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«iPauley» *snort* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 12:30am)
«jaye» wow. mix tape from '96. hee! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:18am)
«jaye» /me sends a smack down email to her mother (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:27am)
«I can see the bunny» you go girl :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:32am)
«jaye» i'm fighting with her about god. it's fun. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:32am)
«I can see the bunny» Oooh - my *favourite* arguement :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:34am)
«jaye» if i read her last email correctly you're lucky you're canadian because she thinks everyone who isn't christian should just move somewhere other than america (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:36am)
«I can see the bunny» eep (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:36am)
«jaye» we started fighting about the pledge of allegiance. of course. but now we've moved on to christian principles blahblahblah (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:36am)
«jaye» i've asked her to show me some support for her . .uh . .assertations (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:37am)
«jaye» which means she'll forward the argument to my brother the future conservative lawyer rather than figuring it out on her own (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:37am)
«I can see the bunny» I always though Christian principles were supposed to be based on tolerence - silly me (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:37am)
«jaye» that's one of the questions i asked in this message =) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:37am)
«jaye» i didn't know that compassion meant "if you disagree with us, leave" (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:38am)
«jaye» of course, this is the woman who sends me at least one "homosexuals are evil" emails a week (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:38am)
«I can see the bunny» I'm sure that Jesus would have appreciated that position... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:38am)
«jaye» hee! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:38am)
«I can see the bunny» yeah, like hetrosexuals have the perfect relationship thing covered (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:40am)
«jaye» well, they did until the homosexuals started in on destroying the family. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:40am)
«I can see the bunny» I think we did that quite nicely all on our own, thank you ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:41am)
«jaye» it's all the lack of christian principles (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:41am)
«jaye» get thee to a nunnery! :P (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:42am)
«I can see the bunny» even the Christians have a lack of Christian principals... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:42am)
«jaye» on a completely unrelated note, "sugar sugar" is on both sides of this mix tape (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:42am)
«I can see the bunny» lol (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:42am)
«I can see the bunny» tell your mom that your 'evil, Satan worshiping' Pagan buddy says she's full of it *g* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:43am)
«jaye» i made it myself, though. a number of years ago. it's a time capsule. cheesy pop, country, oldies that cover both catagories . . (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:43am)
«jaye» i'll tell her when she responds to this one ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:44am)
«I can see the bunny» hey, if we shacked up maybe we could make her run away in fear (or keel over) *g* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:45am)
«jaye» she couldn't kill herself. that's not christian. =) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:45am)
«I can see the bunny» or, you, me and Norg could all move in together and we'll tell her we're having a three-way and see what that does to her ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:46am)
«I can see the bunny» maybe she'll go join a really reclusive convent or something *g* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:47am)
«I can see the bunny» spend all her time praying for her misguided daughter :P (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:48am)
«I can see the bunny» it could at least knock her speechless for a while :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:48am)
«iPauley» good evening/morning (depending on your time zone), ladies :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:48am)
«I can see the bunny» hey Pauley :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:49am)
«iPauley» :) how you is? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:49am)
«I can see the bunny» I is a tad tired and hoping the power doesn't go out since it's currently a tad stormy here... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:50am)
«I can see the bunny» how's you? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:50am)
«iPauley» rutroh... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:50am)
«I can see the bunny» I should probably get off the 'puter but I don't wanna... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:50am)
«jaye» eep. wandered off for tea. well, she likes george. so that would temper the horror of that ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:50am)
«iPauley» I'm not bad. especially now that I have a shiny new watch! :-D (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:50am)
«jaye» mom -is- a member of a religious order, however. sisters of mary of the presentation. it's a lay ministry. scary. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:51am)
«I can see the bunny» I think you're mom would not be so crazy about me though ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:51am)
«jaye» hi pauley =) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:51am)
«I can see the bunny» is that name for real??? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:52am)
