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Fruvous videos

   Discussion: Fruvous videos
nate... · 18 years, 7 months ago
That oldschool youtube video "got me ta thinkin". Do we have a central repository of fruvous show videos? Like, VHS or otherwise? I mean, we obviously, amongst all of us rabid tapers, have the audio recordings well backed up and not in danger of dissappearing, but I'm thinking perhaps we should have someone digitize the video stuff. Thoughts? I'd be happy to be a part of the "project".
Chris "Father" O'Malley · 18 years, 7 months ago
I'm in the process of getting rid of all analog and magnetic media in my house. I've captured all my Fruvous VHSs. I'm also transferring all my DATs. Now, getting them from me is another story... :) I literally have 60-70 DVDRs worth of content at this point...too much for my measly upload rate to handle. :)
John J. Ryan Back · 18 years, 7 months ago
YouTube would be a great source for short Fruvous vids....
Fru Phile Back · 18 years, 7 months ago

How could we get copies of this stuff? I wouldn't want to infringe on any copyright laws, but I'd love to have some compliation DVD of whatever is out there.  And I would be willing to pay or rather contribute to help cover production costs.  I would even be willing to work on the graphic design of a box or DVD label or something, as that is what I excel at. 

I would also love copies of those old Fruvous music videos...that could almost be considered embarassing.  I think Stuck in the 90's and King of Spain were part of this group.  I remember seeing them on display at one of the Frucons years ago.   Any thoughts?

dgodwin Back · 18 years, 7 months ago
Chris:  I'll upload them to for you if interested.  Drop me a PM or email. 
Ryan · 18 years, 6 months ago
I found a few videos at and captured the streaming video, then uploaded it to YouTube:

The original source videos weren't of an excellent quality, thus the videos I uploaded aren't spectacular (copy of a copy, ya know). But hey, it's something.
Sam Dabrusin · 18 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, saw those. Thanks!
Steve McCornack · 18 years, 5 months ago
Wow! I would be happy to contribute to conserving or maintaining this content. The thought of preserving Moxy Fruvous for posterity would give my life new meaning! I would also be interested in copies of the original or finished products.

Save the Fru!


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