm in communion now? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:10pm)
«jaye» not with me you're not (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:11pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» boo hoo (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:11pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I'm going to cry till I'm in communion with you. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:12pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I'll go to confession. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:12pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» eat the host----ess cupcake (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:12pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I'll make the sacrimental whine. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:13pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Gordon is weird. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:15pm)
«goovie is married!» you're just figuring this out? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:15pm)
«jaye» that's an understatement (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:15pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You mean Gordon Elgart right? Not moi. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:15pm)
«goovie is married!» i think he meant gordon korman. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:16pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Well he's Canadian, so of course he's weird (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:16pm)
«goovie is married!» aack. so restless. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:17pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I meant the BNL album, actually. ;-) (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«goovie is married!» mmmm...cake. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Do you mean the band cake? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Gordon: "I love you."/ Carey: "That cake looks really good." (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«jaye» /me is quite fond of the band cake, actually (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» .oO Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year Oo. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Shannon loves the band, so does my friend Lauren (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I actually love both instances of the word. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«goovie is married!» i like the band cake, too. but i was referring to the really yummy chocolate cake in the kitchen. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«jaye» i've seen them live twice. they rock. also they do awesome covers. such as willie, above. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I have yummy cake in my kitchen, the one that Lisa brought (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:23pm)
«jaye» mmmchocolate (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:23pm)
«goovie is married!» mmmlisacake (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«goovie is married!» i'm guessing the cake that neal and i made is long gone :) (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» that's a cover? I never knew that. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«renita» mm cake. both edible and the band :) (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«goovie is married!» hmm. according to fhdc, it's not raining anymore. i should brave the cold and go outside for a bit. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«jaye» it's willie nelson. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» that was gone before all you people left. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Wow. Jaci is just *full* of wondrous knowledge. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«jaye» i -think-, anyway (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Cold? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Hmmm... (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah. 'tis cold here. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«goovie is married!» i figured as much. i seem to remember eating a lot of it, myself. :P (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» how cold is cold? (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I mostly just assume that the first artist I hear perfoming a song is the author. :-) (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I was *blown away* to hear that Jimmy Buffet didn't write "Uncle John's Band" (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I still need to find the Greatful Dead version, actually. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«jaye» willie nelson writes everything, just no one knows it ;) (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» .oO God damn, I declare. Have you seen the light? Oo. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«goovie is married!» hee. 66 degrees. we're wusses here in md. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Willie Nelson is great. Anyone who appears in a Kinky Friedman mystery is just fine by me. (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«jaye» i have yet to read a kinky friedman mystery (Aug 29, 2002 @ 1:32pm)

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