«I can see the bunny» Sisters of Mary of the Presentation??? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:52am)
«iPauley» hiya jaci :) *huggles to both you and leanne* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:52am)
«I can see the bunny» eep - storm is really picking up out there... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:53am)
«jaye» wait. no. i looked it up. i was close, though. sisters of the presentation of the blessed virgin mary (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:53am)
«I can see the bunny» I suppose that's a tad better but not by much ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:54am)
«jaye» i had most of the right words =) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:54am)
«jaye» i think that's the one, though. i know she went to north dakota to join it. i don't get it either =) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:55am)
«I can see the bunny» now I have Jesus at Tim's earwormed :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:55am)
«I can see the bunny» O/~ the day that Jesus appeared on the Tim Horton's wall ~/o (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:57am)
«jaye» *laugh* (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:57am)
«I can see the bunny» I need Nancy White to finish that album dammit (Aug 2, 2002 @ 1:58am)
«jaye» i just want a muffin from tim horton's now ;) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:00am)
«I can see the bunny» lol (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:01am)
«iPauley» /me uses empty wallets to fend off his occasional Krispy Kreme cravings. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:01am)
«I can see the bunny» the storm here is getting pretty wild, I should probably shut the 'puter off... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:02am)
«I can see the bunny» and I hafta work tomorrow too... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:02am)
«I can see the bunny» nite all! *huggs* all around :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:03am)
«jaye» g'night leanne! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:04am)
«iPauley» nite nite leanne :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 2:05am)
«Andrea Krause» So. Cold. Why do they have to blast the AC like this. It's sick to have to wear a sweater to work even on 90 degree days. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:27am)
«nate...» it should never be above 77 in a workplace.... (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:29am)
«nate...» today it's 79 in here.... too hot! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:29am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm fine with 70s. But I think they have it at, like, 40. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:45am)
«Andrea Krause» I have a cute sleeveless top and it's hidden under a sweater! :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:48am)
«goovie is married!» oh boy, only 357 days til next frff :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:49am)
«Adam Hartfield» I'm Acting Building Manager for a few weeks and I made them fix the A/C :D (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:58am)
«Andrea Krause» Adam, come bust some heads for m e. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:59am)
«Adam Hartfield» Sure thing, Andrea (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:59am)
«Andrea Krause» Woohoo! Good to have friends! :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 8:59am)
«Adam Hartfield» No one would believe me when I said I thought it was broken (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:00am)
«Adam Hartfield» bastiges (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:00am)
«Adam Hartfield» andrea, the woman across the hall from me has a space heater and uses it (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:02am)
«Adam Hartfield» also wears sweatshirts and sweaters (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:02am)
«Andrea Krause» I wish I had one! Though it would help me more on my arms. My feets and stuff aren't cold. :) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:02am)
«Adam Hartfield» well, you could put it on your desk (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:02am)
«Adam Hartfield» she has that big dish-kind (like from Costco) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:03am)
«Adam Hartfield» (yay costco) (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:03am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm mad at costco right now! (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:07am)
«Adam Hartfield» oh? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Adam Hartfield» why, for not having a location closer to you? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Andrea Krause» no. they were mean to me about my kitten. :( (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Adam Hartfield» what, they wouldn't let you bring it in or something? (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Talcott» 'morning all (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«Adam Hartfield» hi Talcott (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«Andrea Krause» left her in the car for 5-10 minutes, windows open, car opposite the sun, blah blah. They said I was a horrible mom and yelled at me and it was just not a pretty scene. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«Talcott» 'ello (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«Andrea Krause» I sobbed the whole way home. I don't know if I AM a bad mom. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«Andrea Krause» heya talcott (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«Talcott» hello (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«Adam Hartfield» you're not, don't worry - they were just doing their jobs (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:12am)
«Andrea Krause» I understand their job is to do that. But their job isn't to be mean. He was really really mean. Sigh. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:13am)
«Adam Hartfield» In with anger, out with love, Andrea. :D Let it go. Be a duck (quack) and let it roll off your back. (Aug 2, 2002 @ 9:16am)

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