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Fr�vous: the Musical |
Fr�vous: the Musical
Moogie X.
· 19 years, 11 months ago
So, they've made Billy Joel's stuff and Abba's songs into musicals, why not Fr�vous? The possibilities are simply endless. Have You will go to the moon and Laika next to each other. You could also base an ENTIRE musical around Video Bargainville. They were all practically theatrical ANYWAY - I say the jump is logical :) Plus, I'm a composer, I'd volunteer ;)
Musicals are fun. And you're right, the possibilities are endless. With all the different kinds of stuff you have to work with, it'd be easy to find a song for pretty much any kind of theme.
i'll jump on board as a producer/secondary composer�to moogie.
We already have a jukebox musical based on the Fruvous songbook, the story of BJ and Rachel.
oh yes i forgot about that!! and that was is actually done by the band, so much more authentic. maybe we could release that one while writing & composing & producing a second one, and if the first one does well enough, we can release the fruhead.com production.�there can be�'the fruvous musical' and 'the fruhead musical'
ha. yes, dan, you look exactly like jian. you blonde haired white boys are like twins. :P
wait... your sister looks like murray?
so of course, you were twins born years apart. and...
your sister is what, 10? 11? she wears makeup? wow. ok then. ha. Yeah, everyone says "are you twins" and I just indulge their fantasies. Why not? No, notice i said: the makeup she was born in; meaning i dunno, whatever you want it to mean. She gets all mad when my mom and i make fun of her about putting on makeup and she says 'i dont put on makeup!' but really, last month, she put makeup on twice, even if it was for theatrical performances. she says she doesnt beleive in makeup.
yeah makeup's a big problem these days. well actually in my area little girls are doing drugs having sex and being really gross and snobby and simply... incredibly unlikeable and ruining themselves before they reach highschool, or once they have just begun highschool. it bugs me. each grade in my highschool is progressively worse as you go down the line (with exceptions, of course). I'm convinced (as is a number of fellow seniors) that my grade (which i wasn't with throughout gradeschool) is the last good grade (with exceptions, of course). But most people my age in my small school are good kind people with big hearts, big brains, pure niceness, and who know how stupid it is to be slutty, snobby, and know not to ruin their lives (even though they may indulge in drinking and some light drug-use at times, but nothing serious.) I avoid them altogether, personal, but i don't mind respectable amounts of usage by those around me. but the grade eights, nines and tens are ridiculously bad and horrible people and slutty little girls (with exceptions, of course.) The grade 11s are okay but the good seed to bad seed ratio is quite higher then with us seniors.
Because, anyone who has more sex than me is obviously morally deficient and leading this country to hell in a handbasket.
Sheesh. Must I spell everything out for you?! ;-D well i mentioned the sluttiness of *some* girls.
second of all, sluttiness isn't sexual history. it is nymphomania.
no, I don't think that's true at all. I think people who are perceived as 'slutty' can be so for any number of reasons. maybe some do have a very strong sex drive - there are also plenty of people with a strong sex drive who don't shout it from the rooftops, though. maybe some are just reaching out to get attention in the only way they know how. maybe they aren't even actually sleeping with anyone, but just like to talk, because they feel that people will view them a certain way if they believe they've slept with a lot of people. it's not an image I'm particularly fond of, myself, but that doesn't mean there isn't often a legitimate reason for it.
altso, slutty people need other people to be slutty with. so it must be that half the boys in town are big sluts as well. unless the slutty girls only mess around with other slutty girls.
well that's often the case. and i wasn't complaining about the people they sleep with because when it is boys that they sleep with the boys are older and though i don't think it's right for them to do it, i was specifically complaining about the young taint in the local society of my town.
is it worse if young girls are seeking out older boys or if older boys are seeking out young girls?
i find it pretty disturbing that a 17-18 year old would want to/see nothing wrong with fooling around with a 13 year old, no matter how she's dressed.
again, i was just talking about my town, and in this town in the only times i have seen it happen have been 1 year apart when it has lasted over a week and up to 2 years apart when it hasn't.
as do i. �though i wasn't complaining about dress (which i'm sure is a misconception many of you are under) pretty much all that i said was refering to personality traits, nothing physical (except their age).
i think we're jumping on you because what seem to be your views on "tainted children" are fairly widespread in our culture.
i don't think you're trying to be cruel or judgemental, but the experience of many of us is that the label "slut" has much more to do with the stereotypes & judgements of a society than an individual's behavior. i grew up in a religious, fairly closeminded community, & i was convinced from age 11 onwards that i was the biggest slut on earth, even though i didn't have a boyfriend until i was sixteen & didn't have sex until i was twenty. but this "knowledge" that i was always gonna be a slut to my community, no matter what i did, still affects my view of myself. thankyou for trying to understand.
i agree, i think nymphomania only enters into the equation very very rarely.
if you teach a girl that her sexuality is the only thing you value about her, she's going to be a big slut.
