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«iPauley» did you look on IMDb to see if anyone else had noticed that? under the Goofs section? (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:09pm)
«Misch» No reports of it... I'll have to look again. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:14pm)
«Misch» /me listens to Eric Schwartz (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:31pm)
«I can see the bunny» I've been listening to DVN and Russell Wolff :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:37pm)
«Misch» mmm.... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:02am)
«I can see the bunny» there's actually a Toronto band called Heavy Early!! How hilarious is that?!!? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:45am)
«I can see the bunny» let's see how many tv addicts get the significance of that name :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:46am)
«iPauley» /me takes a step or two back, not being able to identify. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:54am)
«I can see the bunny» shame, shame, shame ;) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:54am)
«iPauley» sowwwwy. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:55am)
«I can see the bunny» some people just don't watch good comedies ;) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:56am)
«iPauley» apparently not. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 12:57am)
«I can see the bunny» I'll bet Gordon knows it :-D (Jul 31, 2002 @ 1:01am)
«I can see the bunny» *hint hint* (Jul 31, 2002 @ 1:01am)
«I can see the bunny» then again, maybe I'm the only person this amuses... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 3:01am)
«Shelly» rise and SHINE, wall!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:19am)
«Andrea Krause» don't wanna (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:34am)
«Shelly» annnnnnnnnndrea!! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:35am)
«Andrea Krause» hewwooo (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:36am)
«ellen» I woke up early!!! argh. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:36am)
«Shelly» /me has been given permission by ma-ma to blow off theatre office for rest of week since she's going away-o and grandpa spraigned his ankle :( (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:36am)
«Shelly» so i am staying up here to kinda look in on he and gram and any caretaking needed...i left a msg at jesse and pat's but never heard.. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:37am)
«Shelly» seeeoooo...ah well..i guess if they don't see me at 10am, they'll figger i stayed...donuts!! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:37am)
«Shelly» andrea--stil itchy? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:38am)
«Andrea Krause» oof that sucks. (well, not going to work doesn't suck per se, but the way it's spent isn't ideal) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:38am)
«Andrea Krause» heh...yes...and at the moment I read that I was desperately trying to reach my back to itch. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:39am)
«Andrea Krause» Paul's working on writing a guest entry with his POV on FRFF. Happy me! :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:39am)
«Shelly» yah....but it'll all be good...he's doin's just that they need a lil help and lookin in on every now and then (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:39am)
«Shelly» yay paul!!! i DID so like him!! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:39am)
«Shelly» {though someone looked at me funny when i said 'i LOVE newpaul!! he rocks!!'} tee hee} (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:40am)
«Shelly» /i also has the itchyback woes (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:40am)
«Andrea Krause» heheh really? :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:41am)
«Shelly» i think they didn't unnerstand the oldpaul/newpaul thang..tee hee (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:42am)
«Andrea Krause» oldpaul newpaul mischpaul mrspaul (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:43am)
«Shelly» but it was someone who wasn't, like 'in' our world, ya know? like in the famly mebbe...*shrug* i ferget now who it was... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:43am)
«Andrea Krause» Pawling...New Paltz... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:43am)
«Shelly» DVNPaul.. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:44am)
«Shelly» RuPaul...LOL (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:44am)
«Shelly» /i spies a melinda...whom she missed this weekend..and gives belated *HUGGSS* and *YAY!!!*s (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:45am)
«Melinda J. Beasi» thanks, shell. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:45am)
«Shelly» well, the good thing is, though, that i can get yer CD at CDbaby, and it gives me an excuse to SEE y'all again for the autograph :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:46am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm dating RuPaul! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:46am)
«Andrea Krause» Well, ReidPaul anyway. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:47am)
«Melinda J. Beasi» indeed! (that's for shelly... not getting involved in all the RuPaul business...) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:49am)
«Shelly» anndrea dating RuPaul--now THAT'S a rumour ;) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:50am)
«Shelly» /me tires to wipe scawyimage of paul in a blonde wig, heels, and gown out of her mind... (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:50am)
«Shelly» tries even (Jul 31, 2002 @ 7:51am)
«Andrea Krause» I REALLY need to wipe that image :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:00am)
«Shelly» /me misses everyone now after looking at andrea's new pics :( (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:05am)
