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«iPauley» good, andy -- had a really good interview today. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:04pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» i really think you should see this pirate show smatthew...its fo freakin funny...youd love it (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:04pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» Chhhhhhhhhhhhhaya (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» i dont have time. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«iPauley» /me *pouncehuggles* the chayaness :-D (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» i put in $60 today....will put in $240 tomorrow (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«Chaya Papaya» /me falls over...and then hugs the pauley back (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» i know you dojnt...was just saying i wish you did (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«Chaya Papaya» and then gets up and jumps on the smaattttsssss :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«J. Andrew World» Chaya! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:05pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» ok, put it in tommorow early please. i wrote two checks today. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:06pm)
«Chaya Papaya» andy! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:06pm)
«J. Andrew World» You snuck into my name! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:06pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» woo! i've been chayaed (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:06pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» niles? hark! who goes there?? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:06pm)
«Matthew Scott Slawinski» well, i gotta get outta here....see ya (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:07pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» im having a blast playing this show matt!! didnt htink i would but i am (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:07pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» hey...aim fo a sec (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:07pm)
«J. Andrew World» :^D (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:08pm)
«Chaya Papaya» smatts left :( (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:08pm)
«iPauley» chaya: 'sok, I'm no smatts, but I can *schnuggle* wih the best of'em :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:09pm)
«Smatts' Baby's Pics!» yes he did...the little booger butt!! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:09pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me hands Chaya some Porn* This is the best I can offer, sorry no Smatts! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:10pm)
«Chaya Papaya» ok pauley!!: ) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:11pm)
«iPauley» SchnugglePauley -- ready, willing, and able to *schnuggle* :-D (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:12pm)
«Chaya Papaya» well then come to chaya! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:16pm)
«J. Andrew World» It's all about the Chaya! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:17pm)
«iPauley» /me goes to Chaya. *pounceschnuggle* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:17pm)
«Chaya Papaya» wohoo! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:17pm)
«iPauley» *grin* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:18pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» Do I count as porn? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:18pm)
«iPauley» if you want to entertain chaya, then probably. :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:19pm)
«J. Andrew World» YES! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:19pm)
«ellen» well, you're naked :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:19pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me hands Melanie to Chaya* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:19pm)
«Chaya Papaya» ummm (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:21pm)
«J. Andrew World» She's naked! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:22pm)
«iPauley» *chuckle* I wonder if that was a bit much. :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:22pm)
«Chaya Papaya» i'm not really into melanies (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:22pm)
«Chaya Papaya» i'm kinda more into people with penises (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:22pm)
«J. Andrew World» But she rocks my world (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:22pm)
«iPauley» *checks* whew, I still apply. ;P (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:23pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» I forgive you, chaya. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:23pm)
«Chaya Papaya» since i have a large supply of porn as it is...i'm taking this piece...melanie...and giving it to andy (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:23pm)
«Chaya Papaya» you sure there pauley? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:24pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» PAULEY? You have a penis??? *shock* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:24pm)
«J. Andrew World» I get Melanie? Whoo-hoo! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:24pm)
«iPauley» hee hee what's scarier -- that, or that I had to check? ;) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:24pm)
«Chaya Papaya» not only do you get get a naked melanie (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:24pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» I have a penis. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:25pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» I keep it in Manayunk. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:25pm)
«Chaya Papaya» melanie...hon...i'm sorry...strap ons don't count (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:25pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» It is a temporary penis. Belongs to someone else. He occasionally lets me use it though. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:25pm)
«Chaya Papaya» andy....looks like i gave you some of my best porn...use it well (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:26pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» Not temporary to him though- it's attached. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:26pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» This is not the kind of stuff I am allowed to say on the wall is it? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:27pm)
«Chaya Papaya» it's the late night wall (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:27pm)
«J. Andrew World» Melanie! You are my porn! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:27pm)
«Chaya Papaya» viewer discresion advised (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:27pm)
«Chaya Papaya» how do you spell discresion....ick (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:27pm)
«J. Andrew World» I think we are safe now! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:28pm)
«iPauley» discretion (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:28pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» I like the late night wall. But I like the late night snuggly bed better. I have to sleeeep. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:28pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» Pauley is my hero. He can spell. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:28pm)
«Chaya Papaya» i usually can (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:28pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» Me too. I spell very well, but earlier I struggled with "exaggerating" (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:29pm)
«iPauley» night goobiegoob :) have good sleeping :) (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:29pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» night (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:29pm)
«J. Andrew World» I can't! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:30pm)
«J. Andrew World» Night Gooboroma, sleep well (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:30pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» Somehow, andy, your shortcomings in spelling are strangely endearing. (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:30pm)
«Goob-O-Rama» bye! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:31pm)
«J. Andrew World» Melanie, that isn't the first time I have heard that! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:31pm)
«J. Andrew World» Nice name! However I would spell it differantly! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:32pm)
«J. Andrew World» :^D (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:37pm)
«iPauley» short visit tonight -- gotta take off -- laters, folks! *pounceschnuggles chaya one more time* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:37pm)
«J. Andrew World» Bye Pauley! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:38pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me blinks* (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:41pm)
«Chaya Papaya» my hand is cramping up (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:44pm)
«J. Andrew World» /me massages chaya's head (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:45pm)
«Chaya Papaya» danke (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:46pm)
«J. Andrew World» No problemo, I would hate to see you have a brain cramp when you are swimming! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:47pm)
«Joy- new picture!» Chaya: coundown to what? (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:53pm)
«J. Andrew World» JOY! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:55pm)
«J. Andrew World» Her birthday (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:55pm)
«J. Andrew World» Her birthday' (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:55pm)
«J. Andrew World» I pulled a Tanya! (Mar 28, 2001 @ 11:57pm)
«J. Andrew World» :^D (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:03am)
«J. Andrew World» *sigh* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:11am)
«Cara's all...a lovenerd!» wow...early for the wall to sleep for the night (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:43am)
«Somepeople» It's mid-week burnout. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:57am)
«Somepeople» .oO Shannon is gone, I heard, she's driftin' out to sea... she always loved to swim awaaaaay... Oo. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:58am)
«Cara's all...a lovenerd!» Probably...or maybe it saw me coming. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 12:58am)
«Somepeople» It? (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:04am)
«~Kim~» hi! (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:05am)
«Cara's all...a lovenerd!» the wall of hates me (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:06am)
«Somepeople» The wall is a rock. And a rock feels no pain. And an island never cries. (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:09am)
«Cara's all...a lovenerd!» Rocks can feel pain...espeically when you bang two of them together to hear them scream! :) (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:10am)
«Cara's all...a lovenerd!» and I could be a rock..cause I'm feeling dead tired right now..night anyone thats still here *walugs* (Mar 29, 2001 @ 1:17am)

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