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Poll: TMBG - Pre-Elektra B-Sides - Part 1 |
TMBG - Pre-Elektra B-Sides - Part 1
John J. Ryan
· 17 years, 3 months ago
This week's polls are dedicated to selected B-sides before TMBG was signed to Elektra Records. Basically, their B-sides from the 1980s.
Don't forget to include Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal, even though it's not a B-side. Otherwise it won't be included at all. Or does it just go in the 'songs that don't belong anywhere else' category, with songs like Counterfeit Faker and Rat Patrol?
Will Long Tall Weekend be included? Or the Factory Showroom Sessions? That was a widely enough copied bootleg that it should be included. What about They Got Lost? Are both versions of Sensurround going to be in the polls, or just the S-E-X-X-Y one, since the Power Rangers one was never released by TMBG? I think once we hit about 2002, there's going to need to be a clearer definition of what gets included, because between TMBG Unlimited and podcasts and live-only songs, this could really go on for ever with songs no one likes or cares about and still have no chance of beating Birdhouse or Ana Ng.
Really, are there any songs that anyone likes or cares about from 1997-2006, released or not? ;-)
Now there are some good songs in that period... of course none of the albums would have a chance against the first three or four. By the way, oddly, I heard "We're the Replacements" long before I heard "Radio Radio" by Elvis Costello-- and when I finally heard the Costello classic, I realized that WTR owes much to it! Also "She Was A Hotel Detective" owes a lot to "Everyday I Write the Book."
To answer your question, here is an overview for the TMBG song tournament:
Pink Album Lincoln Pre-Elektra B-Sides Flood Apollo 18 John Henry Factory Showroom Elektra B-sides Long Tall Weekend Mink Car No! The Spine The Else Post-Elektra B-Sides Pre Elektra B-Sides consist of:
Elektra B-Sides
Post-Elektra B-Sides
There will be two wild cards that will make up the round of 16.
Long Tall Weekend
Mink Car I know it'll never happen, but it would be funny if the winners of these were both Older and they faced each other... Also, will Your Mom's Alright and Boss of Me be included in the Mink Car poll? And what about the Power Rangers version of Sensurround, which was actually good, unlike the horrendous S-E-X-X-Y version?
Older will only be used on the Mink Car poll.
Boss Of Me and Your Mom's Alright will be included on the Post-Elektra B-sides poll (Thanks for reminding me) As for Sensurround, whichever version you choose. The only song that will have more than one version on the entire poll is Hotel Detective, because the Pink Album version and the Back To Skull version are completely different songs. You're not necessarily voting on the Mink Car version. You're voting on whatever version you want, it just happens to be in the Mink Car poll.
I don't think that's really the right argument. Unless it's explicitly clear from the start, people are going to assume you mean the version that's on the album, just like they did for the Früvous poll.
Not that it matters, because there are better songs than Older on both LTW and Mink Car, but the point is, it's not a fair competition when people aren't necessarily able to apply the same standards to their voting.
So just list it as "Older (either version)" or something to that effect.
Actually I never assumed it meant the album version on the Fruvous poll. It was about picking the best Fruvous song and that was simply a convenient way of organizing them. It is just like the Grammys, when they mean the best recording they call it "best record" not best song."
actually I think best record goes to the producer and best performance or vocal performance or some variation on that goes to the performer. We could of course check this very easily. Not that you see me rushing to do it.
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