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«iPauley» uh oh, that's two. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:02pm)
«iPauley» this is not good. :-P (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:02pm)
«iPauley» ok, I just yawned a third time -- either I'm trying to wake up, or I need sleep -- and I'm not buying the latter, 'cause I've only been out of bed for two hours. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:03pm)
«sheryls» yeah. if the law of contagious yawns continues to propagate, eventually the whole world will yawn as one, and suck up the air supply! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:04pm)
«sheryls» that poor, poor 80s band. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:04pm)
«John J. Ryan» " Air! AIR!" (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:05pm)
«iPauley» *topic switch* This should be an interesting week *yawn -- 4!* at work... ISO 9002 auditors coming through. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:05pm)
«sheryls» jjr: you forgot the </kingrowland> (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:06pm)
«Misch» Have you labeled the chairs, pens, and computers as being such, Pauley? To meet the letter of ISo 9002 you have to do that. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:06pm)
«sheryls» what is that? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«John J. Ryan» Well, you get points for knowing the quote Sheryl. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:07pm)
«iPauley» I've only been there a week, I couldn't tell you. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:11pm)
«iPauley» hehe I found the set list that I wrote down at Fruvous' RIT show in '99... (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:13pm)
«iPauley» /me is in the process of sorting through the crap he's accumulated in four years of living in this apartment. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:14pm)
«iPauley» ok, work time -- gotta go -- bye all! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:14pm)
«Misch» Bye Pauley. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 4:14pm)
«Veronika» hey paul and pauley! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:15pm)
«Veronika» oops (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:15pm)
«renita» julie! veronika! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:24pm)
«jaye» janet! dr scott! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:30pm)
«John J. Ryan» Janet! Brad! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:31pm)
«jaye» fruuuuuuuulie! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:31pm)
«John J. Ryan» :) (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:31pm)
«jaye» i have allergies. *achoo* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:31pm)
«jaye» watching your floors dry? now that sounds like an exciting afternoon to me ;) (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:32pm)
«jaye» i haven't seen him. i imagine he'll crash the minute he gets home anyway (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«jaye» you guys coming down wednesday? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» I just saw Norg yesterday :) (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«renita» wednesday? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«renita» JOHN PIZZARELLI?!? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«jaye» pizzahead! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:34pm)
«jaye» *catches frulie in pizzahead's absence* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:37pm)
«renita» shit. I fergot. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:38pm)
«Rob Balder» Heya Fr�lie. :) (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:39pm)
«Rob Balder» I got double-heyed. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:40pm)
«Rob Balder» Fr�lie, just for you, a sneak-peek at my new site design...very preliminary, no buttons work. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:41pm)
«jaye» double-heyed? is that legal? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:42pm)
«Rob Balder» It looks very weird in Netscape 4.X but I took some steps to at least make it readable, Jaci. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:43pm)
«Rob Balder» It may be legal in Canada...the actual Land of the Free. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:43pm)
«Rob Balder» Are fireworks legal in Canada? I don't recall seeing any for sale... (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:44pm)
«jaye» i'm at home, so i can't check it in netscape (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:44pm)
«Rob Balder» I'm certain today's strip is readable in Netscape 4.X. I love my new toy - Paintshop Pro 7 (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:45pm)
«Rob Balder» What is? Fireworks? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:46pm)
«Rob Balder» Paintshop Pro makes user-friendly .png files. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:46pm)
«Rob Balder» Ah, well it's pretty much illegal round here... (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:47pm)
«Rob Balder» Thx Fr�lie...I am doing it all in raw HTML so I am learning the hard way but learning it thoroghly. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:48pm)
«Rob Balder» I've got to figure out how to script it so that the center graphic is one random clip that I have made into a strip. Hercules there is kind of a place holder. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:49pm)
«Rob Balder» Excellent! Heres to HSIA - High Speed Internet Access (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:49pm)
«Rob Balder» Bye Horncastles. Have a smooth move, Ex-Lax. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:50pm)
«John J. Ryan» Concerning work, I just want to say, three cheers for Alt + Print Screen!!!! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 5:56pm)
«sheryls» yes, screenshots rule. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 6:51pm)
«Shelly» heh...john's in withdrawl already :( (Jul 29, 2002 @ 6:51pm)
«sheryls» where are they moving to? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 6:52pm)
«bored, bored, bored....» /me waves to Stacey!! Whay aren't you on MSN, girl?? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 6:57pm)
«bored, bored, bored....» um...."why"...not "whay" (Jul 29, 2002 @ 7:00pm)
«soul groove feline» umm....... (Jul 29, 2002 @ 7:01pm)
«renita» I GOT PERMISSION TO DO THE METROPOLIS SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 7:46pm)
«jaye» !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 7:47pm)
«jaye» that. so rules. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 7:48pm)
«jaye» want. need. shall have. woot! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 7:48pm)
«A girl named Becca» hmm....lively wall this evening... :P (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:00pm)
«iPauley» *beccahugglesouttanowhere* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:01pm)
«A girl named Becca» eep! hi, pauley! *hugsback (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:01pm)
«A girl named Becca» :) (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:01pm)
«iPauley» how goes? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:13pm)
«Drea» we're all recovering from FRFF *g* .. and on that note, I think I'm going back to bed.. my inbox is no longer in danger of exploding *g* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:15pm)
«iPauley» heehee :) (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:24pm)
«Shelly» recovering schmecovering...*g* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:32pm)
«Shelly» /me could do it all over again! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«iPauley» wheee! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«meh» It's a Shelly! *run-thru-huggle on the way to go pick a movie for the night* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«meh» And a Pauley. *similarly run-thru-schnuggle* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«Shelly» laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac! (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«iPauley» *lacyschnuggles!!!!!* (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:34pm)
«Shelly» is a becca still heeere? (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:34pm)
«sheryls» laaaaaaaaacy..logged off. (Jul 29, 2002 @ 10:34pm)

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