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Persian Cowboy

   Discussion: Persian Cowboy
Samantha · 19 years, 8 months ago

I'm a loser and don't know if theres a hard copy of this song I could buy.. and I don't want to say the evil empeethree word. [and how. I just did.] ...


Sab Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
Sadly Persian Cowboy never made it onto the 'First....(and last) Six Songs) so no, there is no hard copy available. If Mr. Ghomeshi EVER finishes his full-length album then it might be on there but, who knows. Since he's starting a new radio show in a couple of weeks we're not likely to see that anytime soon though.
Talcott Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
He's starting a radio show?
Something by chance that might be broadcast over the internet for those of us down here in the states (without digital cable?)

*is very out of the loop*
Sab Back · 19 years, 8 months ago

Yup, yup. and Jian's website should tell if it's radio1 or radio 2

Bender Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
Oh, the CBC... it's like having tenure, except when you're tenured, there's the chance of being fired ;P
Brent Miller · 19 years, 8 months ago
I understand that an industry outsider sent a note to CBS suggesting that Jian play the lead role in CSI:Toronto. Is CBS even thinking of CSI:Toronto - who knows, but it would be interesting. I can totally see Jian in that type of role.
Talcott Back · 19 years, 8 months ago

All I can see is Jian spouting off lines like in CSI:Miami

I think he'd be much better as the GOB character in Arrested Development: Toronto

meh Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
Lead? *blinks*
*blinks again*
In a CSI series?
*keeps blinking*
Um, no, I can't see it.

I can see him as (forgive my use of the original, but I really don't like Miami, and I always forget to watch NY) someone similar to the Greggo, or maybe even the Warrick or Nick. But not the Griss of any cast.

*slinks away*
Oh, wait. *slinks back*

Haven't ever heard about Toronto. But rumor was that before they settled on NY as the most reccent spin-off, they were considering New Orleans (which so totally would've had my vote. Why do they need an NYC based show? There's so many NYC-set crime shows already, y'know?)

*slinks away again*
Talcott Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
Hmm. While I think New Orleans would be a great setting, and CSI:NY is far too obsessed with the DARKNESS of New York (sheesh, you'd think it was a frozen blue land land of pure evil watching it), I think they did need to move to cooler climates.

It's been a joke plenty of times before, but I think a CSI:Cleveland (or Chicago, or somewhere else midwestern) would work really well. Make it about the crimes instead of the "exotic location". Erm, I think I've completly lost the topic. Now Dave, Dave could be good in a CSI show. Imagine how helpful a Hatian Snake God would be in solving crimes! :-D
Bender Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
And a lot of pink killin' energysmoke.
meh Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
Except wouldn't the Hatian Snake God solving crimes make more senes in New Orleans? *snickers*

Actually yeah, somewhere else cold would be fun. Although to be fair, they do focus on the crimes rather than the location most of the times - the location just provides an interesting backdrop, and allows some of the more interesting crimes to seem slightly less out-there.
dgodwin Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
Industry outsider.. What exactly is that? I'm out of the industry (TV show making) Does that make me an industry outsider??? Maybe we all should write notes suggestion Jian play the lead role in CSI: Toronto.
Bender Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
The definition he's probably using is someone who is in the industry, but not working on this project (which, on the whole, sounds dubious at best to me).

Such sources are of variable quality. Some people... their infomation is solid and their word is almost as good as gold. Others like to say things that sound cool. Yet others think it's funny to jerk you around if they don't know you/like you well enough.

I'm not pretentious enough to say, "Well, I'm an industry outsider, but I haven't heard anything of it", but it's that and the ridiculousness of the concept that trigger the neon lights for me.

Lord knows I hear enough stories about the man from random people I know :)
Bender Back · 19 years, 8 months ago
Come on.

CSI: Toronto?

Gimme a break.

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