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«lawrence» I'm just glad that the *one* show I saw where AFK was on the setlist, they screwed up halfway through and didn'g come back to it. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:20am) «Talcott» I'd like to hear the STD version live...just not the new one (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:21am) «John J. Ryan» I'll have to make a mix CD of songs that you (LAwrence) can't stand, so you can take the CD and do whatever you want with it. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:21am) «John J. Ryan» Use it for shooting practice, a dartboard, crush it with a steamroller.... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:21am) «Talcott» you can fit those all on one CD? *ducks* (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:21am) «sheryls» AFK? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «sheryls» they have a song called away from keyboard? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «lawrence» yeah, the STD version rocks live. I've heard it a few times. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «lawrence» hahahaha. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «lawrence» now that you mention it, I think *I'll* write a song called Away from Keyboard. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «goovie is married!» be sure to add lots of adam brodsky and louis armstrong. and the luckiest :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «sheryls» no really, what's afk? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «lawrence» Another First Kiss. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:22am) «sheryls» oh! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:23am) «sheryls» oh oh oh. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:23am) «Talcott» Actually, that's a cool title ;) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:23am) «sheryls» duh. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:23am) «sheryls» not one of my favs, so it didnt pop up. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:23am) «John J. Ryan» Never heard the original First Kiss, or AFK for that matter live (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:23am) «Talcott» I somewhat doubt it's one of anyone's favs (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:23am) «lawrence» I know a few people who think it's great. they insist that it belongs on mix tapes to introduce people to TMBG. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:24am) «John J. Ryan» There's a song to put on your album along with Freebird and Get Off The Stage!, Away From Keyboard :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:24am) «lawrence» and I suppose that might work, if the people they're tring to introduce to TMBG are fans of the boy bands... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:24am) «John J. Ryan» And of course, You Suck! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:24am) «lawrence» of course. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:25am) «John J. Ryan» When TMBG get their lifetime achievement award at the American Music Awards, N* Sync will be butchering, er, performing AFK. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:25am) «John J. Ryan» Just like they butchered Uptown Girl. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:26am) «Talcott» lol! Ok, that might be bad enough to watch (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:26am) «Talcott» so long as they don't touch She's an Angel (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:26am) «lawrence» which reminds me, the next time I see Jim's Big Ego live (i.e. ten years from now if I'm lucky) I'll have to shout for "You Piss Me Off" (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:26am) «Talcott» wow, that was an unexpected earworm (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:27am) «sheryls» they played for free at my school. and i missed it. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:29am) «lawrence» wow. they have three shows scheduled for the rest of this year. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:30am) «John J. Ryan» They're taking a ciesta. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:30am) «sheryls» haha. i'm testing our usenet access at work. i'm downloading ALL of amm-f. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:30am) «sheryls» and it's siesta. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:30am) «sheryls» isnt it? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:31am) «sheryls» it's been years since spanish. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:31am) «John J. Ryan» Whoops. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:31am) «goovie is married!» yup, siesta (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:32am) «John J. Ryan» All of the Fruvous newsgroup? At one point, it showed up on my Outlook Express as only 4 messages. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:32am) «John J. Ryan» Although the Frucon 6 thread has energized it. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:32am) «lawrence» it's considerably less dead than some of the newsgroups I read. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:33am) «lawrence» alt.music.ben-folds-five hasn't gotten anything in a couple of weeks, and alt.music.guster only gets spam now. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:33am) «John J. Ryan» Which ones would that be? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:34am) «John J. Ryan» I only read billy-joel, dream-theater, moxy-fruvous, and tmbg (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:34am) «John J. Ryan» only fruvous is not very active (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:34am) «goovie is married!» bwah! gordon, i just got the message you sent me from poetry.com (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:35am) «lawrence» there are a bunch of others I *could* read, but they get way too much traffic. