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«Shelly» renita!!! i heard aboot 'estrogen tent west'!!!! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:59pm) «renita» *L* yah the tent is spreading across the continent. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:01pm) «Shelly» heh...now -hopefully- i'll still have the one east...so y'all don't hafta , like provide -all- the estrogen power...*g* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:04pm) «renita» Julie! *hugs* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:06pm) «iPauley» /me waves at renita and frulie :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:07pm) «iPauley» :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:08pm) «renita» Lots and lots! where'd you hear that? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:08pm) «Shelly» ok...stoopid update complete..time to go offline and wait to talk to tha ab to get the behind-the-scenes take on my interview from her co. rumourmill (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:10pm) «Shelly» love y'all!! *HUGGSS* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:11pm) «jaye» "little"??? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:11pm) «renita» bye! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:11pm) «Rob Balder» Oooh oooh oooh it's a Fr�lie! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:15pm) «Rob Balder» Computer Training? That's gotten great response. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:17pm) «Rob Balder» Despite being the first official F-bomb in PartiallyClips (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:18pm) «Rob Balder» Hehehh (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:18pm) «Rob Balder» Did I have news up when you read it? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:19pm) «Rob Balder» The dialog with Fetus-X creators and selling a humor article? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:19pm) «Rob Balder» Crap, yah that happens when you have your browser's setting set to "smaller" (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:21pm) «Rob Balder» You should see when it is set to "larger" (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:21pm) «Rob Balder» I saw my Dad play around with that and it only looked normal when he had it set to normal. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:22pm) «Rob Balder» Yeah in IE it's View-->Text Size-->Medium (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:24pm) «jaye» /me sees all the stuff, but any bold text in the strip is virtually impossible to read (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:24pm) «Rob Balder» aci what OS are you running, cause I have heard that problem too (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:25pm) «Rob Balder» My friend Mike has a pre-G3 Mac and he can't really see the .png graphic very well. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:26pm) «jaye» um. win95. and the browser is netscape 4.xx (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:26pm) «Rob Balder» Fr�lie aith (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:27pm) «Rob Balder» wait (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:27pm) «Rob Balder» The text you can't see is that I sold a humor article to The Schmews. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:28pm) «Rob Balder» I want to give you the link (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:28pm) «Rob Balder» http://www.theschmews.com/article.asp?id=614&type=2 (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:28pm) «Rob Balder» Jaci is there any chance you could email me a screen shot? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:29pm) «jaye» sure. frum me an addy (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:31pm) «jaye» also, when i click on the strip to get the bigger image, all of the dialogue is gone (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:32pm) «Rob Balder» Huh? That shouldn't be possible. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:32pm) «Rob Balder» Can you send me a screenshot of that too? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:33pm) «Talcott» I just wanted to jump on and say hello. Lots of homework tonight (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:33pm) «jaye» sure. it's pretty weird. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:34pm) «Rob Balder» Hey Talcott (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:34pm) «Talcott» (weird, I'm so used to the old wall...I can't even place my finger on what's so odd about the new one (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:34pm) «Talcott» 'ello (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:34pm) «Talcott» and now...off to do homework! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:37pm) «Eri» *pout* i always miss talcott. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:44pm) «Rob Balder» Jaci thank you for that. I think I am discovering that Netscape has a problem with the .png format (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:53pm) «Rob Balder» I need to research it. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:54pm) «jaye» no problem =) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:56pm) «jaye» i know my set-up here is ancient, but then again i'm sure you want your stuff to be as accessible as possible (Jul 8, 2002 @ 6:57pm) «jaye» /me flees (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:29pm) «Drea» /me waves southwest - JILLIAN!! :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:36pm) «Drea» /me wonders how boring Chatham is at present ;) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:37pm) «iPauley» /me is, far and away, not Jillian, but waves hello to Drea anyway. ;) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:38pm) «Michael (foof) Maki» og, Thank God. A mere 10 minutes left in this awful, awful day. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:48pm) «Drea» /me waves back to Pauley ;) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:50pm) «Talcott» argh....must...work...on...homework...not...sit...around...online (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:54pm) «Talcott» *groan* I'm reading an article on vegetarians from TIME. The author just made a mention of "edible complexes" (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:56pm) «Talcott» that's worse than my normal puns ;) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 7:56pm) «iPauley» I need a shave. I also need money... but first thing's first. off to find a razor... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:05pm) «iPauley» :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:05pm) «Jason Reiser» hmm, that's a long word... shifted my display (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:06pm) «soul groove feline» hello. anyone still here? :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:35pm) «iPauley» nobody here but us dust bunnies. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:35pm) «soul groove feline» I like dust bunnies :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:36pm) «soul groove feline» how goes it, Pauley? *huggles* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:36pm) «iPauley» *schnugglies* not too bad. how's the staceyfru? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:36pm) «soul groove feline» pretty good. except I feel like I'm wasting my summer. but...eh. could be worse. I could be in summer school. *shudder* :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:38pm) «iPauley» heehee (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:39pm) «iPauley» I'm still unemployed, shame on me. :-P (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:39pm) «soul groove feline» you'll be employed soon...keep sending out those resumes. someone's bound to come to their senses and hire ya soon :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:40pm) «iPauley» :) thanks hon (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:40pm) «soul groove feline» persistance...all it is...:o) ....but me, I'm lacking that, sadly. I just do NOT want to practice, even though I have gigs...I'm SO tired of the piano. *le sigh* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:42pm) «meh» Hello all. Although I'm not sure I'm really here, I might be about to get dinner. ;-) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:44pm) «soul groove feline» Lacy! hey! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:44pm) «meh» Hey Stace! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:44pm) «meh» How're you tonight? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:44pm) «soul groove feline» pretty good...it's hot in this house though :) ...how're you? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:45pm) «meh» Not too bad. Hungry. ;-) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:46pm) «soul groove feline» i'm frustrated at this streaming wall, which won't work right for me :( (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:47pm) «meh» Ick! That's no fun. :-( (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:48pm) «soul groove feline» yeah. but ah well. refresh based works just fine. i'm just into being all petty lately :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:49pm) «meh» *shrug* Sometimes petty is fun. *resists racing joke* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 8:50pm) « Previous 100 entries | Next 100 entries »
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