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«goovie is married!» yay! pics! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:31am)
«goovie is married!» ooh. and neal and i even made it into one of them. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:35am)
«John J. Ryan» I didn't get Stacey in there :( (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:36am)
«John J. Ryan» Or Lori and Steve (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:37am)
«Misch» *yay* pics! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:37am)
«goovie is married!» yeah, i didn't get any pics of stacey or lori or steve, i don't think...i haven't developed mine yet (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:38am)
«goovie is married!» i need to finish up the last roll this weekend (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:39am)
«soul groove feline» I only got about 5 pictures. I was too shy to take any of the dome. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:39am)
«goovie is married!» stacey, i was going to make you pose for a pic with me if i'd been able to find you on sunday. d'oh. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:41am)
«soul groove feline» I tried to find you guys on was impossible! gah. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:42am)
«soul groove feline» we'll get lotsa pics at ShellyCon :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:42am)
«John J. Ryan» Stacey, you will be happy to know the small white seal you gave me is sitting in my car viewable through the rear windshield :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:43am)
«Misch» /me never got his winegums. :-( (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:43am)
«Misch» /me cries pathetically (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:44am)
«John J. Ryan» I didn't even bother with trying to find everyone to say goodbye to. You'd miss all of Sunday trying to do so!!! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:44am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Boy. Not ready for it to be Monday. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:44am)
«soul groove feline» wheee!!! I dinna know if you'd like the being a guy and guys not really liking stuffed animals...but I'm glad you did!!! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:44am)
«John J. Ryan» Perhaps we'll say goodbye to everydome Saturday night at the Budgiedome when those people turn in for bed. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:44am)
«soul groove feline» awwwwwww.....Paul, you'll be happy to know I didn't eat your winegums, they're safely packaged and ready to be mailed at my next mailing spree :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:45am)
«John J. Ryan» I take pride in the fact that I don't have to be 100% macho to be a man. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:45am)
«Misch» :-D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:45am)
«goovie is married!» /me is earwormed with sarah michelle gellar singing "macho man." :P (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:46am)
«Misch» o/~ and he cried... when Wayne Gretzky retired o/~ (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:46am)
«John J. Ryan» Batnose on the Macho Man earworm. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:46am)
«soul groove feline» I admire men like that. there's not enough of them in this world. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:48am)
«John J. Ryan» Thanks Stacey :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:49am)
«soul groove feline» /me is earwormed with "a man has needs" :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:51am)
«goovie is married!» amen to that. for a long time, i didn't think they existed. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:51am)
«John J. Ryan» We do. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:51am)
«soul groove feline» my school, you're not a man if you show any sign of sensitivity or compassion. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:52am)
«John J. Ryan» oO Who makes Steve Gutterberg, a star? We do.... we do.... Oo (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:52am)
«John J. Ryan» I always made such a lousy boy. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:52am)
«soul groove feline» that's why I was surprised when I found Ian, who likes giraffe stuffed animals :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:52am)
«Michael (foof) Maki»'s hard. The trick is to cook it a long time over low heat. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:53am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Thank you folks. I'm here all week. Be sure to tip your server. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:54am)
«soul groove feline» uh, I woulda laughed at the joke, I'm slow brain just didn't get it :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:55am)
«goovie is married!» try the veal! the veal is dankeschoen!...the veal is "thank you"? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:55am)
«soul groove feline» veal is baby cow!!! for some reason, I just can't eat 'em when they're babies. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:56am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» <shrug> eggs are potential chickens... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:57am)
«soul groove feline» yes, but sperm are potential children, and we don't care about them (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:57am)
«Andrea Krause» soylent veal is calves! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:58am)
«Josh Woodward» every sperm is sacred! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:58am)
«Andrea Krause» every sperm is grand (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:58am)
«Andrea Krause» or is that great? :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:58am)
«goovie is married!» oOevery sperm is sacred, every sperm is good...every sperm is needed in your neighborhooooodOo (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:58am)
«Andrea Krause» It's been a long time. Meaning of Life is my least favorite. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:58am)
