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«John J. Ryan» An arena show with Fruvous, EFO, Nields (Old full band), Great Big Sea, DVN, Ben Folds Five (Reunited, playing his solo stuff also), and TMBG (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:47pm)
«John J. Ryan» Half the songs being songs they never pull out or rarely pull out (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:48pm)
«Shelly» *sniffle* nields full band...... (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:48pm)
«lawrence» eeeew, not an arena. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:48pm)
«lawrence» and honestly, I really don't think David Nields would play a show again for *any* price. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:48pm)
«John J. Ryan» Arena with floor being general admission standing? (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:48pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» just no ani, please ;-) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:48pm)
«lawrence» I'd rent out the Birchmere. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:48pm)
«Shelly» springsteen, john? (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:49pm)
«John J. Ryan» Yeah! (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:49pm)
«Shelly» YAY BIRCHMERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:50pm)
«jaye» /me keeps reading that as "gordon lost 50 pounds". and is jealous.; (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:50pm)
«John J. Ryan» Geez, people have been camping out for Springsteen shows the night before to get up front. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:50pm)
«John J. Ryan» That's almost 24 hours of waiting. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:50pm)
«lawrence» and if GBS were there, I'd make them leave their drummer in Newfoundland. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:50pm)
«Shelly» /me *says a 'please let lawrence win the lottery' chant* (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:50pm)
«jaye» i camped out for a show once - don't have to do that again. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:51pm)
«John J. Ryan» How abot a compromise Lawrence. Wolf Trap? (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:51pm)
«lawrence» too big. how many people were you planning to invite?! (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:51pm)
«lawrence» wait a minute. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:51pm)
«lawrence» it's my show! I get to pick the venue and the audience. :) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:51pm)
«jaye» yeah. that's what i was gonna say - it's lawrence's money ;) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:51pm)
«jaye» if you want an arena show, john, you have to win the lotto yourself ;) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:52pm)
«Shelly» word. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:52pm)
«Shelly» /me likes wolf trap ok, but would prefer the birchmere, so i side with lawrence (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:53pm)
«John J. Ryan» I guess that's part of my dream of having all my fav bands in one place. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:53pm)
«lawrence» I'm not planning on having 6700 people there. just... a few friends. :) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:53pm)
«John J. Ryan» At an arena show where EVERYONE loves them. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:53pm)
«John J. Ryan» Of course, be careful what you wish for... (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:53pm)
«lawrence» no no, this show isn't for the bands it's for me. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:53pm)
«John J. Ryan» Selfish, aren't we? :) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:54pm)
«lawrence» it's my money! or it will be. or it should be. or something. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:54pm)
«Shelly» jaci's HIS money! (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:54pm)
«Shelly» and again, i say, word. old skool. *throws down the dope pose* (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:55pm)
«John J. Ryan» Apparently, the guy who has Barry Bonds #600 is being sued for the money he's going to get for selling it. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:55pm)
«John J. Ryan» His "friends" claim that they were part of a scheme to split the "winnings" for selling the ball, and now the guy who has it wants it all to himself. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:57pm)
«John J. Ryan» Once again, the only people getting the money will be the lawyers. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:57pm)
«John J. Ryan» So Lawrence, be careful if you do win the lottery. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:57pm)
«Shelly» /i has no clue what y'all are talking aboot... (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«John J. Ryan» If you win, dissappear off the face of the earth until you are sure no one else can touch the money. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«lawrence» heh. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'm serious. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«Shelly» /i hasn't been hip to the sports jive lately... (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«John J. Ryan» Green-eyed monsters appear everywhere. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«lawrence» eh, don't worry about it. no one will be able to touch it from the beginning. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«John J. Ryan» Shelly, it happened with Barry Bond's home run #73 last year. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:58pm)
«Shelly» well. except -you- of course :) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:59pm)
«lawrence» well, yeah. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:59pm)
