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Poll: Well, over 2 years later... What browser do you use now?

Internet Explorer.. works for me! 24 (30%)
Netscape - I like 'em slow and buggy. 2 (3%)
Mozilla/Firefox - I'm a geek. 44 (56%)
I don't browse the web and I'm not really here... 1 (1%)
Other! (opera, etc) 8 (10%)
   Discussion: Well, over 2 years later... What browser do you use now?
lawrence · 20 years ago
only geeks use Mozilla based browsers?
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years ago
Well, geeks and geeks-in-training.
Talcott · 20 years ago
And, if I remember right, the last version of this poll lead me to switch over.

While I know plenty of people who haven't used it, I don't think I've ever talked to anyone who doesn't like Firefox. I can't say the same about the other browsers.

I do still have a soft spot for Lynx though ;-)
lawrence Back · 20 years ago
I think that's kind of unfortunate. That attitude and image or perceived image will prevent people from trying otherwise great browsers.
renita · 20 years ago
i love me some firefox, and i'm trying to convert my roommates and boyfriend over to it... but it's slow going.

i may have convinced one roommate (R) though. R has a friend who lent R his laptop for a presentation, but warned him to start it up ahead of time, because the computer had a virus that pulled up a copy of every and any porn pic he had ever downloaded, or looked at. even ones he had deleted--at startup.

we figure the virus was taking advantage of the super secret ie folders that store copies of images, and webaddresses and all that.

so i think he's mostly convinced to switch.
Rachel Marie aka RAI · 20 years ago
Mac users represent. Yo.

nate... Back · 20 years ago
Well, not so much anymore.... but I reposted the poll as it was originally worded back when only geeks DID use mozilla based browsers.


Kris 'engaged' Bedient · 20 years ago
I just DL Mozilla Firefox. It imported all my info which was cool. And the little icon next to the URL is nifty too. I'll have to see if I keep liking it or if I go back
*joolee* · 20 years ago
yep, i definitely voted IE last time and now I'ma firefox grrl. I love it.
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years ago
I know one person who didn't like it, but she doesn't really like change in general. She still hasn't come up with a single good reason for not liking it. *Shrug.
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years ago
Oh, see...I thought the geek thing was a compliment.
nate... Back · 20 years ago
"we fear change."

Bender Back · 20 years ago
hey, it's not our fault that people don't want clean, efficient browsers.
Talcott Back · 20 years ago
See, I know I tend to get set in my [internet] ways, but that was one of the things I liked about Firefox. All of the day-to-day stuff was the same, and there were so many other neat things that I could do with it.
Talcott Back · 20 years ago
Same here.
It actually suprises me when I call myself a geek and get "oh, don't say that about yourself, you're not a geek" in response ;-)

Honestly, if fear of being called a geek is keeping someone from using Firefox, that's their problem. While I like it a lot better than IE, and would encourage others to use it for a number of reasons, if someone like IE better, or doesn't want to try a different browser, more power to them.
nate... Back · 20 years ago
It was certainly meant as one. heh

lawrence Back · 20 years ago
See, to me it's a compliment, but it being a geek thing would also scare plenty of people away from Mozilla browsers. It's that attitude I resent, not the one held by most fruheads.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years ago
I want a browser that will does windows.
A girl named Becca Back · 20 years ago
See, that's what I said to this girl, but it didn't seem to change her mind. Weirdo.
caroline: tired. Back · 20 years ago
Paul D. Beasi Back · 20 years ago
Safari 2.0 most of the time, and Firefox or Camino on sites where Safari isn't supported even when I spoof the user agent, which usually works.
Bender · 20 years ago
is that english?
Erato · 20 years ago
I love Firefox. I use it at home and wish it were here at work.
ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 20 years ago
ah...I just downloaded and installed it at work without IT approval, but it should be fine, seeing IT is just one person and they have bigger problems to deal with than me downloading legal software and installing it onto my computer.
renita Back · 20 years ago
is what english?
Dan · 20 years ago

come on people! IE is great!

1. you type into the address bar, and a dropdown thing comes up, so you can click on whatever site is in you favorites according to what you typed. this is great and useful. Time saving.

2. see one.

lawrence Back · 20 years ago
3. IE is so full of security holes that even someone who's wary about scam websites can fall victim to them.

4. see three.

5. mozilla and firefox do that based on what you've entered before. if you want to actually use your bookmarks, why would you type in the address anyway?
Dan Back · 20 years ago

I type into the address bar 'f' and it shows me fruheads and fruvous and others

renita Back · 20 years ago
so does firefox :)

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