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«renita» that tastes good. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:48pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» this has all gotten very depressing. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:48pm)
«renita» gah? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:48pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» .oO You've broken the speed of the sound of loneliness. Out there runnin' just to be on the run Oo. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:49pm)
«Andrea Krause» /me forces herself to get up and do dishes so paul doesn't find her exactly where he left her. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:49pm)
«jaye» well you know, life is pain. anyone who tells you differently is selling something :P (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:49pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» renita: Yeah. Just about ready for this day to be over so I can trudge home and not clean my room. :-) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:50pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» heeee :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:50pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» I'm also considering not washing dishes and not doing laundry. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:50pm)
«jaye» /me is waiting for this day to be over so she can see julie and rod :D (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:50pm)
«jaye» i was pretty good about not washing dishes and not doing laundry last night (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:51pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» bitch. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:51pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» mmm... the benefit of being 3 hours ahead... day already over. :) though i suppose the next one starts a lot sooner... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:51pm)
«jaye» however, i failed at not buying fruit from hot boys and not fixing my bicycle. so. there you go. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:51pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» :-) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:51pm)
«jaye» /me is nobody's bitch but her own (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:52pm)
«renita» I was very successful at not doing dishes or laudry or homework last night! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:52pm)
«renita» jaci - I'm soooo jealous! I LOVE pizzahead! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:52pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» i am currently a smashing success at not doing dishes. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:53pm)
«renita» *sigh* (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:53pm)
«jaye» i'm not going to the show - i'm just gonna see them before the show (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:53pm)
«jaye» melinda's smashing her dishes? what? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:53pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» they made me very angry. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:53pm)
«jaye» mine make me angry too. because they get dirty. on the other hand, they were free. and they match. so i try not to smash them (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:54pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» i just wonder how hard it would be for them to just reach up and turn on the faucet... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:56pm)
«jaye» it's awfully selfish of them to expect us to clean up after them, isn't it? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:57pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» i should say so! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:57pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» dorrie does nothing around the house either... i tried to get HER to do the dishes but nooooo she's too busy napping and looking cute! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 6:59pm)
«jaye» at least she doesn't invite all of her friends over like my dang cat does (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:00pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» perhaps you should make her sign a lease, like our new landlord, agreeing to inform you before she has a party. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:01pm)
«jaye» that's an idea. though she'll probably pay as much attention to it as she did to -my- lease that said i couldn't have pets :P (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:02pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» ahhhh i see your problem... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:04pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» the book... the book it lures me... if only the dishes had the same power... i now succumb to the book... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:07pm)
«Andrea Krause» woo...dishwasher running...guilty conscience lifted. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:07pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» later... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:07pm)
«jaye» books are evil like that ;) bye melinda =) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:07pm)
«Melinda J. Beasi» bye bye :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:08pm)
«renita» *yawn* (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:16pm)
«jaye» *stretch* (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:17pm)
«jaye» hrm. for my boss, 4:15 is apparently close enough to 4:45 for her to leave (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:18pm)
«renita» ahhh. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:22pm)
«renita» that's because she's nasty boss-lady (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:22pm)
«renita» oh! notice tomorrow!!!??!! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:22pm)
«jaye» naw, i don't think so. i'm gonna throw myself a party for not getting fired yet, though, how does that sound? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:24pm)
«jaye» my goal was to get through tomorrow, though, so if anything comes of the applications i have out i'm out of here (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:25pm)
