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Photo Gallery: jkpolk

See Dew for Teeny Compare!
Viewed 1324 times
Me and my sis at the Herkimer County fair
Viewed 1291 times
Me&Peter--Updated and somewhat less fugly me. :)
Viewed 1445 times
Me, my sis, and bro-in-law on a ride
Viewed 1287 times
Me and my sis on the ferris wheel
Viewed 1321 times
Shelby loooooves to roll on concrete
Viewed 1386 times
Shelby still enjoying the sun
Viewed 1401 times
I've got her trapped, now what do I do??
Viewed 1435 times
Amazing progress
Viewed 1379 times
30th Birthday cake!!
Viewed 1261 times
I love this pic, thanks Adam! (Me&MyPaul)
Viewed 1394 times
Luna plays with Auntie Sheryl's gift
Viewed 1443 times
Me in front of my workplace
Viewed 1392 times
Me and my cow orker/friend Tim
Viewed 1489 times
Can't seem to get them all to look one way!
Viewed 1383 times
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