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«Michael (foof) Maki» and, again, it'll LOOK like I'm valuing wealth and shallow beauty over substance and love, but at the last minute, you see that I've just been toying with the society woman. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:15pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» and then the credits roll with some cheesy 80s soft-rock ballad (think "Waiting for a Star to Fall") plays. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:16pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» (and apparently, the audience will be stunned into silence) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:17pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *APPLAUSE!!!* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:18pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» ...or perhaps empty. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:18pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» /me claps wildly (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:18pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Thanks, Kevin. :-) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:18pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» :0) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:18pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» foof... I should prolly think about taking lunch today. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:21pm)
«jaye» lunch is overrated (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:24pm)
«jaye» /me kicks d*land (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:26pm)
«lawrence» ok, that was amusing. they just carded me at the 7-11 as I tried to cash in a lottery ticket for $2. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:36pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» heh (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:36pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» The meal itself is overrated. The getting away from the office is positively necessary. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:36pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» lawrence: is that a martin? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:37pm)
«lawrence» I assume you mean my guitar? yes. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:38pm)
«jaye» oh, see, i don't leave my desk at lunch. maybe that's the difference (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:38pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» which one? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:38pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» (model) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:38pm)
«lawrence» d-28. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:38pm)
«lawrence» wonderful instrument. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:38pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Sweet! Jackie Brown is finally out on DVD. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:39pm)
«lawrence» rarely loses its tune, like.. veer. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:39pm)
«lawrence» er, ever. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:39pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» hmm, i'll have to look at it (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:39pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i think im going to g. center soon (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:39pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» *shakes head* it sure isnt a taylor :0P (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» just joshing :0) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:40pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» /me plays a taylor (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:41pm)
«lawrence» heh. Taylor makes great guitars, too, but I'm partial to Martin. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:42pm)
«lawrence» I played a few of each when I bought mine and liked the D-28's tone a little better. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:42pm)
«lawrence» it has great balance. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:42pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i dont think i've ever played a d 28 (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:42pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i like the scale on my taylor a lot better than on the 28 (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:43pm)
«lawrence» but I think if I were to get a second one (like one with a cutaway that allowed me to play higher) I'd consider a Taylor (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:43pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» the guitar that's being built for me is a 25 (martin scale) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:44pm)
«lawrence» I don't think I'm quite sure what you mean by "scale" in this case.... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:44pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» long the fretboard is (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«lawrence» ah, ok. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» ya (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» it's... longer i think on a taylor (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«lawrence» does that normally include unreachable frets? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» its the length of the entire fretboard (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«lawrence» ok (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i think... i could be way off (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i'll measure and tell you... gimme a click (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:46pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» it's nut to saddle (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:47pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» im super excited about my new guitar... it has a few more frets to be set, the bridge needs to be put on, and the neck needs to be set (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:49pm)
«lawrence» ah. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:49pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» oh, and it needs the fret markers (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:49pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» it's like, right between a taylor and a martin, stylistically (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:50pm)
«lawrence» well, it doesn't really *need* them, does it? :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:50pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» hehe, no, but who am i to turn down green abalone? :0) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:50pm)
«lawrence» heh (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:50pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» and the tuners im getting areso choice (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» whoops (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» whoopsare so* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» ugh... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» are (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» so (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:51pm)
«lawrence» hrm. Mars doesn't seem to sell Taylors at all. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:52pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» yeah, i dont think they do (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:52pm)
«lawrence» I need to decide what to get next - a 12 string acoustic or a fretless bass. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:53pm)
«lawrence» probably the bass, 'cause I'm sick of using a simulator. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:53pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» you should just go all the way and get an upright (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:53pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» they're sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«lawrence» I don't have space for an upright. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«lawrence» I also don't know how to play it. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«lawrence» (although I'd assume it's fairly similar, just at a different angle) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» *shrug* can't be that different (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» yeah (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» what kind of music do you play? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:54pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» ...and we're back to Jim Creeggan... yay full-circle. :-) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:55pm)
«lawrence» mostly acoustic folky stuff. I haven't written any of my own songs yet, though (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:55pm)
«lawrence» I've got an entire CD's worth of covers, though. <sigh> if I put half as much effort into writing as I did playing other people's songs, I'd have like... a ton of original material to work with. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:55pm)
«lawrence» hrm. actually, now I'm not so sure about the "acoustic folky" part. most of my recordings also include electric guitar. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:56pm)
«lawrence» oh yeah, and that punk arrangement I did of one song... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:56pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» can i hear any of it? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:57pm)
«lawrence» it's not online yet... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:57pm)
«lawrence» I've learned a lot about mixing and recording over the past couple of years, and my early stuff is way inferior to the more recent stuff, so I'm going back and redoing all the tracks I'm not happy with (i.e. all of them) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:58pm)
«lawrence» I think I'll get back to working on Down from Above tonight, although the arrangement isn't really any different from theirs (which makes it less fun) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:59pm)
«lawrence» god, I don't even know if I remember how to play the bass part. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 3:59pm)
«lawrence» I also need to count the beats again at the end of each half-verse. there's been some debate as to whether I got that right or not the first time. :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:01pm)
«John J. Ryan» I need to at some point and backing harmonies :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:01pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» .oO These little secrets are dying to be heard. Oo. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:01pm)
«John J. Ryan» add backing (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:01pm)
«John J. Ryan» Of course, that would entail a trip to Virginia (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:02pm)
«lawrence» John - DfA is one of the few Fruvous songs where all the parts are in my range. :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:02pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» blargh, i wish i could sing (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:03pm)
«John J. Ryan» Okay, I'll give that one to you. :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:04pm)
«John J. Ryan» Although we did some great harmonizing to "The Gates" while waiting on line last week (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:04pm)
«lawrence» actually, I'm going to add some... dunno if there's a term for it... where I hit the base of my palm against the body of the guitar as I play the chords.... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:04pm)
«lawrence» that was fun. singing like... all the cool DVN songs. :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:04pm)
«lawrence» I think we scared people, too. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:06pm)
«John J. Ryan» And all the TMBG fans were looking at us like "huh?" (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:06pm)
«John J. Ryan» Batnose. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:06pm)
«John J. Ryan» Well, if you start a singalong within a TMBG crowd as opposed to a Fruvous crowd, which singalong will sound better? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«lawrence» TMBG crowd - don't really need to worry about harmonies. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«John J. Ryan» Shana can do harmonies very well. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 4:13pm)

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