«jaye» but i figure at this point, the job market sucks and i need the money (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:25pm)
«renita» ahh. okee .. that makes sense... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:27pm)
«renita» wow. miriam is writing one heck of a frum... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:28pm)
«renita» SMATTS! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:39pm)
«jaye» /me falls over (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:40pm)
«renita» sorry. I'll shout quieter next time. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:41pm)
«renita» didn't appear to do any good anyway :( (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:41pm)
«jaye» maybe you scared him away with all the shouting (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:42pm)
«renita» maybe - he's a little skittish sometimes. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:42pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Can I go home now? Please? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:47pm)
«jaye» /me finally updates her concert calendar (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:47pm)
«jaye» no. come to seattle. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:48pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Good Lord. I think I took more calls from 5 to 7 than the whole rest of the day. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:51pm)
«jaye» the phone is evil. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:54pm)
«jaye» oops. wasn't evil then - that was frulie calling =) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:23pm)
«sheryls» is anyone here an authority on andrew lloyd webber? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:41pm)
«Josh Woodward» what about him? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:52pm)
«sheryls» i was wondering. somewhere, in some musical, there's a song that is the exact same song as one in Joeseph but with different words. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:53pm)
«sheryls» but i wanted to know what song it was. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:54pm)
«dave "buh"» there was a lawsuit that involved the song Close Every Door from Joseph (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:36pm)
«dave "buh"» Search google i bet you could find something (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:37pm)
«Jºnªthªn» what are you looking for? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:55pm)
«Jºnªthªn» never mind (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:57pm)
«Patty Ziegler» I never heard about that one. I heard that someone sued ALW because they claimed that Phantom was based on something they wrote. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:04pm)
«Paul D. Beasi» that's the same suit. someone claimed that Phantom was based on their song, and ALW countered that that person's song was based on "Close Every Door", which is where he got the melody for Phantom (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:06pm)
«Patty Ziegler» Ah...did not know that. ALW won though. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:08pm)
«Misch» Interesting. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:15pm)
«Patty Ziegler» As spectacular as the convo is, I'm going to go watch the last 15 minutes of south park...'nite. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:18pm)
«Misch» *screw you guys, I'm going to watch south park* (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:18pm)
«Misch» :-p (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:24pm)
«Shelly» awwwwwwwwwwww (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:24am)
«Shelly» le norg!!! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:25am)
«iPauley» how goes everyone? (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:37am)
«iPauley» liiiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaa..... (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:39am)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» aloha, pauley! *huggs* (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:42am)
«iPauley» *pounceschnugglehuggle* how's ya doing? :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:43am)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» tired, cold, kinda snuffly and in need of a shower. *grin* you? (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:43am)
«Lisa SnuggleQueen» and since i'm here, i'm going to tell everyone to check out my profile and hop over to the petition to save "the invisible man" again. *nods* good show, help me save it. :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:46am)
«iPauley» tired, hungry, in need of cash and a new apartment... :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:46am)
«iPauley» The cash will be coming, though, since I get paid on Friday! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:47am)
«iPauley» Yay first paycheck! :-D (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:47am)
«iPauley» la de da de da............ (Aug 1, 2002 @ 12:57am)
«Drea» rai de dai, rai de dai </DVN> (Aug 1, 2002 @ 1:12am)
«iPauley» The Screen Savers: Can you have a friend you haven't "fleshmet"? (Aug 1, 2002 @ 1:16am)
«lawrence» hrm. anyone know why in our profiles for the music recommendations link sometimes it says "music picks" and sometimes it says "favorite bands?" (Aug 1, 2002 @ 1:21am)
«iPauley» for the sole purpose of making you ask silly questions like that. ;) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 1:24am)
«iPauley» (it's going to be hard for folks here to sway the vote on that page I linked one way or the other, but I figured you might think it was interesting...) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 1:36am)
«Josh Woodward» it's a conversion relic, if you happen to read this :-) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 7:22am)
«emilie is CRANKY» *waves to ND (Aug 1, 2002 @ 8:51am)
«emilie is CRANKY» *waves to nate (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«emilie is CRANKY» *waves to anyone who can tell me how to use ICQ properly (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«nate...» heyhey! (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:16am)
«Talcott» 'morning folks (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:20am)
«I can see the bunny» hiya! :) (Aug 1, 2002 @ 9:21am)

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