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«soul groove feline» it boggles indeed. I've never had this much trouble being patient in my entire life. *whinecomplain* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:15am)
«jaye» you'll live. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:15am)
«jaye» wow. the faculty list took off since i left work today. weird. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:16am)
«soul groove feline» yeah, I will. sorry for being so whiny. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:16am)
«jaye» yeah - i won't tolerate people whining about being unable to wait for frff since i can't go at all *whinewhinewhine* :D (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:17am)
«ellen» *yawnyawnyawn* I'm not all packed yet and I need to get to work early... and... and :P (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:18am)
«ellen» stoppid drier not working properly! 8) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:18am)
«soul groove feline» *disclaimers voice* I am unable to refute that with a whinier remark as my brain has just friend. thankyouverymuch. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:19am)
«soul groove feline» uh, fried even :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:19am)
«soul groove feline» my brain is -so- not my friend. stoopid typos :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:20am)
«soul groove feline» I packed several weeks ago. I'm such a freak. but I just finished up the last minute stuff today. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:22am)
«soul groove feline» and...I've killed the wall. wheem. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:23am)
«Misch» /me be done packing. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:27am)
«jaye» *applauds* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:27am)
«soul groove feline» yay for Paul! when are you getting there? upper or lower? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:27am)
«soul groove feline» I bought a huge Canadian flag for outside my tent. Canadian fruheads represent. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:31am)
«soul groove feline» cool. that rhymes. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:31am)
«soul groove feline» /me chases her tail (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:32am)
«soul groove feline» oooh! nice earworm. o/~ broadway is dark tonight...see the young man sitting in the old man's bar... o/~ (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:34am)
«soul groove feline» /me stares at her blue nails. wheee. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 1:36am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» blue nails. rah! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 2:22am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» wow! Wall lag. guess I'm actually asleep. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 2:24am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Goodness. What *am* I doing up at this hour? If I'm orn'ry tomorrow, I'm blaming you, Andrew! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 3:08am)
«Michael (foof) Maki» Good Christ. Chris Pirillo from TechTV is a fruhead! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 3:09am)
«iPauley» he wha? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 3:42am)
«iPauley» where did you learn this? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 3:43am)
«iPauley» I believe you, but prove it! :-P :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 3:53am)
«iPauley» ok, found it, never mind. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 3:58am)
«iPauley» and of course, now that I've signed his birthday card, the birthdays disappear from the front page. good thing I added the frequent contact (like I'll ever notice him on the site. :-P) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 4:11am)
«iPauley» ok, I'm obviously the only one awake here... I'm going to bed. :) nitenite... (Jul 25, 2002 @ 4:13am)
«Shelly» o/' heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to FRFF i go o/' (Jul 25, 2002 @ 5:06am)
«A girl named Becca» /me wonders where she put her directions (Jul 25, 2002 @ 7:25am)
«A girl named Becca» oOget out the map, get out the map and lay your finger anywhere...Oo (Jul 25, 2002 @ 7:25am)
«Talcott» hey all (Jul 25, 2002 @ 7:45am)
«nate...» heya talcott (Jul 25, 2002 @ 8:29am)
«nate...» hrm.... good thing I was reading through the yahoo group archives.... someone jokingly said something about forgetting your ticket... and I realized I hadn't packed mine!!! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 8:30am)
«Andrea Krause» Not. Ready. Help! :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 8:53am)
«lawrence» /me doesn't have a ticket. for some silly reason I always get mine there. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 8:56am)
«Andrea Krause» I have to remember mine. They're in an envelope in my mail stack. Thanks for the reminder Nate! :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:02am)
«lawrence» crap. and I already realised I forgot my jacket. need to go back home now. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:03am)
«nate...» yeah, mine was in with my bills. hehe (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:03am)
«nate...» back home, lawrence?? how far are you? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:06am)
«lawrence» oh, just a 10 minute drive. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:06am)
«lawrence» and it's not really out of my way, anyway. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:06am)
«lawrence» just annoying. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:07am)
«lawrence» I'm at work until about 4 or 5 today (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:07am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm not going until tomorrow morning. Have SO much work to do tonight to get ready though. Haven't packed at all. :) Retrieved my gear from the old house yesterday though. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:08am)
