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«iPauley» when you're trying to download music you're hearing on the radio, probably the coolest assistance you can have is the radio station's playlist online. :-P (Aug 5, 2002 @ 2:43am)
«emilie is CRANKY» ahh, there it is (Aug 5, 2002 @ 6:34am)
«emilie is CRANKY» lost my status bar there for a sec :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 6:35am)
«emilie is CRANKY» stupid pooter! do as i tell you! :D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 6:35am)
«Misch» The computer is only as smart as the person using it. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:00am)
«nate...» zing! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Misch» Looks like we're gonna have people sleeping out at the ballpark for a while. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Misch» And it seems that people don't want to talk this morning. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:28am)
«Misch» Fine. Not like I care. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:28am)
«Andrea Krause» It's just one of those mornings. Mondays are ick. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«Andrea Krause» Sometimes when I see Nitsa's name I think of someone I vaguely knew years ago named "Sisty Neen". Weird. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:30am)
«goovie is married!» hmm. my boss was all adamant on friday that i find her and meet with her at 9:30 this morning. hard to do when she isn't in the office. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:31am)
«nitsita» sisty neen.... umm.. ok :D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«Andrea Krause» Well it's the "nee" sound and then the "ist" even though the letters are mixed...and...stuff. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«Andrea Krause» Put up missing person posters Carey. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:40am)
«Misch» "Missing: Paul's mind. Last seen: Dunno. Description: Sanity. If found: Please return to Paul. Big reward offered." (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:46am)
«nate...» mondays are VERY ick... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«iPauley» /me heard about the sleepout yesterday. not hard when I never go anywhere and watch TV all weekend. :-P (Aug 5, 2002 @ 9:58am)
«iPauley» it's 10 AM (do you know where your children are?). and I was awake before that. why. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:00am)
«Shawna login infrequent» It's a holiday here in Canuckland. National Beer Day or something... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:03am)
«Shawna login infrequent» Although some of us still have to work...see you later! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:04am)
«Misch» aa beer would make this morning so much better. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:08am)
«Andrea Krause» blech (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:09am)
«Misch» *feh* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:09am)
«Andrea Krause» alcohol is bad enough but beer is just wretched. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:11am)
«iPauley» "Civic Day," whatever that is. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«goovie is married!» heehee. what andrea said. yarch. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:14am)
«Sara Woodward» I disagree. guinness is a happy drink! :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:15am)
«Sara Woodward» although it is a little early... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:15am)
«Andrea Krause» guiness isn't beer, it's bread. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:16am)
«iPauley» /me has never cared for beer. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:17am)
«goovie is married!» guinness is a good ingredient in soup, i'll give it that. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:17am)
«Andrea Krause» I don't drink at all...but the smell of beer makes me want to retch and when I was little I had a sip of dad's and that was SO gross. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:18am)
«Andrea Krause» wow I'm hungry. durn cereal didn't fill me up enough. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:19am)
«Sara Woodward» i'm originally from WI, i think i'm hard-wired to like beer :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:21am)
«nate...» naw, it's never to early for beer! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:23am)
«nate...» guiness makes a mean beer batter, too. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:23am)
«nate...» /me yawns (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:24am)
«Sara Woodward» yup, beer batter yummy! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:24am)
«Andrea Krause» Heheh yeah my entire family is from WI...they're very beer-loving. Maybe it's because I'm the only one NOT born there that I rebel. *grin* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:28am)
«Shelly» annnnnnnndrea the rebel. now i picture you with a dixie flag...and, of COURSE, a Southern accent ;) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:30am)
«Andrea Krause»'ll have to teach one to me. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:32am)
«Shelly» *innocent look* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:36am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» g'morning, y'all (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:37am)
«Shelly» hey bro!!!! *HUGGGSS* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:37am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Hi, SHelly. How are you? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» /me actually had a good weekend for once. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» went to see Signs with cuteKenny last night. ;-) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Shelly» mmmmmjoaquin (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:41am)
