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Poll: Which film should win Best Picture? |
Which film should win Best Picture?
Doktor Pepski, kommie
· 22 years, 1 month ago
I can not say enough about the film. Ok, it does take liberties, especially with Faramir. and parts of the book will wait until ROTK, but the scope is grand, the story telling is still amazing, as well as the performances, can you think of someone in the film you think does not believe in their role? I think not!
I didn't know a date was required to see a movie.
I go by myself. It's faster than waiting around for someone to take you.
Go before 5pm. It's cheaper.
My college (went back to school, don't think of in the age group of 18-23) also has $5 passes for our local theatres to use in the evenings. You pay the different between the price of the movie and the pass if they don't accept passes.
Kevin - King of WiFi
· 22 years, 1 month ago
ive only see LOTR, however pianist sounds like a bad word. 4 stars.
The Pianist looks excellent. I haven't seen the movie itself but only previews. I saw Chicago though and it was incredible. A friend of mine invited me to go. I had never heard of the film or anything and I figured it would be an interesting Saturday afternoon activity and I really enjoyed the film. I couldn't find any flaws. The only thing that I found disturbing was watching Richard Gere dance in his shorts (Richard Gere looks a lot like my Dad).
Jerry Orbach (of Law and Order and Dirty Dancing fame) was in the original broadway cast from the 1970s in "Chicago." I hope everyone knows he was on Broadway before movies and TV.
I swear if I hear that soundtrack again I will scream! Since 1999 I've heard it over and over again! From what I hear of the movie, the OBC is much better and their voices are stronger. My parents saw the play in Vegas in 1999 (with Chita Rivera) and Orbach attended because he was getting a special recognition. They got to meet him in the lobby. No one came up to him for an autograph. They recognized him but couldn't remember his name ("isn't that baby's father from Dirty Dancing?") His autograph along with their ticket stubs and program are hanging in a frame in our living room. :)
Melinda J. Beasi
· 22 years, 1 month ago
I've only seen two of the nominated films, so I am definitely not qualified to say at this point. We're working on trying to see more.
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