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«Misch» I need Rich Text Format (rtf) and StarOffice... (.sxw)... I don't know the full headers of the types though. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:33pm)
«Misch» that'd be cool. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:34pm)
«Jason Reiser» RTF is one of the defaults on the new box. Not sure what the sxw one is either. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:36pm)
«Shelly» my! all my contacts are alphabetized!! jason, allow me to gush over you MORE!!! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:36pm)
«Misch» niiiiice. :-) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:36pm)
«Jason Reiser» thanks, but what did I do? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:37pm)
«Shelly» /me goes to call her ma-ma to give job interview ree-port (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:37pm)
«Jason Reiser» I'll gladly take credit for things on FHDC, even it's it's not deserved. ;) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:38pm)
«Andrea Krause» bleh. they can stop giving me root canals any time now. honestly. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:38pm)
«Misch» Sure... go ahead and move my page to the new server thingie. :-) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:40pm)
«John J. Ryan» I saw a T-shirt that had a long mathematical equation on the back, and in big letters it said "GO GEEK" (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:40pm)
«goovie is married!» ooh, almost time to gooo. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:43pm)
«iPauley» goo? *splat* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:43pm)
«goovie is married!» almost time to goo. vie. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:44pm)
«jaye» almost time to gooo to lunch (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:45pm)
«iPauley» heehee *gooviehugs* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:45pm)
«John J. Ryan» mmmmmmmfree goo. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:45pm)
«goovie is married!» "i don't know where you pixies came from, but i like your pixie drink!" (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:47pm)
«Jason Reiser» /me wants on of ThinkGeek's binary clocks. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:49pm)
«Mistress Rabean» lol (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:50pm)
«Misch» /me runs off. cya l8r. Maybe around 10001 hrs. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:50pm)
«nate...» heh.. that's an excellent clock. :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:51pm)
«sheryls» i wanted to make the gamma-epsilon-epsilon-kappa co-ed frat. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:51pm)
«sheryls» all i could say is that our house's network would be *stacked* :D (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:52pm)
«sheryls» could you see rushing for that? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:52pm)
«sheryls» "code an irc client in 5 minutes." (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:52pm)
«iPauley» *laugh* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:53pm)
«iPauley» nice (Jul 8, 2002 @ 4:55pm)
«Jason Reiser» /me just got a fox&hound telco/network wiring testers. Can I join your frat? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:09pm)
«Shelly» /me read that as 'toasters' (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:17pm)
«Shelly» i was like..'jason't wiring toasters???' (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:18pm)
«Shelly» or jason's (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:18pm)
«jaye» flying toasters? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:18pm)
«Shelly» 'the adventures of jason reiser and the incredible flying toaster'!!! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:19pm)
«Shelly» coming soon to a theatre or cafe near you!! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:19pm)
«Jason Reiser» I did toy with the idea of using a 2-slice toaster as a computer case. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:20pm)
«jaye» i want toast. bring me toast! and a harem! a toasted bagel would do (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:20pm)
«iPauley» heehee (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:21pm)
«Jason Reiser» shoulnd't be that much harder than the Mac SE that I gutted and made into a Wintel box (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:21pm)
«Jason Reiser» I thought it'd be neat if the toast slots were CDROM trays - vertical eject. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:22pm)
«iPauley» *grin* innnnnnnteresting... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:23pm)
«Jason Reiser» My P3-MacSE is overheating though. I think the CPU fan bit the dust. And it's a pain in the butt to get in there... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:24pm)
«Shelly» don't ferget the water if yer askin for the toast and the harem, jac ;) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:24pm)
«jaye» i have water already. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:24pm)
«Shelly» or if you could MAKE toast in yer CDrom... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«Jason Reiser» I think Toast only runs on Macs. ;) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«sheryls» you better have water cooling on your CPU. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«John J. Ryan» I had a computer where the fan broke. It was bye bye processor.... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«Shelly» -well-! 'scuse ME!! hmmph (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«Jason Reiser» (it's a CDROm burning application) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«John J. Ryan» Because when I replaced the fan, the computer wouldn't work at all... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«Shelly» {that was for the jaci} (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:25pm)
