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«lawrence» that's also illegal in most states, and with good reason. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:19pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» what?! im dating (and not sleeping with) a 16 year old! and im 16! (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:19pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» dont ew me! (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:19pm)
«lawrence» that's different. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:19pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» ew my loser friend (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:19pm)
«lawrence» you're the same age. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:19pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i'd like to hear andrea's full assessment of the situation (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:20pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» just because i dont get it... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:20pm)
«Andrea Krause» My full assessment? He was more immature than I was. :) Definitely a mistake...but not on the skeevy older man plane. *shrug* He was too geeky to be predatory. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:21pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I donb't think I agree with you, Andrea. And *awful* lot of maturing happens between 14 and 18... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:21pm)
«Andrea Krause» Hehe I think he's married (though maybe divorced by now) with kids now. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:21pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» and you can be an immature sexual predator (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:22pm)
«lawrence» don't most sexual predators lack the maturity to realise it's wrong? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:22pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Or, rather *should* happen. If the guy is somehow on the same level at 18 as he was at 14, he's got bigger problems than his girlfriend. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:22pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» thats what im saying (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:22pm)
«Andrea Krause» I'm not arguing I think it's right. Though I am of the opinion that if it's a freshman-senior spread it's not that bad...I don't know. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:22pm)
«Andrea Krause» I'm just sayin'....shades of gray... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:23pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» i get e-mails all the time inviting to me see a freshman-senion spread. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:23pm)
«lawrence» oh dammit, Andrea. you had to say that, didn't you? :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:23pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» that acutally seems to be the female approach to the situation (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:23pm)
«lawrence» damn earworm. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:23pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Paul: Heh. As always, your contribution was vital to the conversation. :-) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:24pm)
«Andrea Krause» paul wouldn't you agree Steve was way too immature to be a threat? *grin* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:24pm)
«John J. Ryan» I get a different earworm when I see Shades of Gray. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:25pm)
«Andrea Krause» I don't know. I believe it's somewhat true that girls mature faster and therefore can match up better with older guys in the teen years. But I also know a lot of girls THINK they're more mature than (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:25pm)
«Andrea Krause» they really are. It's a tough call. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:26pm)
«lawrence» a lot of guys also think that younger girls are more mature than they really are.... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:26pm)
«lawrence» and unfortunately, that works against both of them in a situation like that. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:26pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» or they know that they arent mature, and take advantage of it (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:26pm)
«nate...» dear lord... who voted for bobby flay?? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:27pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i dont know, but what aggervates me more is the lack of intrest in the food network! (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:27pm)
«nate...» kevin: yeah, agreed. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:27pm)
«nate...» though, my tv watching on the weekends is pretty much equally split between TVFN/HGTV/TLC (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:28pm)
«Andrea Krause» Age has just never mattered much to me. *shrug* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:28pm)
«jaye» /me wanted an "anyone -but- bobby flay" option (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:28pm)
«nate...» jaci: exactly! (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:28pm)
«lawrence» basically my only rule now really is "over 18 is good enough for me." :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:28pm)
«jaye» and that was on the basis of that iron chef rematch. wishing i wasn't american that day, lemme tell ya (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:28pm)
«nate...» amen to that, jaci... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:29pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» you guys are missing the glory of what is the style channel though (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:29pm)
«lawrence» this is a TV thing, right? no wonder I have no idea what you're all talking about. :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:29pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» fashion emergency is on! (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:30pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Yeah, only watch election coverage and the occasional PBS special... we know. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:30pm)
«lawrence» actually, no. I watch like... nothing during the summer. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:31pm)
«lawrence» Simpsons and MitM are all reruns. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:31pm)
«lawrence» and Red Dwarf is only on at weird hours. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:31pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» hehe (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:31pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» red dwarf rules (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:31pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» we NEED the help of fashion emergency (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:32pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» la la la (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:32pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» silly college girls (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:32pm)
«lawrence» I have no idea where Michael gets his information. but I would assume he thinks that was supposed to be somehow a put down. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:32pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Enhh. Just projecting my insecurities on your statement, Lawrence. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:33pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» man, this girl on fashion emergency is the shit (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:34pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i wish i had cash to blow like that (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:34pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» *harumpf* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:34pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i saw the coolest 50's vintage bowling shirt online yesterday, but it was 125 (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:35pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» mint condition (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:35pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» argh (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:35pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» this (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:37pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» oh, cool. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:37pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» quality vinatge clothes are too expensive :0( (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:38pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» the only cheap thing is those "vintage style" t shirts (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:38pm)
«lawrence» this is why they make fake vintage clothes. :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:38pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» and i cant find the one i want (the one that camron wore in ferris with the med symbol on it) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:38pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» yeah, i know (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:39pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i love my fake vintage :0) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:39pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» .oO When Cameron was in Egypt land...let my Cameron go Oo. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:42pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» mmm...Alan Ruck... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:42pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» heh (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Andrea Krause» that was running through my head too, babe :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» you know what's another good alan? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» who's* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» alan cumming (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i *heart* him (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:43pm)
«Andrea Krause» agreed (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«Andrea Krause» And alan rickman...*drool* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» alan rickman... (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«Andrea Krause» And alan alda!! (just kidding) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» the guy in dogma? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:44pm)
«Andrea Krause» yep (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«lawrence» alan rickman is creepy and evil. well, ok, at least his most recent memorable role is creepy and evil. :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«nate...» alan alda was in dogma??? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» harry potter? (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«lawrence» yeah (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» heh (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:45pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» i liked that movie (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«Andrea Krause» he's had some adorable and sweet roles. They're just not his flashiest. :) And hey, I'd do him even when he's being creepy and evil! :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» *shudder* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«nate...» *laughs* (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«lawrence» oh, I liked the movie, too, there are just some characters I didn't really care for. (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«nate...» alan rickman is a god-like being (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«lawrence» (and really, some of the characters only get worse as the books progress :) (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:46pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» of course he's god like, he's metatron! (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:47pm)
«A girl named Becca» YAY alan rickman!!!!!!! (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:49pm)
«A girl named Becca» /me swoons (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:49pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» hehe (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:50pm)
«Kevin - King of WiFi» silly girls (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:50pm)
«A girl named Becca» /me hearts alan rickman (Aug 20, 2002 @ 12:50pm)

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