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Bitorrent and Degrassi: Two great tastes that go great together...

   Discussion: Bitorrent and Degrassi: Two great tastes that go great together...
Jill Leopardina Fr�dman · 20 years, 1 month ago

Hey all!

Anyone know where I (or any other Degrassi fans here on FHDC, I know there's quite a few of you!) can download Degrassi on a bitorrent?

Help! Thanks! -J

derek harrison Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
im no degrassi fan but im sure there will be some on
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 1 month ago
We checked - there isn't. :(
Brian Dinsky · 20 years, 1 month ago
i do a lot of tvshow archiving, and although it's been a major request from my friends (along with KITH), i'm yet to come across the original degrassi in any sort of complete package form let alone in a torrent. most shows HAVE been digitally capped by one person or another, and i've found things more rare than degrassi, so it's not hopeless. the most effective way to get shows that aren't grouped into a few downloads is to go onto, as it happens to be a very large and very well-populated irc server that is pretty much dedicated to tvshow capping. unfortunately, like with most shows that aren't easy to find, you'd probably end up sitting in a chat room, talking to bots/fserves, sitting in a queue, and downloading episode by episode with god knows what kind of speeds. if that weren't enough of a pain in the ass, the level of quality is generally inconsistent with any type of show that isn't already packaged for you (god i love bit torrent). i ventured to get every episode of Salute Your Shorts, alas, the quality level between various episodes ranged from very good, to FUCK THAT.

Now... if someone could find high quality copies of Captain N - The Game Master, I'd eat my hat. Actually, I'd have to buy one first, then eat it, as I don't own any hats. Probably wouldn't be so bad with ketchup. Anything is good with ketchup. Why the hell am I up at this hour, anyways?

Good luck finding your torrent, though. I'll keep my eyes peeled for it, and let you know if I find anything, just don't hold your breath. I download a TON of shows. A frikkin ton, and the only bad thing is how limited you are to your options, which is why I tell my friends that I don't really take requests in general. It's just too hard to find some things.

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