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Poll: What is your favorite/most pleasurable sense?

Touch 21 (28%)
Taste 8 (11%)
Smell 4 (5%)
Hearing 14 (18%)
Sight 4 (5%)
Other: ESP? Humour? A nickel? 5 (7%)
I can't choose 20 (26%)
   Discussion: What is your favorite/most pleasurable sense?
Jody · 21 years, 11 months ago
right now it looks like a giant E!! as in..."E-veryone thinks Jody is silly for locking her keys in her car, again"
*joolee* · 21 years, 11 months ago
although I'm a big big fan of all the senses, music means too much to me to not be able to hear. It also gives me the most pleasure...Mmm.
Andrea Krause · 21 years, 11 months ago
I've often debated it within myself which I would have a harder time living without....hearing or sight. Both of them are so integral to my enjoying the world around me. I love music so much, and voices...I couldn't imagine being without that ability. But visuals are so important to me as well...and all the computer chatting I do...and looking at my sweet kitties...all of that.

Those are senses I'd be hard pressed to live without. (Obviously, if I unfortunately lost one I'd LIVE, but I'm just talking in the sense of a theoretical construct.)

But when I came down to it...the sense I get the most sheer pleasure from not from a need perspective but a pleasing's taste. Taste is just so multifaceted and we're so AWARE of how pleasurable it is when we encounter tastes we love. I can't even describe it clearly. But if I think of tasting something amazing vs seeing something amazing, in my head, it's the tasting that evokes more emotion from me.

Wow, no wonder I'm fat. :)
John J. Ryan · 21 years, 11 months ago
What, #6 missing again?
I can see the bunny Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
I don't think I could choose on this one - I'm quite fond of all of them. :) Pleasurable is being able to hear great music and the nuances in a fascinating conversation. Pleasurable is going on a photography hike and seeing the colours and shapes in nature, hearing the birds in the trees, the scent of the flowers and the metallic taste of the air after a rain.

Yeah, this is what you get when you ask questions like this around a pagan - deal with it *g*
Brian Dinsky · 21 years, 11 months ago
INFIDELS! SPEAKETH THOU NOT OF COMMON SENSE? Though, I do digress, I possess none.
lawrence · 21 years, 11 months ago
I think they're all pretty much equal for me, depending on the situation - hearing might be a little ahead because of music, but at the same time, I really like the fact that I can see, touch, and taste. it's not just that I can't live without them, but that I truly enjoy the experiences I have with them. (well, sometimes - every now and then I see/hear/taste/feel something unpleasant)

for some reason, though, I just can't get into smell. maybe because a lot of smells are "just there," and there aren't really any smells I truly enjoy. if it weren't so closely tied to taste, I think I'd even be able to live without it.

Jan Klump · 21 years, 11 months ago
I can't choose, but I just got back from a walk where the sight of fall and the sounds of birds were lush, but it was the smell of fall that was pleasing me the most. So, I'd have to say all INCLUDING smell. I remember more things by smell, perhaps.
beth-pseudocanuck! · 21 years, 11 months ago
what fun my aethetics professor would have with all of you. his whole thing is how ou SYNAESTHETIC sense is the most important. experiencing things with ALL of our senses simultaneously. his largest argument is that we really experience music--particularly differences is tone color--not just with our ears, but synasthetically. think about the language that we use to describe different tones: round (sight), sweet (taste/smell), piercing (touch), soft (touch)...the list goes on. it's really quite an interesting phemonemon when you give it a bit of thought. our language points to the fact that there maybe really is a sixth "common" sense...maybe it's not "missing again" ;-)

what do you all make of that?
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 11 months ago
If I chose one sense all the others would be jealous.
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
i wonder if your aethetics professor would be able to taste and smell my boot kicking his ass for being such a chode :-)
sheryls Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
why can't i hear josh saying "chode"?
sheryls Back · 21 years, 11 months ago

\Chode\ (ch[=o]d), the old imp. of chide. See Chide.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, � 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


/chohd/ n. Synonym for `penis' used in alt.tasteless and popularized by the denizens thereof. They say: "We think maybe it's from Middle English but we're all too damned lazy to check the OED." [I'm not. It isn't. --ESR] This term is alleged to have been inherited through 1960s underground comics, and to have been recently sighted in the Beavis and Butthead cartoons. Speakers of the Hindi, Bengali and Gujarati languages have confirmed that `choad' is in fact an Indian vernacular word equivalent to `f*ck'; it is therefore likely to have entered English slang via the British Raj.
Source: Jargon File 4.2.0

