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«iPauley» shellllllllllsyyyyyyyyy! (Jul 13, 2002 @ 9:41pm) «iPauley» worrrrrrrrrmyyyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooooo :-D (Jul 13, 2002 @ 9:46pm) «Shelly» staaaaaaaacey!!!! (Jul 13, 2002 @ 9:46pm) «Shelly» {or not :(} (Jul 13, 2002 @ 9:49pm) «iPauley» /me feels ignored... :-P (Jul 13, 2002 @ 10:06pm) «sheryls» you look ignored. (Jul 13, 2002 @ 10:11pm) «iPauley» :-P heehee (Jul 13, 2002 @ 10:12pm) «sheryls» might i take this opportunity to say, velveeta shells and cheese are teh shiznit. (Jul 13, 2002 @ 10:12pm) «iPauley» you may. :) (Jul 13, 2002 @ 10:15pm) «Smatts' Baby's Pics!» totally awesome mac and cheese sheryl...i made it the other day for lunch for matt and me :)...much better than the powder crap (Jul 13, 2002 @ 10:18pm) «soul groove feline» back now...what'd I miss??? ;) (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:00pm) «iPauley» almost missed me, but I'm back now, too :) (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:10pm) «iPauley» maybe she did miss me. I dunno.... :-/ (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:20pm) «John J. Ryan» I missed everyone :( (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:26pm) «John J. Ryan» Andy, you get your computer fixed? (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:30pm) «iPauley» I'm still here. (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:30pm) «John J. Ryan» That's good (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:31pm) «John J. Ryan» How are you tonight Pauley? (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:32pm) «iPauley» not bad. catching up on diary readings. :) (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:35pm) «iPauley» u? (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:35pm) «John J. Ryan» Not too much (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:35pm) «iPauley» funlike...... :-P (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:39pm) «John J. Ryan» Yeah, I guess in a little bit I will start looking at Diaries (Jul 13, 2002 @ 11:40pm) «jaye» /me is caught up. which means people need to update again please thanks (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:02am) «iPauley» /me is working on it... though I'm not sure who I have for regular readers... :-P (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:06am) «iPauley» I need to set it back up again, though. (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:06am) «soul groove feline» I want more people to read my diary. I need to feel special. (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:15am) «soul groove feline» so read it, everyone. you know you want to. (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:16am) «iPauley» I read it anyway, though, sweetie -- you want me to reread it, like, four or five times...? :-D (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:17am) «jaye» anything to make the hits go up ;) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:18am) «iPauley» *giggle* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:18am) «iPauley» hits may go up, but unique visits most likely won't.... :-P (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:18am) «jaye» picky picky (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:19am) «iPauley» maybe it's just me. I don't really look at the hiits, I look at the uniques. (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:20am) «jaye» well, i look at both because i want to see when freaks bother with more than one entry (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:21am) «iPauley» hehehe (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:22am) «soul groove feline» I look at it all...diary demographics fascinate me (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:23am) «soul groove feline» and I want my hits to start increasing at a linear rate like they were for three months...I like linearness :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:23am) «soul groove feline» and I'm a freak who is amused by that stuff :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:24am) «iPauley» *giggle* *wormyschnuggle* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:25am) «soul groove feline» and also I like it when people read my nonsense. It makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time with it :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:25am) «soul groove feline» heehee...*pauleyschnuggle* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:26am) «iPauley» /me makes Velveeta Shells & Cheese... in a small part on Sheryl's reccomendation... :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:26am) «soul groove feline» /me is a stoopid Canadian who can't get Velveeta Shells in this country (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:27am) «Shelly» /me makes note to smuggle some of these to FRFF for stacey (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:27am) «soul groove feline» I LOVE American food. like, when I go to Michigan, I'm gonna spend like 58 hours in the grocery store... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:27am) «Shelly» we could trade for hamburger helper potato stroganoff!! (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:28am) «soul groove feline» OOOH! smuggled food!!! *huggles Shellsy* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:28am) «iPauley» speaking of smuggling for Canadians -- did you enjoy your Fluff in February? :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:28am) «soul groove feline» consider it done, shells :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:28am) «Shelly» /me is hongry and should NOT be talkin foooood (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:28am) «Shelly» heehee...fluff (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:28am) «soul groove feline» I ADORED that fluff. I only allowed a little dab on my sammich once a week coz I had to make it last :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:29am) «Shelly» mebbe i should get the other half of my veggie sammich and eat it... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:29am) «jaye» wtf is fluff? (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:29am) «jaye» (i feel as though i have asked this before. but i don't remember) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:29am) «soul groove feline» that gooey marshmallow stuff that you can't get in Canada... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:29am) «Shelly» /me could also hook certain canuck chicas up with fluff :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:29am) «Shelly» jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaci!! (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «soul groove feline» it comes in a jar and you spread it on peanut butter sammichesand stuff (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «jaye» huh. okay. (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «iPauley» heehee I figured I'd find some more for her if she happened to stop by. :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «Shelly» /me misses the jaci *le sniffle* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «jaye» hiya shell =) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «Shelly» jac--gordon LOVES fluff (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «jaye» well, better work on your aim then (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:30am) «soul groove feline» OOOOH!!!!! I LOVE Americans!!! :-D (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:31am) «jaye» it must be evil then ;) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:31am) «soul groove feline» it's the best substance known to man. mmmmfluff... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:31am) «iPauley» *giggle* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:32am) «soul groove feline» I even kept the jar. and put buttons in it. :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:32am) «Shelly» /me is happy that jaci knows the -truth-; that it is gordon, NOT she that is the evil one!! (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:32am) «soul groove feline» I don't collect buttons. I just buy them in bulk and they sit around. (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:32am) «jaye» you're all evil (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:33am) «soul groove feline» but I DO make miniature night club owners and give them to famous people!!! (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:33am) «soul groove feline» and also miniature boats and pails and wooly mammoths and canexicans :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:34am) «iPauley» heehee :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:34am) «soul groove feline» EFO BETTER like this freaking gift...it's taken me a week to make them all... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:34am) «Shelly» /me is feeling a little threatened as part of 'the extended fambly'...aka 'the family stone' *g* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:36am) «soul groove feline» /me is looking forward to her basstist introduction ;) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:36am) «Shelly» bassist? what bassist? (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:38am) «Shelly» /me notes that murray will -not- be at FRFF........ (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:38am) «soul groove feline» I can't remember. some loser who plays in some band.... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:38am) «soul groove feline» *runs for cover* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:39am) «jaye» /me saw her favorite bassist a few weeks ago - jimmy creeggan ;) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:39am) «soul groove feline» OMG!!! I have the BEST jim creegan story!!! (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:39am) «soul groove feline» *goes to frum jaci* (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:39am) «jaye» mmmjimmy (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:40am) «Shelly» /me wonders if he knows that he belngs to the jaci coz she earned the shellypoints for him... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:40am) «Shelly» belongs even (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:40am) «jaye» he -is- mine. we're both natural redheads ;) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:41am) «jaye» /me kills the wall with that (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:43am) «iPauley» heehee :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:43am) «Shelly» /me was fruming. so there (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:46am) «iPauley» heehee :) (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:46am) «Shelly» no love from seATTle, man... (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:47am) «Shelly» -or- renton :P (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:51am) «jaye» /me is in kent tonight :P (Jul 14, 2002 @ 12:52am) « Previous 100 entries | Next 100 entries »
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