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«nate...» la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:49am) «nate...» la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «nate...» la (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:50am) «A girl named Becca» wow....someone's bored (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:51am) «nate...» uh huh! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:51am) «A girl named Becca» (yeah yeah, i know i said i was leaving...forgot that i have to ask mapquest where i'm going) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:51am) «nate...» heehee... dork. :) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:51am) «A girl named Becca» uh-huh! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:52am) «A girl named Becca» *proud smile (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:52am) «nate...» *tacklesnuggles* (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:52am) «A girl named Becca» eep! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:52am) «A girl named Becca» :) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:52am) «nate...» heehee. :) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:54am) «nate...» /me hops (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:55am) «A girl named Becca» dork. :) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:55am) «A girl named Becca» and, again, now i'm really leaving (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:57am) «A girl named Becca» *poof* (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:57am) «Misch» Wow: http://www.janisian.com/article-internet_debacle.html (Jul 9, 2002 @ 10:59am) «nate...» nice! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:08am) «John J. Ryan» She drives the nail right into the coffin on that one. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:26am) «John J. Ryan» I remember Ben Folds talking during his show about being "forced" to release new material that wasn't ready yet, or even written yet. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:27am) «nate...» hahahha!!!!! THIS ROCKS! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:39am) «John J. Ryan» Be nice if I read the language.... (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:42am) «John J. Ryan» Oh I was too quick! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:42am) «John J. Ryan» Funny how we were just talking about that yesterday.... (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:42am) «nate...» we were? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:51am) «goovie is married!» how come html isn't working in profiles anymore? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:54am) «jaye» oooh. nogoodthatis (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:55am) «Michael (foof) Maki» heyheyhey, folks (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:56am) «Michael (foof) Maki» yeah. my profile is a mess. I'd assumed it was because Word codes bad HTML. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:57am) «Josh Woodward» d'oh, sorry bout that, fixed (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:59am) «Josh Woodward» (making sure <font>this</font> doesn't work again) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 11:59am) «John J. Ryan» Boldface Stuff like that works now? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:00pm) «John J. Ryan» Or Italics (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:00pm) «John J. Ryan» Ah, very nice (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:01pm) «danced with Lazlo» Hello children. I bring you love! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:01pm) «John J. Ryan» So now I can tell more people to go to my site. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:01pm) «danced with Lazlo» oh, by the way, Gordon's a freak. Don't listen to him. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:01pm) «goovie is married!» "she's bringing us love! let's kick her ass!" (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:01pm) «John J. Ryan» Mr. Burns: "No, I don't bring you love! I bring you hate and pestilence." (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:02pm) «John J. Ryan» "Time for your medicine Mr. Burns..." (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:02pm) «John J. Ryan» oO Good morning Starshine, the earth says hello... Oo (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:03pm) «John J. Ryan» Hey Gella! * hugs * (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:03pm) «danced with Lazlo» hi. and with that, I should crawl back into bed. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:04pm) «John J. Ryan» Okay, have a good nap! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:05pm) «jaye» i don't think it's naptime here - i think it still qualifies as sleeping in ;) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:10pm) «Michael (foof) Maki» I hate how work interferes with my sleep schedule. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:13pm) «Joy- new picture!» So true. So true. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:14pm) «nate...» amen (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:16pm) «John J. Ryan» Why can't it be like the roaring 20s when people took naps at work at 3 PM? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:18pm) «nate...» or had martini lunches (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:21pm) «iPauley» heehee (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:32pm) «jaye» "had"? how the hell do you think i get through the day? :P (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:35pm) «Michael (foof) Maki» methamphetamine? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:37pm) «Michael (foof) Maki» I know crank sure gets *me* through the day... (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:37pm) «Michael (foof) Maki» Prulie! The strep-bearer! (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:42pm) «jaye» crank is for the morning boost. martinis are a classy way to kickstart the afternoon :P (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:43pm) «jaye» take that, wall :P (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:49pm) «George E. Nowik» mmmm crank (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:53pm) «sheryls» wtf is crank? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:53pm) «Talcott» hey all (Jul 9, 2002 @ 12:59pm) «iPauley» good afternoon, talcott :) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:02pm) «John J. Ryan» Hey Talcott (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:02pm) «iPauley» *BLEH* (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:02pm) «iPauley» my name went away again. *screwy....* (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:02pm) «Talcott» hey John, Hey Pauley (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:02pm) «John J. Ryan» Why so bleh? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:03pm) «iPauley» just that I had a longer name before, and somehow, in the course of editing my profile, it went away. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:04pm) «John J. Ryan» Well, it's back now. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:04pm) «iPauley» yeah, I put it back. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:04pm) «iPauley» *looks back up the wall* wait a minute... martini lunches during the 20 (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:08pm) «Misch» Woah... it holds the different names now... (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:08pm) «iPauley» 20's? when was prohibition? (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:08pm) «iPauley» I noticed that -- weeeeeeeird. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:08pm) «Misch» The upper ones say "Pauley"... the lower ones say something different.... (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:08pm) «sheryls» yeah, i noticed that earlier too. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:08pm) «Misch» but it is just the one name in the archive. (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:09pm) «iPauley» even when I do a refresh, they stay. nice :) (Jul 9, 2002 @ 1:09pm) « Previous 100 entries | Next 100 entries »
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