«Shelly» {and, MAN, luna -does- look tall in that pic playing with the toy!! yeesh, kitty!!} (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:06am)
«Andrea Krause» She's growin' like crazy! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:09am)
«Andrea Krause» I wish we hadn't had to give george up. But at least I did get to say a non-rushed g'bye (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:10am)
«Sara Woodward» testing, please ignore (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:16am)
«Andrea Krause» oooh we so need to go to the SoNo fest saturday! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:22am)
«Andrea Krause» Both Christina AND Gandalf Murphy :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:22am)
«Shelly» /me dinna see christina this veekend. i was saad girrl :( (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:55am)
«Shelly» yah..t'was good to see the norg for a few days. maybe some day we'll just kidnap him :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:56am)
«Andrea Krause» I only saw her briefly and got a hug but didn't get to see her perform. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:56am)
«Shelly» yah..i wanted a 'stinahug�. *le sigh* (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:56am)
«Shelly» /me hasn't seen her since fire and almost 2 years ago. * le gasp*!!! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:57am)
«Shelly» heh..i never -said- goodbye to him..i just trafficked my message thru the ellen and the nitsa :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:59am)
«Andrea Krause» And much has changed since then, including her music. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 8:59am)
«Shelly» {why is jonatha brooke in my head? i haven't heard her since wolf trap..and then i really didn't pay attention to her...} (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:00am)
«Andrea Krause» i love jonatha. i resisted it a while because my brain works funny. But i love her. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:04am)
«nate...» o/~ i left because I know I talk funny...... I preach about what we should do.... I preach and she doesn't understand me.... I left because she ... told me to.... o/~ (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Shelly» tater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:07am)
«Shelly» that i have completed my emailing and frumage for now, i must away-o (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Shelly» later y'all!! *HUGGGSS* (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«Andrea Krause» ciaooo (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«nate...» bye shelllz! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:15am)
«ellen» /me plays while the cats are away (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:27am)
«ellen» SoNo fest? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:28am)
«ellen» BTW, I am glad to see, from the polling that there are at least 60 fairly active users on FHDC :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«nate...» HAHAHAH!!!! THIS is funny as hell. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«ellen» woo! go mac people!!! 8) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«nate...» heehee (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:35am)
«Andrea Krause» (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«Andrea Krause» it's a free arts festival in south norwalk, ct. gandalf isn't on their site but it's on theirs. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:38am)
«nate...» it isn't on their site, but it is? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:41am)
«Andrea Krause» Yeah I knew that was awkward. It's on Gandalf's site and they mentioned it in person. It's not on SoNo's site. But it's a side stage so may not rate site-age. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:44am)
«ellen» hm. not sure if I'm going to be roped into face painting on saturday or not... but if they give me comp time for face painting, then I'm not giving THAT up :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:45am)
«ellen» oh shootage... I'm going to miss saturday of The Taste... gonna have to hit sunday instead, I guess :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:46am)
«ellen» eek! coworker back, gotta run (Jul 31, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«Misch» Beware the incoming cow orkers. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«goovie is married!» /me wonders if it's time for frff again (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:32am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Hi Paul (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:33am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hand of his beloved brain (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:36am)
«goovie is married!» hihihi. i miss you guys. :) (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You miss having a harem (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» You think of the budgiedome as your own personal Seraglio. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«goovie is married!» heehee. of course. and this year i had you guys and david and eric. yummy. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» What would you do if I told David that he was in your harem? (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:44am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» you know, I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade. (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«Andrea Krause» stop that (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hand of Andrea (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«Veronika» Good MOning everybody! (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hand of Veronika (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«goovie is married!» don't tell david. kate would be mad. :P (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«Veronika» /me feels honored (Jul 31, 2002 @ 10:49am)

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