«goovie is married!» heehee. andrea beat me to it. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Well, it's not that I don't *care*... I just have more important things on my mind when they're present. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«Josh Woodward» they're british, there's no way to tell what the hell it is that they're saying :-D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«goovie is married!» and so did josh. d'oh. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:59am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I like Meaning of Life a lot more since I played the computer game. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:00pm)
«Andrea Krause» british people are funnnny! :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:00pm)
«soul groove feline» sperm are treated unfairly. we trap 'em and kill 'em. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:00pm)
«soul groove feline» like mice. poor little mice. for shame, society. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:01pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me holds back half a dozen comments that keep coming to mind. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:01pm)
«goovie is married!» and some of us steal jewish sperm. which is an unforgivable sin. believe you me. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:01pm)
«goovie is married!» /me hums the wicked witch of the west theme (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» The mice have become brazen. Send more cheese. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«goovie is married!» /me wishes gordon were here so she wouldn't have to do everything herself :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«soul groove feline» sperm thief! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«lawrence» whoa. when did this become TMI wall? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«goovie is married!» the chickens are getting restless (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:02pm)
«goovie is married!» when was this *not* tmi wall? :P (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«soul groove feline» amen to that. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Funny...I don't think I've *ever* stolen sperm...Jewish or no. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:03pm)
«soul groove feline» nope, I've never stolen sperm either. yay. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me zips mouth :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«goovie is married!» hrm. the kitchen smells like death of tuna noodle casserole. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«nate...» ya know those "Elements" drinks they have? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«soul groove feline» /me continues the TMI trend to bug Lawrence :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:04pm)
«soul groove feline» mmmmmm....elements drinks.... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:05pm)
«Misch» :-) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:05pm)
«Andrea Krause» /oO I smell death and tuuuuna Oo. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:05pm)
«nate...» well, A word to the wise.... do NOT get the "turbulence" drink. That is, unless you like sugar water that tastes almost like drinking (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:06pm)
«nate...» lemon/lime skittles.... *shudder* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:06pm)
«nate...» it's NASTY (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:06pm)
«soul groove feline» don't tell me they're made with sperm. in which case, I have stolen some. a lOT. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:06pm)
«soul groove feline» hey! I like the lemon skittles drink! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«nate...» really? ew... it's WAY too sweet for me.... I like some of those elements things... but this one.... ick (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«nate...» and no, I don't believe they make any of them with sperm.... they'd be all milky and viscous. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:07pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» ::koff:: (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:08pm)
«A girl named Becca» sperm are vicious? but...they're so can they attack anything? ;) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:09pm)
«nate...» *laughs* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:09pm)
«soul groove feline» heehee...viscous...of a great viscosity... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:09pm)
«nate...» yeah, go sperm! *breaks out the pom poms * (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:09pm)
«soul groove feline» they're viscous? I always thought they were little jellyfish... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:09pm)
«lawrence» oh man, now *there's* a mental image I didn't need. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«nate...» well, actually, it's the *cough* carrying fluid that's viscous...... but.... enough about that on the wall. *laughs* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«soul groove feline» this is -really- the TMI wall :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«nate...» yeah, seriously. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«nate...» who started this whole sperm thing, anyway?? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:10pm)
«Misch» are there any complaints? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» It was Carey! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«Misch» The chicken, or the egg, nate? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«nate...» sheesh!! carey and her sperm... *shakes head* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«soul groove feline» it was the chicken! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:11pm)
«soul groove feline» it's just can be compared to the human and the womb...the human had to come first to produce and harbor the womb... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:12pm)
«A girl named Becca» no, would be the egg, laid by the predecessor to the chicken on the evolutionary ladder. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:13pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» "Womb" heh. That's a funny word. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 12:13pm)

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