«Jason Reiser» ugh. Well, I have another CPU or so around. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:26pm)
«sheryls» i fried erics old proc. but it was already broken. but i THOUGHT it was the new one. i cried. but then i realized, i fried the already broken one. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:26pm)
«Shelly» well, at least you dinna fry the new one, eh? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:26pm)
«sheryls» well that's the thing, i was replacing his and got distracted, and uh, somehow the computer got turned on AFTER i'd taken the fan off.. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«sheryls» and i FREAKED. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«Jason Reiser» My watercooled computer: (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«John J. Ryan» Crying over a dead processor. Definitely a sign that you're a geek. :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«sheryls» i was sobbing "i'm sorry! i'll buy you a newone! i swear it!" then i kinda paused and went "...nevermind, that was the dead one." and went back to fixing it :D (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«John J. Ryan» I'd freak too. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«sheryls» i was crying because he had just spent $130 on it :D (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:27pm)
«Shelly» heehee..neato, jason (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:28pm)
«sheryls» and consequently, i'd have to spend $130 to replace it :D (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:28pm)
«sheryls» hahaha j - i have a gutted mac, i have to order the plexiglass panes :D (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:28pm)
«sheryls» /me 's demi-mod: (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:28pm)
«John J. Ryan» I read that as a water cooler computer. That would be something for the office, a computer that also dispenses cold water :D (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:29pm)
«sheryls» or a iglooo computer. a ocmputer that keeps your beer cold. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:29pm)
«Shelly» oooh..i like shers idea better!!! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:29pm)
«John J. Ryan» Mmmmmmbeer (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:29pm)
«Jason Reiser» the water cooler would be a fun project - maybe fit an upside-down 2-liter bottle in a classic Mac. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:30pm)
«Shelly» /me likes mmmmmmmmmmartini better.... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:30pm)
«John J. Ryan» That would be what Tim Allen would call the "Man's Computer" (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:30pm)
«Shelly» but martinis don't travel as well..heehee (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:30pm)
«Jason Reiser» beer in the kitchen makes more sense than my fishtank too. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:31pm)
«Shelly» yup (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:31pm)
«Shelly» /me is -so- happy she found her checkbook that she had 'put in a safe place so as not to lose it in VA' (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:32pm)
«John J. Ryan» A Mac with a beer tap perhaps? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«Michael (foof) Maki» My brain hurts. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» How was the rest of yoru weekend Shelly? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:33pm)
«John J. Ryan» Shelly, my recording of the Haddon Heights show was PERFECT (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:34pm)
«Shelly» wonderful!! thanks for askin!! they ended up talking me into staying friday night, too..left saturday ight aboot 8pm (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:34pm)
«Shelly» yay!! will ya have time to dub me a copy before sunday??? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:34pm)
«Shelly» /me may be trekking along with them to pittsburgh friday now, too...vee shall see... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:35pm)
«Shelly» ya know how it is....when you're part of the harem...*g* (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:36pm)
«Shelly» {though it'd just be me and julie making up the harem -this- i guess we'll have more to} (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:36pm)
«John J. Ryan» Man, I have to buy a tape-tape recorder, because I dunna have one/// (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:38pm)
«Shelly» oh...that's ok worries (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:39pm)
«Shelly» {though i have one..heehee} (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:39pm)
«John J. Ryan» I need to get one. I'm going to using a lot of tapes at FRFF. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:42pm)
«John J. Ryan» Along with lots of batteries and camera film (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:42pm)
«Shelly» /me -hopes- that she can come to FRFF now...pending hopeful employment...and other factors (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:44pm)
«Shelly» though the weird thing is if i -do- get hired, i may not be able to go..which is sorta bass-ackwards... (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:45pm)
«Shelly» o/' mi vida lo-ca over and o-ver, des-ti-ny- turns on a dime o/' (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:48pm)
«Jason Reiser» just over 30 hours of tape should do it. That's about all one recorder can get at a FRFF weekend. (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:51pm)
«Jason Reiser» just grab an Archos Jukebox Recorder (MP3 device). It has a coax digital input/output too. :) (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:52pm)
«Shelly» jason=king of da tapers! (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:52pm)
«Jason Reiser» so this leaves what... like 3 weeks to finish up the FRFF'02 MP3s? (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:53pm)
«Jason Reiser» sorry, 01 (Jul 8, 2002 @ 5:53pm)

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