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«Michael (foof) Maki» New "photo"...woot. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:15pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I'm going to cross-stitch it into a sampler. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:16pm)
«jaye» hey. mock not us cross-stitchers :P (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«iPauley» /me (revisiting earlier discussion) will most likely have to leave 14623, but needs to stay in Rochester, NY for job purposes. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:19pm)
«nate...» oh dear...... talk about your typos..... someone in employee services just sent out an email saying the 2nd floor break room is closed due to a leak in the water cooler that is flooding the floor, and (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:21pm)
«nate...» at the end, she typed, "...we apologize for the incontinence." (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» jaci: I'm not mocking you. I'm serious. I think it'd be *hysterical* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«nate...» hahahhaa (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«iPauley» *LOL* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» nate: heh. Maybe that was intentional... I mean, I know HR folk aren't known for their sense of humor, but it's too good to be coincidence. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:22pm)
«Mamalissa!» hah! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:24pm)
«Mamalissa!» perhaps "leak in the water cooler" was a euphamism (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«nate...» no.... it really was.... she's awfully nice.. but she's not witty enough for that to have been on purpose. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«jaye» it'd be pretty. i'm sure my mother would love to see it on a pillow in my living room :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:25pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» ATTENTION!!!! everyone needs to check out my profile, and see the photo of the new nephew!!!! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:26pm)
«iPauley» /me does as he is commanded. ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«iPauley» mmmmm wee person... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» *happysigh* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:27pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» i am SO wired, haven't been to bed before five am for the last week or so!!! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:28pm)
«Mamalissa!» he's adorable! I'm hoping those socks on his hands don't mean he's got feet there... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«Erica: movin' to Ohio!!» no, they had no more mitts andnhe was scratching his face (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«renita» jaci!!! please, plese cross stich that! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:29pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Yeah, I ran it through a cross-stitch pattern maker...the words are hard to read up close, but it looks cool as hell from across the room. :-) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Misch» he was build upside down... his nose runs, and his feet smell. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:30pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Hi, Renita! :-) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«renita» erica, what a sweetie :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«renita» hey michael baby. wanna...? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«goovie is married!» aww, erica, too cute (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I printed it out on our color printer. I'm toying with the idea of hanging it up in my cube. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Renita: Well, DUH. :-) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:31pm)
«renita» heehee :) I wish we had a colour printer here *grin* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:32pm)
«John J. Ryan» Just saw the poll about what you are doing if you are not at FRFF. I bet Lawrence was the one who logged in from FRFF. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:37pm)
«nate...» who else? ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:52pm)
«lawrence» of course. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:55pm)
«John J. Ryan» I win a pony. ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:57pm)
«John J. Ryan» Although technically you were not at FRFF, you were at the hotel a few miles from FRFF. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:58pm)
«lawrence» wHATEver. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:58pm)
«goovie is married!» harem, bagel, smurf :P (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:59pm)
«lawrence» clowns. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:59pm)
«goovie is married!» them, too :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:04pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hand of his beloved brain (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:04pm)
«goovie is married!» *hugs* for gordondondondondon. call me if you need to, dwd. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:07pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Thanks I probably will. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:08pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Now I have to go and take care of business (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:08pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Farewell fair wallers wherever you fare. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:08pm)
«goovie is married!» byeeee (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:08pm)
«Mamalissa!» (new pic of Emily *finally* up. been grappling with the process...) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:15pm)
«Mamalissa!» and with that, I'm going to watch KITH on Comedy Central. Later all! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:15pm)
«iPauley» la de da.......... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:23pm)
«John J. Ryan» New Math by Tom Lehrer is definitely going on my FRFF jam compilation. That is just too funny. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:30pm)
«goovie is married!» heehee. yay neal and lawrence. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:31pm)
«goovie is married!» *scream* so everyone in the front office just went out for ice cream except me. they asked me to do phone duty. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:31pm)
«iPauley» how rude. L( (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:32pm)
«iPauley» crap. :( (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:32pm)
«lawrence» you should leave. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:32pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'm also amazed how they memorized it. That must have taken sometime. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:32pm)
«lawrence» or just "accidentally" miss calls for them. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:32pm)
«goovie is married!» i'm not amazed. they're freaks. it's what they do. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» as long as they bring you some ice cream back. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:33pm)
«goovie is married!» have you heard any of the buffy musical stuff yet? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:33pm)
«goovie is married!» nope. they all came back. i didn't know it was the whole front office til they all paraded in with their bloody ice cream. grr. argh. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:34pm)
«John J. Ryan» Did not record any of the Buffy stuff, or anything on Sunday for that matter. :( (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:34pm)
«goovie is married!» not even the drinking song? awww. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:34pm)
«John J. Ryan» At that point, I was out of tapes. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:34pm)
«iPauley» come in monday morning with ice cream and accidentally dump it onh someone's keyboard. :-P (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:34pm)
«goovie is married!» the drinking song would've beena great way to end the cd. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:34pm)
«John J. Ryan» And I had brought 16 hours worth of tape. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:34pm)
«iPauley» *evilpauley* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:35pm)
«goovie is married!» no, that would be a waste of perfectly good ice cream :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:35pm)
«John J. Ryan» Yeah, and we did it VERY well too. I kept it from going too fast. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:35pm)
«iPauley» good point. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:35pm)
«iPauley» ack. soopid enter key. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:36pm)
«iPauley» oh. never mind. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:36pm)
«John J. Ryan» Just wish I had more time this month to work on this project. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:36pm)
«iPauley» I thought I had double-entered that :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:36pm)
«iPauley» *slowly walks away* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:36pm)
«John J. Ryan» Importing from tape to computer will be the hardest, because I have to guess where the song starts and ends. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:37pm)
«John J. Ryan» Can't listen to what I'm uploading to the computer at the same time. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:37pm)
«iPauley» Y-cable it correctly, and you could connect some headphones. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:38pm)
«John J. Ryan» I think I'll just use the tape counter as a marker. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:43pm)
«John J. Ryan» Plus I have a WAV Editor to fade in and out of selections. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:44pm)
«renita» you know, if anyone wanted to make me a copy of the frff stuff they recorded... well, I certainly wouldn't be offeneded. *hinthint*innocent* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:45pm)
«iPauley» *giggle* *renitahuggles* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:45pm)
«John J. Ryan» * Double that Renita huggle * (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:46pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'll be happy to make copies for everyone. Burning CDs will be the EAST part. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:47pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'll be happy to make copies for everyone. Burning CDs will be the EASY part. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:47pm)
«renita» eek. I'm being huggled! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:47pm)
«renita» ;D *hugs* back for you both :D (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:47pm)
«John J. Ryan» Sorry 'bout that. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:47pm)
«iPauley» why eek!? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:47pm)
«iPauley» heehee :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:47pm)
«renita» cause I'm feeling silly right now ;D (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:48pm)
«iPauley» silly is good :-D (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:48pm)
«John J. Ryan» Okay, if the Drinking Song is not the last song, what should be the closer? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:48pm)
«jaye» yeah, hinthint i wouldn't mind getting a copy either ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:48pm)
«iPauley» hmmmm..... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:50pm)
«John J. Ryan» My vote would be for O My Brother. That sounded really good. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:51pm)
«John J. Ryan» Wow, all these people wanting tapes! Perhaps we should have a setup like that over at BOT! :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:52pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'd be willing to chip in for better recording equipment. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:53pm)

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