Is "nymphomania" still an accepted diagnosis?
i doubt it, or at least it shouldn't be, though it was used as a defence on boston legal on sunday.
i didn't mean it in any sort of medical sense though!
it is nymphomania. it is the constant urge for sex that they can't help but show. or love to show. either one. it's the want of sexual history that bugs me.
That is awfully judgemental. Why would someone who loves sex be a bad person? That is crazy. I agree with you that that is not healthy behavior for MOST kids that young, and that speaks to a lot of unaddressed needs and low self-esteem, but that doesn't make enjoying sex, EVEN at 12* a bad thing *in and of itself*. *generally I think sex should be reserved for age 18 or 19, for a number of developmental reasons, but that doesn't make sex itself a bad thing, Just a complicated thing, and using the term "slut" doesn't help illuminate the issues at all. it's not judgemental. you're misreading what i say. the point here is, i know half of the�people i am speaking of quite�personally and the other half are quite personally known by people i am close to. when i said that 'this is what sluttiness is' i was talking about what i meant when i used the term 'slutty.'� however you�may personally define the word, that doesnt change what i meant when i used it, so theres no use complaining about that.
Earlier than ever? Not sure I agree with that.
Earlier than they have in the memory of recent society, sure. But back when life span was lucky to hit 40, and kids in their early teens were often married and considered adults? I wouldn't be surprised if they were also hitting pubery much earlier in those days then we think of it coming on now. (Although not, as you said, much earlier than it is starting to onset for a decent number of youngsters these days). Of course, I can't cite my source, so take me with a grain of salt as always.
I am too!
It's quite a fascinating phenomenon. Granted, there is no real "reason"... but the theories raised have included the ease of dietary nutrition in the modern age..... the lack of physical labor... and other factors. Several studies have been done about how kids who stress themselves physically (gymnasts, etc) tend to mature later than other less active kids. Interesting times we live in.... while there is, of course, constant evolution of the species... this seems to be in a much shorter window.
yeah, i had the impression that the consensus was that earlier puberty (at least in girls) has to do with the fact that girls are carrying around more body fat than in previous generations.
so i guess the answer might be along the lines of:
when you have nothing else to do, you mature! i guess your body uses it's spare time to�mature.
haha right many people Certainly are maturing physically must faster and mentally much slower haha.
nymphomania does not exist. neither does satyrmania. that is probably a term you've never heard, seeing as "nymphomania" is a tool of misogynists to belittle and invalidate female sexuality.
as an addendum, there are sexual addictions, but they occur mainly in males in their late teens/early 20s, but I doubt that's what you're referring to.
don't get all bent out of shape because nymphomania is sometimes used as a medical term. i stated my definition of it right after using it.
my comment doesnt change, sorry if i miss your point.
when i was in college, my twin was an asian rugby player girl with curly hair who was about twice my size and could beat up anyone. she was my twin because her name was Carol so we rhymed. we'd go around and meet people. and we'd go "i'm sheryl." "i'm carol." "WE'RE TWINS! can't you tell?"
ha. these two girls who were on my outdoor soccer team, the only other girls on the team, they made up this cheer for me where one of them goes "CAROL!" and the other one goes "INE!"
its a crack up. you have to see it. they jump when they say it, too.
i can sing, play keyboards, guitar, bass, mandolin, & the tin whistle. i also compose music using the midi patches on my computers and have a huge archive of compositions i have made from the past four or five years, as well as many kept in my head.
'propellorhead reason'? i'm intrigued! my midi on my old computer was really good but i recently got a new one and most patches are pretty bad. i've never heard of this propellorhead though. and it doesn't use the built-in midi patches? does it have a big arsenal of intruments? i'm not sure what it uses, but it sounds great! you can add instruments, at least thats what ive heard, i have no idea how. http://www.propellerheads.se/index.cfm i thinkk
AhaHAHaha! wow that's uncanny, i never realized the resemblance but i love it ha!
Like a popsicle?
*imagines fr�vous on a stick*
caroline: tired.
· 19 years, 11 months ago
I play the clarinet. If you need one of those, I'll help you out, be in the pit orchestra or whatever. ;)
Ligeia Lester
· 19 years, 11 months ago
it's funny you should mention a fruvicle. 2 or more years ago, I began writing a story that tied together a bunch of fruvous songs into a musical. I guess I cant say Im writing a musical, bucause I didnt write the music, but I did have the genius idea to turn a handful of songs into a theatrical event!
I've got a great outline and cool characters. its the damn dialogue I have a problem with. maybe I'm not ever meant to finish this project. but it is my dream to write and direct the damn show someday. that, or win the lottery.
If you need help with dialogue you have a staff of writers at your disposal right here.
i agree ! haha
we definitely have enough people to put together a nice little project ! You must first create an account to post.
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