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«Talcott» That's ok, we all were/are. Just remember, you're cool here, where it matters! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:57pm)
«soul groove feline» except it means I can wear and do whatever I want coz I have nothing to lose socially, so it's kinda cool... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:57pm)
«soul groove feline» I'm SO lucky I found this place. I still can't believe I can even be considered cool. thanks :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:58pm)
«Talcott» exactly! If I could do it again, I'd make myself more of an outcast, not less (as-is, I was happy being out of the maingroups, but never took full advantage of it) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:59pm)
«John J. Ryan» As long as you are not a mean person, you should be considered cool. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:00pm)
«John J. Ryan» There is a lot of pressure in the "main group" as well. They have to strive to be accepted, and will go to great lengths to do so. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:00pm)
«Talcott» right, which is another reason I never wanted anything to do with it. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:01pm)
«soul groove feline» it's ridiculous. I'm considered ugly and an outcast because I don't dress like them and fit their standards of beauty (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:01pm)
«John J. Ryan» And as everyone in the main group feels the same way, the pressure just builds and builds as everyone tries as hard as the next person to "fit in" (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:01pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» See also: my profile. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:02pm)
«John J. Ryan» So in that regard, yes it is easier just to say "Forget, I choose not to fit in." and all the pressure is gone. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:02pm)
«soul groove feline» yeah. it's so like that at my school. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«John J. Ryan» Well put Mike. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«Talcott» oooh, nice alliteration! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:03pm)
«John J. Ryan» I hope my kids will understand that as well. Don't try to fit in, just be yourself whatever it may be, don't be mean to others, and don't do stuff because others are doing it. Be your own person. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:04pm)
«soul groove feline» I think I'm gonna stop trying at all this year...I don't really care anymore, especially after FRFF and seeing beautiful and such :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:04pm)
«John J. Ryan» FRFF is what being your own person is all about. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«Talcott» Trust me, highschool is a lot more fun if you ignore the social (but still leave yourself open to meet good people) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:05pm)
«Talcott» It gives you more time to read too :D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«soul groove feline» before I went there, I never really thought -me- could be liked. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«soul groove feline» to FRFF, I mean. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«nate...» you is liked, stacey. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:06pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Ugh. I'd forgotten how much mosquito bites *itch*! <scratch, scratch> (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«soul groove feline» awwwwww.....*warm fuzzy feeling* thanks, Nate :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«Misch» /me passes the cortisone cream to michael. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:07pm)
«iPauley» *staceyschnuggles* :-D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:08pm)
«soul groove feline» whee!!! *pauleyschnuggles* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:08pm)
«soul groove feline» actually, the thing I hate most about high school is the age discrimination. grrrr. argh. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:09pm)
«nate...» yeah, discrimination in general sucks donkeys.... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:09pm)
«Talcott» yeah...that's one of the things l love about college, most (good) profs. consider you a peer (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:10pm)
«Misch» age discrimination? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:10pm)
«soul groove feline»'re considered inferior to everyone who's only 1, 2, or 3 years older than you, regardless of your personality or attitude (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:11pm)
«soul groove feline» the seniors think they're God. and if one of them befriends, or, heaven forbid, *dates* someone younger, they're an automatic outcast (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:12pm)
«nate...» well, only considered inferior by people who aren't worth knowing anyway. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:12pm)
«soul groove feline» occasionally...except that's partly what happened with Ian. he was a senior, and I was a piece of dirt on the highschool floor. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:14pm)
«John J. Ryan» However, people change when college comes around. They get a good kick in the ass, and their personality and outlook on life changes. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:14pm)
«John J. Ryan» At least most people I think. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:14pm)
«John J. Ryan» I fit right in at college from day one. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:15pm)
«iPauley» That's actually a pretty good asskicking in iteslf -- getting busted from a senior back down to a freshman again. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:16pm)
«soul groove feline» ah, yes...I can't wait for some of these seniors to hit college. perhaps they'll renounce their holier than thou attitude. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:16pm)
«Talcott» I can't quite say I fit it right away, but I met cool people the first day there (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:16pm)
«Talcott» Trust me, they will. Either that, or they'll just get bemused glares from the other people who lost theirs ;) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:17pm)
«soul groove feline» I hope I fit in in college, even just a little. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:17pm)
«Talcott» You will. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«iPauley» I agree. you'll do fine. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«Talcott» Any idea what your major is going to me? (I'd guess music, but ya never know)\ (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«Talcott» (also, I don't know how the CA college system works exactly. I know it's not quite the same as the us) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:18pm)