«John J. Ryan» the guy who first touched the ball and the guy who came up with it eventually sued each other over possession of the ball. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:59pm)
«beth-pseudocanuck!» too. much. time. on. their. hands. (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:59pm)
«lawrence» for one, if I won, I wouldn't really make it public - and I'm *hard* to find, even if you just know my name and city (which is all the lottery would make public) (Aug 21, 2002 @ 11:59pm)
«Shelly» well, we could find you--we'd just look here :P (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:00am)
«lawrence» yes, but I'm not worried about you I'd be worried about random people I don't know. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:00am)
«Shelly» /me snickers and thinks aboor friday night at frucon teehee (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:00am)
«Shelly» aboot even (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:00am)
«Shelly»'d suddenly have thousands of friends popping outta the people from HS and college..mebbe even elementary (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:01am)
«John J. Ryan» I was watching hockey night on Friday night a bar in Toronto. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:01am)
«lawrence» yeah! it'd be great! I'd be able to get in touch with all the people I haven't seen in forever. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:01am)
«John J. Ryan» that is very true Shelly. People who wouldn't give you the time of day in the past would suddenly become "Hey old buddy old pal..." (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«lawrence» and I'd be perfectly nice to them, and "No, you can't have my money." (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«Shelly» zacktly, john! (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«John J. Ryan» "Could you loan me $50,000 for this project..." (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«John J. Ryan» "Oh you won't? YOU SUCK!" (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«Shelly» hehee..wtg lawrence!! (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«Shelly» oh no. earworm. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«lawrence» plus, if I spend all the money, there'll be none left for people to try to get at. :) (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:03am)
«Shelly» o/' there is a man..who won the lottery o/' (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:03am)
«John J. Ryan» "And bought everyone a Fruvous concert" (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:03am)
«Shelly» EVERYBODY!!! o/' way to go law-rence o/' (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:04am)
«jaye» *blink* the banner ad i just got on d*land says "i am NOT eddie's concubine" (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:04am)
«Shelly» heehee..really? (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:04am)
«John J. Ryan» * Double take * WHAT?! (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:04am)
«lawrence» dammit, now I'm hitting reload until I see it. :) (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:04am)
«John J. Ryan» All I see is the Gold banner. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:05am)
«John J. Ryan» Which diary is it? (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:07am)
«jaye» this one (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:08am)
«jaye» she's not on the efo ring or anything, either (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:08am)
«Shelly» /me *hearts* jaci (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:09am)
«Shelly» {though i wanna see the banner} (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:10am)
«soul groove feline» ooooh, I *heart* jaci too! can i join the club? (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:11am)
«Shelly» everybody loves jaci. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:12am)
«jaye» um? what? why? huh? what club? (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:12am)
«jaye» i got a lot of love already today. i don't think i can handle any more (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:13am)
«Shelly» the 'it's all about jaci' club!!! (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:13am)
«John J. Ryan» I love Jaci (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:13am)
«soul groove feline» precisely. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:13am)
«Shelly» a club specifically fashioned for the praise and worship of you and your needs :) (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:13am)
«soul groove feline» fiiiiiine. Jaci doesn't want my love then. (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:13am)
«Shelly» see..we already have 3 members! (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:14am)
«Shelly» hmmph. then what stacey said. no love from the PNW man, no love... (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:14am)
«John J. Ryan» Time for bed. DVN tomorrow! (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:16am)
«soul groove feline» g'night John!!! *hugs* (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:17am)
«jaye» wow. i'm torn between scared and flattered ;) (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:17am)
«jaye» g'night john =) (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:17am)
«John J. Ryan» Night! (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:17am)
«Shelly» heehee...the madmen (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:21am)
«jaye» jian is getting no love *grin* (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:32am)
«lawrence» does he ever? (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:33am)
«soul groove feline» Lawrence, I'm surprised at you!!! ;) (Aug 22, 2002 @ 12:38am)

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