«Shelly» heh...carey and grrrrrodan have brainwashed me; whenever i see 'kenny', i think of hsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«goovie is married!» heeeeeee (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«nate...» AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I dunno...I'm generally not into Joaquin, but he was *hot* in this movie. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:45am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» ugh. I'm mosquito-bit all alove. :-P (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«goovie is married!» aauuggh, why do i have the electric company theme in my head? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I dunno, but I have "The Whole World" by Outkast earwormed. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:49am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I'm kinda hyper this morning. Wonder what that's about. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:49am)
«Shelly» care--s'ok--i was thinking 'hey youu guuuuuuuuuys!!' at FRFF most o' ze veekend..tee hee (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:51am)
«Shelly» /me is currently earwormed with the chorus to 'molinos' (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:51am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» must be because I Love My Job� (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:53am)
«Misch» Thank you, Nate. You've made my day infiniteley better. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 10:54am)
«Misch» /me notes that you need to stick Russell Wolff's new album into a computer for bonus fun :-D (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:00am)
«Misch» there's a bonus video for Ginger Ale on there. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:01am)
«nate...» *nods* it's pretty fun. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:03am)
«nate...» I watched it yesterday. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:03am)
«nate...» It's odd though, there aren't any credits or anything... I was curious about who some of the people in the video were... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:04am)
«goovie is married!» oh yeah. i keep meaning to check that out. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:04am)
«Misch» ya... or the fact that the picture I took is used on the front page of the extras. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:05am)
«Misch» I saw Andy in there. But he's the only one I really recognized. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:05am)
«nate...» I can apparently be a good geek translator... :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:10am)
«nate...» *nods* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:10am)
«Shelly» /me was baaaaaaad and dinna get the russell album....yet...tsk tsk... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:10am)
«nate...» I wanna know who the girl is who's dressed like the hooker... cuz she's also in the dancing around behind russell part.... ;) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:11am)
«goovie is married!» ooh, i'm a geek translator, too. just like kirstin dunst. apparently. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:15am)
«Shelly» but wait--if you're kirsten dunst, does that mean -you-'re playing ^kat^?? *confused* *wink* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:17am)
«goovie is married!» heeheehee (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:18am)
«goovie is married!» no, kirstin's still playing kat and alyson hannigan's still playing me. mmmalysonhannigan. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:18am)
«nate...» playing kat?? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:19am)
«Shelly» {just dont tell jaci---she'll think you're trying to steal tobey from her..and she'll get venegful :) } (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:19am)
«nate...» and.... /me seconds the "mmmalysonhannigan" (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:19am)
«Shelly» -or- vengeful (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:19am)
«Shelly» /me thirds the mmmmalysonhannigan (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:20am)
«goovie is married!» no, i wouldn't dream of stealing tobey from jaci, as long as i get murray and ash. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:20am)
«Shelly» /me loves that we have cornfused the wall once again with our sillyness (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:20am)
«Shelly» {well..or at -least- nate} (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:21am)
«Shelly» mmmmmmmmurray............... (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:21am)
«Joseph» The cornfusing is the worst part. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:22am)
«Andrea Krause» Bah. They just fed us cake. Before lunch. Evil. Sugar rush. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:22am)
«Joseph» Bwahahaha! (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:22am)
«Shelly» oh no!! everyone slow-ly back away from andrea......;) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:22am)
«Joseph» Is she cornfusing again? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:22am)
«Shelly» {especially if she also had a dew. then we should fear her sugar/energy level} (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:23am)
«Shelly» ok..gotta go make a phone call. yay. later peeps. word to your mothers. peace out, yo. *g* (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:24am)
«Andrea Krause» Dew wore off hours're sorta safe. But I'm very sugared up. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:25am)
«goovie is married!» nipples to you, shell :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:25am)
«Misch» nipples? where? (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:26am)
«nate...» THIS continues to amuse me. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:26am)
«goovie is married!» nowhere for you, paul. sorry. :) (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:26am)
«goovie is married!» did you see the article with the panhandler named sabourin and the pedestrian named dicostanzo? heeheehee. (Aug 5, 2002 @ 11:28am)

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