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«Talcott» 'morning :D How're you doign? (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:22am)
«I can see the bunny» I'm good - still having some FRFF withdrawl though... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:22am)
«I can see the bunny» how's you? (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:22am)
«Talcott» pretty good. Well, until I get to go out and pay rent later this mornning ;) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:23am)
«Talcott» But I have DVN to listen to right now, so all is good! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:24am)
«I can see the bunny» Yay! DVN! :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:24am)
«Misch» /me notes 3 of his CD's from FRFF have gone missing :-/ but they're probably just in my apartment somewhere. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:25am)
«Talcott» ack! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:25am)
«I can see the bunny» Paul from DVN made 3 visits to browse the merch at the t-shirt tent on the weekend :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:25am)
«I can see the bunny» well, that brought the convo to a sudden halt, now didn't it? ;-) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:27am)
«Talcott» sorry, I'm just in "half on the wall/half checking news and comics" mode (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«I can see the bunny» ah (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«Talcott» plus just about all I can say for FRFF is "oooh!", "cool!", and "I swear I'll make it sometime" :D (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«I can see the bunny» speaking of comics, I haven't checked on the expoits of the greatest Canadian superhero lately... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«Adam Hartfield» /me can't stop listening to the song "Tanglewood Tree" as sung by either DC&TG or the Thompsons (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«Talcott» ARGH! I just broke another brush! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«Talcott» /me laughs at himself for actually saying that :D (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«I can see the bunny» I should probably actually get out of bed at some point this morning... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:36am)
«Talcott» eh...that's overrated ;) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:36am)
«Misch» erm.... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«Misch» /me wants C&M performing Tanglewood Tree. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«Misch» *sigh* (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«I can see the bunny» my tummy's rumbling though - think I'll track down some food... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«I can see the bunny» bbiab :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:39am)
«Talcott» bye! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:40am)
«John J. Ryan» DVN put an update on their schedule page with a quick blurb about FRFF. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:52am)
«Misch» :-) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:01am)
«John J. Ryan» Nice to a picture from the main stage point of view. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:04am)
«Andrea Krause» Coo'! They're playing two of my favorite venues on consecutive days in September (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:04am)
«John J. Ryan» Nice to see a picture. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:04am)
«John J. Ryan» I can't make any of those shows Andrea. Weddings. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:05am)
«John J. Ryan» I'd be at the Iron Horse on a Saturday in a heartbeat too. :( (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:05am)
«Andrea Krause» stoopid weddings! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:10am)
«Joy- new picture!» they're playing the Point in October... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:10am)
«Andrea Krause» I'll definitely make the Iron Horse show. I'll try for Bridgeport as well because I love that venue (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:10am)
«Andrea Krause» (depends on if I can drag Paul) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:10am)
«iPauley» Andrea's screenname here makes me think of Krispy Kreme. *mmmmmmmmdozenglazed* (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:11am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm bitter that *I* have a wedding the day EFO plays the iron horse. My only hope is that it's a day wedding and I can escape. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:11am)
«Andrea Krause» Blech. I don't like Krispy Kreme donuts. I am a freak, I know. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:11am)
«iPauley» eh, nobody's perfect. ;) *hug* (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:11am)
«Andrea Krause» This one will stop that. (Might earworm Lawrence and John though. :) ) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«iPauley» heehee :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«Misch» I don't like krispy kreme. People are too addicted to them... it can't be good. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:13am)
«John J. Ryan» They are playing the Point in October, but that is the same day that EFO plas the Iron Horse. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:13am)
«iPauley» I think I'd be more addicted if I had money to get more of them. thus far, I've been spared. ;) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:13am)
«Andrea Krause» I just am not a fan of doughy donuts. I'm a cake donut girl. Especially chocolate. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:14am)
«John J. Ryan» EFOs, especially when I'm following the band that weekend. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:14am)
«John J. Ryan» EFO wins. Damn keyboard. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:14am)
«Joy- new picture!» ah. Yep, if I could make it from EFO I probably would too. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:15am)
«Andrea Krause» I'll see ya there if I can finnagle it. :) At least I MAY get a Shellyvisit out of it. Kitties wanna meet more people! :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:15am)
