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«k-rock» right, that was exactly what i did too. karl got way more burned than i did, though. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:21am)
«Shelly» but the tan makes my eyes look, like WAY blue. like bluer than normal. this is coolness. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:21am)
«Shelly» /i never got to meet karl either :( (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:22am)
«Shelly» omg--k-rock..i MUST frum you who i DID see, though (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:22am)
«k-rock» he was camping out on our blanket most of the day. you will me him someday, promise! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:22am)
«Drea» hey Shelly, the next time you see EFO could you please thank Julie for me for O Canada? She was the only one I never got to thank :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:23am)
«Shelly» will do chica!! oh..and i realized as i passed you in parkingland that i never gave you QUICK!!! so i will be mailing :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:24am)
«Andrea Krause» new pics in my profile! :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:25am)
«Drea» yeah, I didn't realize it either till I was hiking up the hill after my shift (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:27am)
«Drea» /me notes the cool thing about working in parking is getting to wave in performers *g* (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:28am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» Hey kids! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:29am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» everyone get home safe? (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:29am)
«Misch» Hi Jill :-) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:29am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» hey Paul :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:30am)
«Drea» hiya Jill, Paul (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:30am)
«Misch» Hi Drea. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Andrea Krause» home safe and sunburned. Bed was happy. Kitties were happy. :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Shelly» LEOPARDINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Drea» /me called all the major people to cancel stuff yesterday after she woke up (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«k-rock» yay kitties (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Shelly» how is the luna? (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:32am)
«Andrea Krause» She's good. She went into psycho overdrive when we got home because she'd missed us. Oh, and she got to meet george yesterday. I brought her up to Northampton. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:35am)
«Shelly» /i left a message on theatre office machine last night that she was staying here again (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:35am)
«Shelly» awww...poor kitty!!! having to meet george, that is :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:35am)
«k-rock» awww. im getting a kitty maybe soon (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:36am)
«Shelly» /me never got an -official-{read: full-on} norghug (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:36am)
«Shelly» /me is so unloved by the populus :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:36am)
«Andrea Krause» yay kitty karen! :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:37am)
«Andrea Krause» You got andrea hugs though. Much more valuable (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«k-rock» never even saw a norg :( (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«Shelly» tru dat. and i got a half- a norghug (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:38am)
«Andrea Krause» I only got to see a karen by random chance! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Shelly» AND i was in andrea's bed. MUCH more valuable...rroowwrrrrr ;) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» Karen: he was like a wraith...either you saw him or ya didn't (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Misch» WTMI. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» me too, Andrea...she came into the CD tent while I was working (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«Shelly» andrea--me too--she saw me in my official security garb :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:39am)
«k-rock» hehe yeah, it was hard moving karl from the "blanket post" so ididnt do much running around (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«k-rock» although jill did meet karl and lindsay (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:40am)
«k-rock» next year, we're camping. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:41am)
«Shelly» i -saw- lindsay (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:41am)
«John J. Ryan» I never saw an Andrea or a K-Rock :( (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:41am)
«Shelly» well, you never visited the downstairs camp andrea was there!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» doooood...Weird Al is on Ben Stein right now! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Andrea Krause» I saw you from afar! I'm sorry...I just never made it up to the budgiedome. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«John J. Ryan» I was there on Thursday!!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» I kept meaning to visit downstairs, but I never got around to it. :( (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:42am)
«Shelly» everyone upstairs yells at -us- for not coming up...but the only people who ever come DOWN to visit us are gordon and steve and carey!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«John J. Ryan» But yeah, after that I was too busy with everything going on. I did contrra dancing on Friday!!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«k-rock» well linds was not in the most social of moods sat - too many new people and things.. the folk fest circle isnt exactly her thing (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Shelly» leopardina--yah..i saw you FAR too infrequently :( (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:43am)
