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Would you be interested in seeing a short "Proxy Fruvous" set at the con?

poll Would you be interested in seeing a short "Proxy Fruvous" set at the con?
Yes, that sounds like fun!
No, if we can't have the real thing, let's not have anything.
not coming... insensitive clod... blah blah blah.
  41 Votes - 2 Posts
   Discussion: Would you be interested in seeing a short "Proxy Fruvous" set at the con?
lawrence · 21 years, 4 months ago
some of us are working on the possibility of playing a fruvous-like set at the con, but we want to make sure people think it's a good idea before say we'll definitely do it. this would be, of course, in addition to any other open mics, jamming, video watching, and other fruvous-related or non-fruvous related activities at the con.
lawrence · 21 years, 4 months ago
bouncing this to make sure that everyone going to Frucon gets a chance to see it and vote on it.

(I know I forgot to include a "I don't care either way" option, but it would be nice to make sure that with only 13 votes cast the other 13-16 attendees actually do have an opinion and we're not neglecting them :)

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