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Played KOS on jukebox today!

   Discussion: Played KOS on jukebox today!
Jason · 16 years ago
I was at Buffalo Wild Wings in Rochester (ok, in Henrietta), and went to the jukebox.  I did a music search, and for the heck of it, I searched for Früvous, and found "King of Spain"!  I told my wife, during the song before, that next was a song that we've seen many times.

I encourage everyone to search your local jukebox.  If they're not there, talk to the manager to put them in there.  Ask for them by name!


Will work for anime Back · 15 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, they are listed in the "Tunebox" or whatever it's called - the digital version of said jukebox - at Jeremiah's Tavern, also in Rochester. I've played KoS a few times before and I think Video Bargainville...good times on a Sunday night.

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