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Molly Ivins

   Discussion: Molly Ivins
Paul · 18 years, 4 months ago
On another list I am on they have been talking about Molly Ivins passing. Alot of the people on the list are  folk music radio djs and they have been trying to come up with songs to play on a show honoring her life, songs that she would enjoy.

I thought she would like this one:

words and music by Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby
© 2004 Watunes (BMI), Motaters Music (ASCAP)

Well, my son asked me today, "Is this another Vietnam?"
I said, "Son, you know it's, well it's, no it's,
   hmm, go ask your mom."
It brought back such precious memories
Of my days in business school
My favorite stool

Then my wife said, "Hey, I'm worried
   'cause they're starting to deploy."
I said, "Honey, don't be silly,
   we'll send someone else's boy."
'Cause we all make sacrifices
And in a war, that's what the poor
People are for

I said fight on for freedom's sake
'Long as I don't shake and bake

Chickenhawk - Call me a Chickenhawk
Chickenhawk - proud to be a Chickenhawk
A loyal arm chair jock
Let's check that Lockheed stock

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Just because you might have seen some action
   there on the front line
Don't insult the guys who served their country
   here on the back nine
I was gung ho for gunnin' Ho
But I just had other priorities
Like feeling more at ease

I said bomb them to hell, but I'd
Rather not be Kentucky fried

Chickenhawk - Call me a Chickenhawk
Chickenhawk - proud to be a Chickenhawk
Watch while I bring democ-
Racy to all Iraq

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Why did the chicken cross the road, well I'll tell ya, Pard
The chicken crossed the road to join
   the Texas Air National Guard

Roll call!
Bush - Bawk!
Card - Bawk!
Rove - Bawk!
Ashcroft - Bawk!

Rumsfeld - Bawk!
Wolfowitz - Bawk!
Perle - Bawk!
Cheney - Go Bawk yourself!

O'Reilly, Hannity, Hume - Bawk bawk bawk!
Bennet, Kristol, Lim-Bawk!
Hastert, Gingrich, Lott, Delay - Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk...

Chickenhawk - Call me a ChickenHAWK!
Chickenhawk - proud to be a ChickenHAWK!
Watch while I bring de-MAWK!
Racy to all I-RAWK!

I didn't walk the walk, but I can talk the talk
Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawwwwk!

Let me make this perfectly clear
The BAWK stops here


anybody else?

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