«Shelly» annndrea and paul arrived on friday. and they have cool bikes. and paul is WAY cool and funny :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:44am)
«Misch» thank you ;-) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:44am)
«John J. Ryan» There is simply too much to do and too many people to see. I think the only way we'll get everyone in the same place at the same time is if Fruvous does main stage next year. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:44am)
«Shelly» not to MENTION, like THE best airbed ever!!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:44am)
«Shelly» /me will -not- hold her breath for the fruvous thing... (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:45am)
«Andrea Krause» yeah...the best airbed that got all saggy and ick and I had to sleep on the ground! :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:45am)
«Shelly» i think the only person that i -didn't- see that i knew was going was brian{riff} (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:45am)
«Andrea Krause» (and I'm glad you liked paul) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:45am)
«Jill Leopardina Fr�dman» Shell: I ran into him a couple times...he was at the CD tent and Upstairs one night (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:45am)
«John J. Ryan» Great, now I've got the nasty Eric Schwartz earworm, and I won't mention it here, but he sung it at the Budgiedome and at Rollin' In The Aisles.... (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:45am)
«Shelly» anndrea----noooooooooooo!!!! it got saggy and ick??? bastid!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:46am)
«Misch» /me passes JJR a can of shaving cream (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:46am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Good morning, folks. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:46am)
«Shelly» /me didn't see an actual eric schwartz performance..but i -did- give him a hard time backstage :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:46am)
«Shelly» brooooooooooo!!! *HUGSSSSSS* (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«Andrea Krause» Yeah we're going to take it back. It was mean and wouldn't hold its firmness. And that made my muscles go wiggycramp so I had to take the floor. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«Andrea Krause» hey michael baby (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«Misch» voted most likeley to not be invited back to FRFF 2003 ;-) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«k-rock» augh, thats awful. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:47am)
«Shelly» as well as young mark erelli..i gave him a hard time, too (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«Misch» /me turns the volume of the cd player down and puts in Eric "red" Schwartz album (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«Shelly» {along with michael clem :)} (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:48am)
«Shelly» tee hee..i waved mike's mom and dad and son in, but he didn't have his badge on his lanyard, so i told him he couldn't come in :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:49am)
«Misch» the joys of working in a hall witha bunch of deaf people ;-) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:49am)
«Shelly» so is eric cool? should i ck out his stuff? (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:49am)
«Shelly» /me has been listening to nuttin but dave and tracy.... (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:50am)
«Andrea Krause» I've been going through my stack of new stuff all day. :) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:50am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» /me had a good weekend :-) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:50am)
«Shelly» ok...gotta go make a call and pay a bill..wheeee..later y'all *HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS* (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:51am)
«Misch» Eric is tres cool :-) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:53am)
«John J. Ryan» Paul, my tape of the Rollin' In The Aisles workshop came out very good. As with all the performances. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:55am)
«Andrea Krause» hey, did anyone get the live from NY workshop. I'd kill to have it! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:56am)
«nate...» heh, for the second year in a row, I didn't even BRING my rig to tape. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:57am)
«Drea» John: including the harmony workshop? (Jul 30, 2002 @ 10:58am)
«John J. Ryan» That's correct. I got O Canada. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:02am)
«John J. Ryan» oO Don't forget your fans Britney.... Don't forget your fans! Oo (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:03am)
«John J. Ryan» However, someone was talking right in the middle of it, so I'm not sure if they were heard over the recording. :( (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:03am)
«John J. Ryan» You don't talk during a national anthem!!! (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:03am)
«Drea» /me hopes *her* singing of O Canada (while standing) didn't get on the tape ;) (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:05am)
«Drea» *g* that workshop was certainly an easy way to find out how many Canucks were there.. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:08am)
«John J. Ryan» You were in front of me Drea, yur voice won't show up. However, the people behind probably will. :( (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:09am)
«John J. Ryan» I have about 16 hours of tape tosort through, it will take a while to go through it all. (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:09am)
«Mamalissa!» and how many Slambovians (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:09am)
«John J. Ryan» Main Stage: DVN, Dave & TRacy, EFO, Nields, Gospel (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:09am)
«John J. Ryan» Workshop: Rollin' In The Aisles, Harmony, Roots Are Showing, Beatles (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:10am)
«lawrence» John - you know that the entire festival was recorded and is being webcast, right? (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:10am)
«John J. Ryan» Plus numberous Budgiedome jams (Jul 30, 2002 @ 11:10am)

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