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«Gordondon son of Ethelred» How about letting me put in subliminal messages that make all the women love me? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:51pm)
«iPauley» only if I can share. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:53pm)
«iPauley» Pauleys need love too. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:54pm)
«Joy- new picture!» George: I asked about that too. ;) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:56pm)
«John J. Ryan» *Cues Samantha Fox * oO Pauley needs love (dah dah dah dah) too! Oo (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:56pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» farewell fair wallers wherever you fare (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:57pm)
«Joy- new picture!» *laugh* I was trying to figure out why you were talking about Samantha Mulder! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:57pm)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» .me exits stage Gregory (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:57pm)
«John J. Ryan» As long as it is not the love whammy that got put over on Xander right? Be careful what you wish for.... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 4:57pm)
«Joy- new picture!» wow. I've seen that episode. Crazy. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:00pm)
«iPauley» hehehe (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:04pm)
«jaye» good god. finally they assign me some dang financial aid (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:05pm)
«John J. Ryan» Yea Jaci! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:06pm)
«jaye» one major source of stress gone *whew* (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:07pm)
«sheryls» haha. i lived on financial aid. for like, 4 years. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:10pm)
«sheryls» 20 minutes. 20 minutes. aaargh. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:11pm)
«jaye» well, i lived on scholarships for four years. now i have to live partially on loans . .that's kind of unnerving. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:11pm)
«sheryls» well. at least you had scholarships. mine was all loans. i owe like $19,000 now. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:11pm)
«sheryls» shit, more than that. like over $30k. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:11pm)
«jaye» i'll owe a ton after this degree. but at least it's only two years (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:12pm)
«Joy- new picture!» I hate the financial aid people. They're making my life hell. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:13pm)
«sheryls» the direct loan peole ROCK. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:13pm)
«sheryls» they're SO nice. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:13pm)
«sheryls» eer, is it direct..i dunno, the govt people. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:13pm)
«sheryls» the fin. aid people at my school were always great in person but idiots on the phone. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:14pm)
«Joy- new picture!» I've starteed looking for yet more work, in hopes that I can afford to go back. :P (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:14pm)
«jaye» oh, good. it looks like mine is all direct gov't loans, and then a scholarship from the school. i should be ok, then (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:15pm)
«John J. Ryan» 10 minutes here Sheryl. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:17pm)
«John J. Ryan» Oh, check this out. Buffy Musical poster! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:19pm)
«John J. Ryan» Oops, I mean Buffy Musical Poster! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:20pm)
«Misch» yeah... stupid fscking people.... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:20pm)
«iPauley» hehehehehe (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:20pm)
«Misch» Set up my electronic debit loan payment back in june... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:20pm)
«Misch» they sent me a notice at the end of june that it would begin August 14th. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:21pm)
«Misch» And they didn't send me a July 14th payment notice. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:21pm)
«jaye» oh . .can we have that set so it opens in a new window? i'm on the refreshing wall in ie (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:21pm)
«Misch» stupid morons. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:21pm)
«iPauley» I asked about that, and josh said that would be hard to catch those tags coming through. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:22pm)
«iPauley» readers can right-click and open in new window or tab, or you can remember to add target="_blank" when you post it. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:23pm)
«John J. Ryan» Okay, from now on, I'll post tags like this. Buffy Musica Poster! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«iPauley» there ya go :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«John J. Ryan» Problem acknowledged and corrected. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:26pm)
«Misch» Hmmm... it's be easy enough to do in Perl.... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:26pm)
«John J. Ryan» You learn something new every day. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:26pm)
«John J. Ryan» Of course, I'd rather post a nice high Ab in a tag instead. :) * rim shot * (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«iPauley» he looks to have done things in PHP, though, and I don't really know how it's all implemented. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«Misch» Regular Expressions in PHP. ;-) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:28pm)
«John J. Ryan» And with that, I'm taking off. Havea good weekend! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:28pm)
«Misch» byebye! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 5:35pm)
«Josh Woodward» heh.. my yahoo boss is jeffrey friedl, *the* regular expression guy. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 6:03pm)
«iPauley» hehehehe (Jul 12, 2002 @ 6:08pm)
«Misch» *giggle* (Jul 12, 2002 @ 6:13pm)
«iPauley» *ping* (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:29pm)
«Josh Woodward» *pong* (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:35pm)
«iPauley» evenin', josh :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:36pm)
«Josh Woodward» heya. :) how goes it? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:42pm)
«Will work for anime» Josh!!! *hugs* (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:45pm)
«Josh Woodward» hey amy! *hugs* long time no talk :-) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:47pm)
«Will work for anime» no kidding! how goes it? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:48pm)
«Josh Woodward» goes good! keeping busy, that's for sure. what about yourself? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:51pm)
«Will work for anime» going very well...been busy too...married life tend to do that ;-) but all is good (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:52pm)
«iPauley» hi Amy :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:52pm)
«Will work for anime» Hi pauley :-) How are ya? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:53pm)
«Josh Woodward» congrats on all that, btw! :-D (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:53pm)
«iPauley» purty good. :) enjoying a quiet evening at home, in front of the computer and the TV :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:54pm)
«Will work for anime» thanks Josh :-) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:56pm)
«Josh Woodward» btw, if anyone's bored, test out the new Notes section :-) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:56pm)
«Will work for anime» paul: that sounds blissful (Jul 12, 2002 @ 9:56pm)
«iPauley» it is, kinda.... I'm waiting for an email about webspace. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:13pm)
«iPauley» which is makin' me a little anxious. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:18pm)
«ellen» OoO I like the notes... *almost* better than stickies on a mac :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:28pm)
«iPauley» heehee *ellenhugs* hey there :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«Josh Woodward» k, what would make them better? ;-) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:33pm)
«ellen» put 'em on my desktop? Actually, it seems like itmight be useful for saving info that gets sent to me in frums... meeting times, phone numbers, etc... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:38pm)
«A girl named Becca» /me collapses onto the wall (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:43pm)
«ellen» /me picks Becca up and dusts her off (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:43pm)
«A girl named Becca» thanks :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:43pm)
«A girl named Becca» i needed that (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:43pm)
«A girl named Becca» could you get that gob of frosting off my back, too, while you're at it? ;) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:44pm)
«ellen» /me licks frosting off. yum. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45pm)
«A girl named Becca» heehee....much better (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45pm)
«A girl named Becca» :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45pm)
«iPauley» heehee (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:46pm)
«ellen» /me waits for dinner to cool off (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:47pm)
«A girl named Becca» mmmmmdinner (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:47pm)
«iPauley» /me works on consuming a microwave pizza. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:50pm)
«John J. Ryan» Man, jamming along to the Nields is the s**t :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:52pm)
«John J. Ryan» I read through the Play songbook and the If You Lived Here songbook (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:53pm)
«John J. Ryan» Main thing was to learn the piano part to 100 Names. Mission accomplished. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:53pm)
«iPauley» la de da de da... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:08pm)
«A girl named Becca» la de da, la de da (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:10pm)
«A girl named Becca» /me has deja vu (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:10pm)
«John J. Ryan» oO all you've got to say is lad de da (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«John J. Ryan» Hey Pauley and Becca (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«A girl named Becca» hey :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«John J. Ryan» How are you tonight? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:13pm)
«A girl named Becca» tiiiiiired (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:13pm)
«A girl named Becca» and repetitive (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:13pm)
«A girl named Becca» (i've been saying that a lot) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:13pm)

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