«lawrence» I was going to go halfway tonight, but decided to go the entire way instead. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«lawrence» I'm gonna get in at like 1 (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«lawrence» of course, *no one* else is here yet, so as far as *they* know, I got here at 7. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«nate...» *laughs* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«nate...» yeah, I just test-fitted the tent..... all the parts were there. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«Andrea Krause» I hope I kept the instructions since last year because I forget how to build mine. But at least I'll have a handy boy. Heee. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«nate...» I think I'm gonna take off around noon.... (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«nate...» have much to do before then... which is why I'm sitting here browsing the web (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«nate...» heh (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:12am)
«nate...» don't know if anyone noticed, but the weather is looking better! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:14am)
«nate...» just some showers on sat morning... and not too hot! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:15am)
«lawrence» and decent cloud cover, too. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:16am)
«nate...» *nods* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:17am)
«Andrea Krause» Though I wish I could have stars at night. It's been so long since I've lived in the boonies. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:18am)
«lawrence» yeah, stars are good. seeing the milky way is good. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:18am)
«lawrence» o/~ but the city lights got in my way o/~ (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:19am)
«nate...» there should be stars... (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:20am)
«lawrence» my god, it's full of stars. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:20am)
«Andrea Krause» I feel like I've been here for 6 hours and it's only 9:30. SIGH. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:26am)
«lawrence» ugh. why can't it be 4 already? that would be so nice. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:27am)
«Andrea Krause» Yeah! If it was 4 I'd be home and getting work done! :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:28am)
«lawrence» if it was 4, I'd be on the road. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«lawrence» gah. anxiousanxiousanxious. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«nate...» "a ha! road maps! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:30am)
«nate...» *yawwwwwwwwns* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:51am)
«stealthlori» eeep! tickets! see, that's why i love the wall ... you guys remind me of stuff I should already have packed. *grins* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 9:59am)
«Andrea Krause» We are human sticky notes. Except not sticky. I hope. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:00am)
«lawrence» heh. man, I must be the only person who doesn't bother to get tickets in advance. I think by this, my third falcon ridge, I could have saved a considerable amount of money... <sigh> (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:00am)
«Andrea Krause» "Ew, I'm all sticky!" (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:00am)
«lawrence» does anyone know what time non-campers are allowed to show up on friday? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:01am)
«lawrence» like, will they not let us in until noon? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:01am)
«lawrence» (well, presumably a bit before then, but...) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:01am)
«Andrea Krause» Yeah I was wondering that too. Someone told me yesterday they'd let us into the camping section before gates, but I have no real clue. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:09am)
«Misch» Friday, you can get in early. I got there at about 10 2 years ago. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:10am)
«Andrea Krause» I thought gates were 10 and music 12 usually anyway...or is it 11 and 12? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:10am)
«Misch» I would bet that it's 7 AM, though I'm not 100% sure. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:11am)
«Andrea Krause» Ah whatever. I just wanna get camp set up. I'm not feeling into the try-to-get-a-good-hill-spot race this year. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:11am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm half excited and half nervous. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«Misch» Friday, music starts at 12 with Martha's Trouble in the Emerging Artists showcase. (They're worth a listen to :-) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:12am)
«lawrence» hmmm. 7 would be nice. 'cause there's no way I'd show up *that* early. probably 10 or so. at the worst, I wait. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:22am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» moof! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:26am)
«Andrea Krause» Moofy Fl�rbous? (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:28am)
«Andrea Krause» Oh fine. Moof me and log out. Hrmph. Typical. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» hey andrea! (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Andrea Krause» :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» Hitheebe? Long time, no c. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:31am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» Yeah, I hadn't noticed y'were on. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:32am)
«Andrea Krause» Howdy Southerner! :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:32am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» Of course, the Rensis saw me on and immediately ran the other way. *pout.* . *single tear* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:32am)
«Andrea Krause» Don't mind me I'm just being atypically friendly. :) (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:33am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» Southerner? I'm in blustery, wintery Chicago right now. I'm writing this from a net-wired igloo as we speak. (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:33am)
«Pentecost Andrew!» So, I got to meet Michael last night! *happydance* (Jul 25, 2002 @ 10:33am)

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