«soul groove feline»'s gonna be music :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«soul groove feline» I was considering English for awhile, but I don't have the patience :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«Talcott» arts programs are almost anyways cool (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«goovie is married!» neglish majors represent! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«Talcott» what patience? :) You could always have tywo majors (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«goovie is married!» english. eep. that was an unfortunate typo. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:20pm)
«nate...» lol! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«goovie is married!» or you could major in one and minor in the other, like i did (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«Talcott» /me gives Carey (and the lurking Jaci) the secret English major handshake (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«Andrea Krause» Tywo Majors...the lost son of Lee Majors and Farrah Fawcett (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«soul groove feline» I like english, but I'm not really into classic literature and all that stuff... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«Andrea Krause» I was an English major...not that I finished college, though...:-/ (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«Talcott» that's true. That's what I did with art and english (although the art minor is what became of my former art major) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«soul groove feline» cool! I didn't know you liked art! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«Drea» *english majors represent* Shakespeare! ;) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«Talcott» Stacey: Then look around for a more contemporary program. Some schools don't focus on the classis much at all. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«soul groove feline» I -hate- shakespeare. yes, I know, I'm a freak. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:23pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I may have finished school had I been an English major... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:23pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah. we only had one required shakespeare class, and one class that covered everything from beowulf thru the romantics. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:23pm)
«Talcott» Actually, I'm not huge on Shakespeare either. He's not bad, but not my favorite (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:23pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» instead of being a stupid CIS major. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«nate...» naw, you're not a freak, I'm not a fan of shakespeare either. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«soul groove feline» I'd love to find a contemporary program. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«goovie is married!» and our program was really flexible. so i ended up knowing ridiculous amounts about 19th century feminist writers and precious little about anything else :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«Andrea Krause» what I like about yoooou (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«Talcott» Carey: That's how my school is, except we have a modern lit class, and an ancient world lit class. No required shakespears (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«goovie is married!» /me likes shakespeare a lot. *hides* :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«Andrea Krause» me too carey (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«Talcott» I don't dislike him, I'd just rather read Vonnegut ;) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«Andrea Krause» MmmmmVonnegut (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«Andrea Krause» He's my man! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:26pm)
«soul groove feline» I don't like him. or, at least I don't like him being forced on me the way he is in english class. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:26pm)
«iPauley» goooooooooovieeeeeeeeeee :-D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:26pm)
«Talcott» I think that's the problem with Shakespeare. He's enforced too much, and usualy the focus is on the wrong details/plays. I just lost interest in him, but I do see why he's so good/important at the same time (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Andrea Krause» which....shakespeare or vonnegut? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«soul groove feline» shakespeare. vonnegut isn't forced on us in class :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Talcott» yeah, I assumed you ment the bard. If vonnegut was forced on you, I'd suddenly have more respect for your school :) (well, not if he was forced....) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«Andrea Krause» vonnegut was my saving grace in school. The only "respected" author I was really into and coult do papers/book reports on. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«soul groove feline» we had to study this book called Watership Down last year. everyone hated it, but I adored it. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«soul groove feline» it was a book about a society of rabbits, used as a political allegory. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«goovie is married!» yeah. i have a problem with studying plays, anyway...i think you really need to see the plays to understand them. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«goovie is married!» *squeal* i loved watership down. i read that freshman year of hs, i think... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«Talcott» I've always wanted to read that (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«soul groove feline» I'm slowly developing a profound hate for theatre. thanks to the way it works at my school. ugh. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Sara Woodward» I had to read Watership Down a long time ago. i remember liking it (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«iPauley» liiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaa! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Talcott» Carey: yeah, that's my other problem with how he's taught. I think the teachers would be better off putting on a video (or even better a field trip) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«goovie is married!» luckily, sister marie michelle felt the same way...after we'd read an act of a play, we'd watch a video of a bbc production. it worked really well. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«Andrea Krause» we took a field trip to see Hamlet on stage in Jr. High. It rocked. Even though JohnBoy was playing Hamlet. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«Talcott» spiffy! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki»'s *so* much easier to understand the words when you see them in context. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Andrea: No *way* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 1:33pm)

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