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Musical Discoveries of 2006

   Discussion: Musical Discoveries of 2006
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 18 years, 2 months ago
A little late to post this but I was just thinking about. There were at least four bands or artists that I discovered in 2006 that I became big fans of. I have seen each of them multiple times. I'll list them in alphabetical order. I don't want to play favorites.

  • Jonathan Coulton - Jonathan clearly crawled out from under the same rock as Da Vinci's Notebook and Eric Schwartz. Especially when showing his geeky sides he leans closer to Christine Lavin and Tom Lehrer.
  • Red Molly - They are probably familiar to more of you than my other discoveries. What are they? New Wave Traditional Folk? Think of the Mammals, Think of Crooked Still. Think Three part harmonies.
  • Iain Campbell Smith. I was able to get him two radio gigs purely on the strength of his back story. As a member of the Australian foreign service he was sent on a peace keeping mission to the Solomon Islands. They had been having a brutal civil war. Think of Rwanda or Baghdad. The trick is the warring factions would only allow the peacekeepers in if they were unarmed. So there was Iain keeping the peace with his guitar. He's funny, he's smart, and he knows how to work the crowd as well as anybody. I've seen him four times with audiences that didn't know him and he won them over every time.
  • Pat Wictor - John Platt calls him a Zen Bluesman. Sort of a cross between Chris Smither and the Kennedys. He looks like Orlando Bloom in LOTR.

Red Molly and Pat are both in the FRFF preview tour so many of you will be seeing more of them. Good chance that Iain and maybe Jonathan will be at the Budgiedome.

So who did you discover last year?
Paul Back · 18 years, 2 months ago
How Andy isn't more well known is beyond me. Great Songwriter, excellent singer lyrics are awesome, strong musicians backing him up esp Mhairi O'Neil on fiddle/violin. Influenced by The Pogues, Steve Earle, Springsteen, Sex Pistols, Neil Young, Bob Dylan
I saw him in Edinburgh in 1995 during the fringe as part of Little Green Monkeys and it was one of the best nights of my 2 weeks in the UK
It is his voice, his lyrics that get you. And those are unique and are not like the influences he lists on his website.
He has  two cds out Letters to Judas where he is backed by a 17 piece band. A cd not to be missed.




Andy Lang with The Zealots
REVIEW: Jordi Herold, Iron Horse Entertainment Group
Wednesday, 10 May 2006

"Jeremy takes old blues conceits and a growl that would make Tom Waits jealous and drapes them over unexpected chord changes and an authentic writers voice. His was the first 'demo' in a dogs age that prompted me to pick up the phone."

Jordi Herold, Creative Director & Talent Buyer
Iron Horse Entertainment Group

  • She Used to Call Me Honey

    She Used To Call Me HoneyFor his new collection, She Used to Call Me Honey, Wallace has turned to experimenting with the sonic landscape of his music, pushing the boundaries and expectations of what a singer-songwriter can accomplish in both the studio and as a live performer. Edgy, dangerous and with a greater emphasis on the raw energy of his craft, Wallace has emerged with a stunning album that both diverges from, and compliments, his previous material. Sharper, with restrained power and vibrant honesty, his new songs capture Wallace's most personal and creative work to date.

    Songs listed with an (*) have an MP3 you can download!

  • My Lucky Day

    My Lucky DayWallace's first record, My Lucky Day, (Palmetto Records) was an exploration of his blues and folk influences. With clever imagery and traditional arrangements, the album featured both spirited anthems of lost love and haunting melodies of wistful redemption. Songs such as "$1.49", "Johnny", and "See You in September" best represent Wallace at his most heartfelt and inspired.



Jerrilyh · 18 years, 2 months ago
Killola - Add them on Myspace or check out their website. They're an up and coming band from L.A. that will rock your socks into the middle of next week and then some.

Josh Rouse - Some of you here know who he is.

Curt Perkins - Got into because of Josh Rouse.

Echobelly - I know, they're big (or used to be anyway) in Britain, but some of their stuff is good.

The Sounds - Good rock from Sweden.

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