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:35am) «John J. Ryan» although billy-joel is mainly posts by this stalker fan who also run www.billyjoelmusic.com (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:35am) «lawrence» eeeew (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:35am) «John J. Ryan» I tried reading harry-potter and radiohead, and it was too crazy. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:35am) «A girl named Becca» YAY harry potter! (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:36am) «A girl named Becca» ok, those were my 2 cents. i'll be going now. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:36am) «John J. Ryan» Oh Lawrence, what about Run For Your Life by the Beatles as a stalker song? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:37am) «lawrence» oh yeah. I have to add that one. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:37am) «sheryls» yeah it's only 22msgs. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:37am) «Talcott» Sheryl: You should have been there. He came up and hung out with Lacy and I (us being the only people who had heard of him there ;) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:37am) «sheryls» cool! :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:38am) «Talcott» And then when a group of us saw him at Oh. Weslyan (where there was no one there) he thanked us for "making the gig almost worth it" (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:39am) «Talcott» (he was basicly the opener for some students practicing guitar) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:39am) «sheryls» ARGH. my supervisor is such a linux poseur. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:41am) «John J. Ryan» I've done gigs where the audience was 1. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:41am) «John J. Ryan» Man, they really do suck. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:41am) «Talcott» wow...hey, speaking of, I still need to get your CD (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:41am) «Misch» Yeah... I was at a concert a 2 weeks ago... turnout was 5. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:44am) «lawrence» I saw Nields show a couple of years ago where I was one of 8 in the audience.... (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:44am) «Misch» 4 friends of the first performer, and me. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:44am) «goovie is married!» heehee. i've been at gigs where i've been the 1. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45am) «Misch» then a few drunks showed up for the second group. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45am) «Misch» smaf? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45am) «lawrence» didn't Fruvous do a show somewhere where 11 people showed up, and half of them were the opening band? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45am) «Talcott» Yeah, I think that was in Nevada (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45am) «John J. Ryan» I saw the Kennedys with Gordon, Andy, Ellen, and myself on Oscar night. We were half the audience. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45am) «Talcott» I heard it was a great show (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:45am) «John J. Ryan» How enduring those shows is worth it when you do play the big shows, 500-1500 people like I've also done. :) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:46am) «lawrence» ah yeah, there it is. 10/27/99. Las Vegas. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:46am) «Misch» Las Vegas. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:47am) «Misch» \/\/00t. Web App developer position open at RIT. /me needs to jump all over this one like a bum on a baloney sandwich. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:48am) «goovie is married!» oooh, yay paul. and yay smaf (altho there were 2 of us in the audience for that. 3 if you count wally cleaver.) (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:48am) «Misch» P(getting job) = slim to none... but I won't let it be said that I didn't apply. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:49am) «Misch» I think it's a position that I was passed over for once. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:56am) «Smatts' Baby's Pics!» hey...how do i change my password for login? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:57am) «lawrence» I think it's in "modify your account" (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:58am) «Gordondon son of Ethelred» now it's on edit your profile (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:58am) «lawrence» whee. just re-ordered the Love and China songbook. <sigh> (Jul 12, 2002 @ 10:59am) «John J. Ryan» Re-ordered? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:00am) «lawrence» yeah. they sent a CD the first time. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:00am) «lawrence» so I'll have the songbook Monday or Tuesday now. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:01am) «John J. Ryan» Whoops (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:04am) «John J. Ryan» So you have an extra Love and CHina CD now? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:04am) «lawrence» no, I'm giving it back at Falcon Ridge. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:04am) «lawrence» since I only paid for a songbook. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:04am) «Talcott» /me casts raise dead on the wall (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:08am) «Talcott» /me watches as the wall becomes a dancing skeleton (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:09am) «sheryls» you scare me, tauntaun. (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:09am) «sheryls» is it a tiny dancing skeleton? (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:09am) «Talcott» yup. In an overcoat (Jul 12, 2002 @ 11:10am) « Previous 100 entries | Next 100 entries »
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