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a frucon related filk

   Discussion: a frucon related filk
lawrence · 20 years, 4 months ago
I was thinking of putting this in my LJ, but most of my friends list wouldn't get it. Well, ok, I even most people here probably won't get it, but it's more appropriate, anyway. :)

Big on the Figs (you can probably figure out the tune :)

We were playing blank white cards
It was AJ, Kath and me
and Kyla, Drea and Fiona in
Room four-twenty-three
'Here's my point,' we had to say
And sometimes that wasn't cool
And we took revenge on other players
Writing silly rules

Some cards made us silent
Others caused us pain
We said 'I am a banana!'
As we went around again
When it came back to my turn
They all wished it wouldn't be
But that all changed the time
Kath played 'Figs Figs Figs' on me.

'Cause we were big on the figs
And we spoke like pigs
Not too hard with the cards
That everyone could rig
Look at us take digs
Like Fruheads' email sigs
Not a wig or a cig
But just 'Figs Figs Figs!'

The inside joke continued
All throughout the day
We kept on shouting to each other
And then we'd walk away
At the FRUiT show we kept going on
But that was no surprise
We call ourselves some crazy Fruheads
While others roll their eyes


The next day on my drive home
I couldn't stop the thoughts
Of all the Frucon silliness
And the games we played a lot
But today, as I'm writing
I just cannot stop my mind
And to this minute I think of figs
All the freaking time!


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