...yeah, i thought it was spelled funny. Unless you meant to call him an imp :)
emilie is CRANKY · 21 years, 11 months ago
i think if i went deaf i would just go right ahead and throw myself off a very tall building. yup. just the thought of not being able to hear music ever again makes me feel sick to my stomach. i had a blocked up ear once from an ear infection and that was bad enough :P
Agent Scully Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
Would that be a "tall new building?" ;D
Kevin - King of WiFi · 21 years, 11 months ago
as long as i can get a backrub, i could be a blind deaf amputated smellingless tastingless body on wheels.
I can see the bunny Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
J · 21 years, 11 months ago
some people say i cant hear after they listen to me play guitar

but i still like my ears the best.
sight is a close second just cause i can barely see now and know what its like to be blind with out my glasses.
taste i could care less about
Mamalissa! · 21 years, 11 months ago
Once upon a time this would've been posted way earlier than this. And definitely earlier than an EFO tune. Moxy Whovous?
emilie is CRANKY Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
hehe :D
Andrea Krause · 21 years, 11 months ago
.oO and I've got 1-2-3-4-5...senses working oooovertime...trying to take this all in Oo.

One of the many theme mixes I planned but never carried through was a senses mix. "I Can Feel You" by Jump, Little Children, "Smell the Future" by Peter Mulvey, "To Let You See Me" by Melissa Ferrick, "Senses Working Overtime" by XTC, etc.

I wish I had the time and energy to complete all the themes I planned.
*joolee* Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
oh yeah, i hear ya!! ^_^
sheryls Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
Dont' forget "I feel you" by Depeche Mode, "See the Constellation" by TMBG, "Lawn Boy" by Phish, "Good Feeling" by the Violent Femmes... ;)
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
Heheh the first two were on the list, yes. :)
renita · 21 years, 11 months ago
nope. no wya. no how.

I'd have said taste (y'all know how I love my food).. but taste and smell, intertwined. right?

And even beyond that. smell is a big thing for me. the smell of new books and old books. Toutiere cooking. coffee. baked goods baking.warm damp earth. fresh tomatoes. well. Icould go on and on. but you get the idea.

Hearing. music means so much to me...

Sight. Reading, the vision of words on a page.

Touch. mmm.

I can't pick a favorite. sorry Aaaaaaandrea.

renita · 21 years, 11 months ago
nope. no wya. no how.

I'd have said taste (y'all know how I love my food).. but taste and smell, intertwined. right?

And even beyond that. smell is a big thing for me. the smell of new books and old books. Toutiere cooking. coffee. baked goods baking.warm damp earth. fresh tomatoes. well. Icould go on and on. but you get the idea.

Hearing. music means so much to me...

Sight. Reading, the vision of words on a page.

Touch. mmm.

I can't pick a favorite. sorry Aaaaaaandrea.

Bareena · 21 years, 11 months ago
We do have other senses besides the oft-listed Top 5 (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.) Your kinesthetic senses--those ways of percieving how various parts of your body are positioned--are pretty important. I think my most important sense is my sense of balance (with my sense of humor as a close second!) You use your sense of balance every single minute of every single day. Without it, you can't move or look at anything without becoming nauseous from what feels like serious seasickness. A serious loss of balance makes you completely immobile. And I mean completely immobile; you can't do things like take a shower alone, feed yourself, hie your own butt to the bathroom, etc. If your sense of balance stopped working, your life would consist of lying on your living room carpet, clutching at the ground, and hoping and praying that you can't, in fact, fall off the floor. You can still do lots of things even if you lack one of the 5 senses listed in the poll, but you can't function at all without your sense of balance.
nate... · 21 years, 11 months ago
I've been watching this and getting close to voting every hour or so since it went up.
This is a VERY tough poll!!!

Losing my sight.... god.. I can't imagine it. There are some times when the world around me is just so beautiful, I can't believe it... it almost brings me to tears.

My hearing? Good god, music.... voices..... I lost my hearing for about half an hour once after a blew up a shotgun primer in my face (don't ask)... and that was bad enough!

Taste? I suppose to an extent, I've tasted so much good food in my life that this might be the first I could do away with... there have been many meals I've had from amazing chefs where I said, "I could just die happy now" and mostly meant it... but never having that experience again... wow.....

Touch: no way. so much of our interaction with our world and with others is based on tactile feelings. Along with, well, more *cough* intimate acts.....
They say that if a baby was never touched, never held, it would die. I believe it. I couldn't give that up.

Smell: It's funny how often I'll be walking somewhere, in the woods... where ever, and I'll smell something... and it will trigger a memory from when I was a very small child... or something I never had remembered before will come back to me and make me smile. Many of my memories are triggered by smell... and I treasure that.

I guess when you get right down to it, if I *HAD* to choose one to lose, it would be tough.
But it's even more tough to pick a favorite.
So in the end, I wussed out.

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