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«soul groove feline» /me hears echo of whistle resound on wall (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:05pm)
«meh» Ooooh. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:06pm)
«meh» No, I'm not sure why that required an "oooh." (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:06pm)
«meh» Possibly becaues I just accidentally popped a blister on my foot. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«soul groove feline» echoes are cool (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«soul groove feline» ow. that's *not* cool. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«meh» Echoes are cool. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«John J. Ryan» The song Echoes by Pink Floyd is cool (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:07pm)
«meh» Uhm. I need a cookie. This is completely irrelavent. Irrelevent. Whatever, you know what I mean. These aren't the droids you're looking for. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:08pm)
«soul groove feline» they aren't? no wonder I have problems. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:09pm)
«meh» Well, I don't think so. I could always be wrong. I frequently am. Wrong, that is. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:09pm)
«soul groove feline» well, some solution is better than no solution, no? (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:10pm)
«meh» *waves at Lawrence on the main page* (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:10pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'm going to bed! Night all! (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:11pm)
«meh» Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Or you're actually a suspension or an emulsion, but that's a horse of a different color. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:11pm)
«meh» *hugs* G'night John. Sleep well. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:11pm)
«soul groove feline» night John! *hugs* (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:11pm)
«soul groove feline» no, I'm a colloid, which is acually a type of suspension. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«soul groove feline» I'll be back in an hour, if anyone's still up... (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«soul groove feline» if not...g'night! *HUGS* (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«meh» Ooooh. A colloid. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:12pm)
«meh» *Hugs* I probably won't be around, I should go sleep so I'll be on time to work tomorrow. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:13pm)
«meh» And on that note. *hugs* G'night, anyone else who's still here. (Jul 10, 2002 @ 11:13pm)
«Eri» duh duh dhum. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:18am)
«Shelly» o/' tra la la o/' (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:31am)
«I can see the bunny» Shelly!! Any word yet on the job?? (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:43am)
«iPauley» ooh, the yellow on the powerwall users list is back. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:45am)
«I can see the bunny» so it is! :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:45am)
«iPauley» /me sends some schnugglies to leanne (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:48am)
«I can see the bunny» /me schnuggles the Pauley back :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:49am)
«Eri» dum dum dhum (redux) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:51am)
«I can see the bunny» hey Eri :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:52am)
«Eri» Hiya! (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:52am)
«iPauley» /me sends a buncha schnugglies Eri's way, too! :-D (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:52am)
«Eri» yay!!! Ian says hi, too... (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:53am)
«iPauley» hi ian! :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:53am)
«I can see the bunny» salutations Ian! *g* (Jul 11, 2002 @ 1:54am)
«Shelly» o/' ma-na-ma-na doo-dooo-doo-doo doo o/' (Jul 11, 2002 @ 2:40am)
«Andrea Krause» *yawn* g'morning... (Jul 11, 2002 @ 8:46am)
«Andrea Krause» I'll allow y'all to assign your own values to "g'" (Jul 11, 2002 @ 8:46am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hand of the tired Andrea (Jul 11, 2002 @ 8:54am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» g = godzilla-like (Jul 11, 2002 @ 8:54am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Andrea you get 150 gordonpoints for saying I'm keen! (Jul 11, 2002 @ 8:56am)
«Andrea Krause» hehe yay! :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:01am)
«Andrea Krause» gordonpoints duly updated in profile! (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:01am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» That was the word when I was a kid (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:02am)
«Andrea Krause» It's a good word. Words that start in K are kool. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:03am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Like Krause? (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» How about a silent "k" like Knight? (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Andrea Krause» Yes...Krause is spiffy! (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:05am)
«Andrea Krause» Silent knight? heee. :) Silent Ks are good as well, but they're not to be trusted because they're sneaKy. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:06am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» I'll keep that in mind. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:07am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Today is David Bowie day on FUV! I love Bowie (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«John J. Ryan» Huzzah! (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«John J. Ryan» And Whassup? (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» the sky (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:09am)
«Misch» Morning Wall. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:10am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» fine say morning to the wall and not to me. I won't be hurt. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» /me curses diaryland. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» hi all. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:11am)
«goovie is married!» /me joins shannon in the cursing. bloody hell. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:12am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» carey, I'm fixing it now... I'm just putting your image on my fhdc account. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:13am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» I'll send you an email. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:13am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» /me kisses the hands of Shannon and his beloved brain (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:13am)
«goovie is married!» ah, ok, thanks :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:14am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» This is when I usually read my baseball report. I'm going through withdrawal (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:16am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» Carey... could you frum me your password? I' (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:18am)
«Misch» /me passes some Methodone to Gordon to tide over his cravings. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:18am)
«I had Matt Spare's baby!» ll just fix it myself, easier that way. :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:18am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» That's always my attitude Shannon (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:19am)
«Andrea Krause» is light corn syrup the same thing as karo syrup? (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:20am)
«goovie is married!» there you go (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:20am)
«Talcott» mornin' folks (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:20am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» The only thing I know about karo syrup is that it is used as blood in the movies (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:22am)
«goovie is married!» mmmmmblood (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:23am)
«Talcott» ok, than yeah that is corn syrup (assuming we both have our facts right) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:23am)
«Andrea Krause» .oO and if I show you my dark side will you still hold me tonight Oo. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:23am)
«Andrea Krause» I just know I have karo syrup at home and have a recipe that calls for light corn syrup and dunno if I need to buy some. heee. :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:24am)
«Talcott» well, I suppose you could just goto the blood bank instead ;) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:25am)
«Talcott» (ok, it's too early for me to be writing this morning ;) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:25am)
«Andrea Krause» ewwww :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:27am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» i just went to the karo homepage. they make both dark and light corn syrup (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:27am)
«Talcott» I dunno, maybe you were cooking for a vampire (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:28am)
«Andrea Krause» hrm...good to know gordon, thanks. I *think* what we have at home must be the light... (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:28am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» What you wouldn't have Angel over for dinner? (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:28am)
«Andrea Krause» I'm trying to invent a cake/dessert thing :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«Talcott» Hmm...not angel. Maybe the Master though ;) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«Andrea Krause» Well the dessert WILL involve angel food cake, so....:) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» If it looks light it is light. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:29am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Then you should invite Angel. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:30am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» If you invite Fred, then invite me too. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:30am)
«John J. Ryan» "And Bargainville and Wood are running neck and neck..." (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:31am)
«goovie is married!» and if you invite lorne and groo, invite me :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:32am)
«Andrea Krause» Sure, Gordon...but I don't know if you would have all that much in common with my stepdad... (sorry, his name's Fred, it's the first thing I think of. :) ) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«Andrea Krause» ewwww...groo scares me. his mouth is...weird. :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Ahhhh, Well if he is a physicist that would be cool. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:33am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Groo and lorne are sooo funny together. (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«Gordondon son of Ethelred» Well Andy and Mark (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:34am)
«goovie is married!» yeah. andy and mark out of makeup are yummy :) (Jul 11, 2002 @ 9:35am)

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