«John J. Ryan» I'm sure Shelly will be there. A bunch of us will be traveling around that weekend. It's also Columbus Day weekend, so we need something to do on Sunday!!! (EFO plays Providence on Saturday) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:17am)
«Joy- new picture!» hmm. if any of you feel like providing a ride... ;) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:18am)
«John J. Ryan» I'll be leaving NYC at 3 PM for the Iron Horse Friday. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:18am)
«John J. Ryan» Although I am debating taking the day off since I've got EFO Thursday, and John Lennon's birthday on Wednesday. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:19am)
«Joy- new picture!» I'll see if I can bum a ride with Shelly, since she lives 5 minutes away. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:26am)
«Shelly» somebody say EFO? *perks ears* *grin* (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:26am)
«Joy- new picture!» speaking of...! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:26am)
«Shelly» joy...vee shall see...i now hafta look for another job yet again/'ll never beLIEVE this--roger just called me here at mom's (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:27am)
«Shelly» where still i am coz my grandpa spraigned his ankle...and i called jesse and pat about...and he said that it's not working out coz i take time off..{which we always agreed on} (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:28am)
«Shelly» on} and that they still want me to comein one day a week to make the efo show a success (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:29am)
«Shelly» read: roger got mad and immature with me 2 weeks ago and now he's getting his way and making me leave (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:30am)
«Shelly» shit-i hafta email mike to tell him to send me those labels to my house (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Sally M Block» /me mutters somethin about stupid ankle sprains (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Andrea Krause» :( (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:32am)
«Andrea Krause» why isn't it lunch time yet? I'm not even hungry...just impatient for time to pass. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:34am)
«Sally M Block» oh my god: people have rediscovered their diaryland accounts (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:34am)
«Shelly» i just -hate- it when the bad guy wins...grrr arrrgh (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:35am)
«Shelly» omg--andrea--i LOVED paul's entry!!!! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:35am)
«Andrea Krause» heheh I'm glad he did it. made me happy. :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:36am)
«Shelly» sally-yah-well--the thing is i called me bosses to see if it was -ok- to stay here and take care of him...and then tried 4 more times and never got anyone...then roger just called and said 'we hadn't heard from you..' (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:36am)
«Shelly» which is bullshit coz i called j & p's -home-...and left a message...but i guess it's good coz he{roger} was making me miserable anyhoo (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:37am)
«Shelly» in fact, i took everything of mine down and home before last week anyway..i just hate that he got his way (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:37am)
«Sally M Block» you piqued my interest because my foot is wrapped up again too (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«Shelly» especially since the reason he gave was one that we agreed on from the beginning--flexibility to take off time for band stuff and FRFF (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«Sally M Block» oh (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Shelly» sorey for the venting, but he -just- called me at, like, 10ish (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Sally M Block» yeah? well, i don't forgive you ;) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Shelly» *le cry* (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«iPauley» eek! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«Sally M Block» get off the wall, shelley!! j/k (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«iPauley» job hunts = not fun. Trust me. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«Sally M Block» or stick around, you can do that too :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«iPauley» *shellysnuggles and sallysnuggles* <-- lest I forget. :-P (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«Sally M Block» yay (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:41am)
«Sally M Block» oh this is horrible...this will throw my head into confusion (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:41am)
«Sally M Block» a bunch of classes just opened up that i've wanted (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:41am)
«iPauley» I have the bad habit of forgetting to e-snuggle on the wall sometimes. in person, though, it's not much of an issue, I remember quite often. :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Misch» philandering snuggler! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«iPauley» *clueless, no offense* that's a problem? (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«iPauley» :-P (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Sally M Block» here's the deal, pauley (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Sally M Block» i could switch into the philosophy class with my favorite professosr (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Sally M Block» but we spoke and he told me i should try other teachers first (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Misch» geez... makes it look like all us Paul's are out for are random snuggle encounters... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Shelly» rut roh--sally's getting philosophical on us....*g* (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«iPauley» ahh. (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Misch» which we are... but... it's still the image.... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Shelly» misch--heh, like you don't like that image being projected :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:44am)
«Sally M Block» at least you own up to it :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 10:44am)

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