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should i go forest-dwelling?

   Discussion: should i go forest-dwelling?
soul groove feline · 20 years, 2 months ago
yes, i know, it's the one question everybody asks themselves when they get up in the morning.

here's the dilemma: i've been offered to go to the Boreal Forests in Northern Quebec this Saturday. it would be basically free, and i would have a lot of neat opportunities (meeting natives, seeing the forests, canoeing, etc.)

but the problem is... i'm afraid of food, and eating while camping, as well as eating while nervous, is very hard for me. and i would be both camping and nervous for much of the trip.

also... this is not some sort of tourist area... there's not a lot of facilities for help were we to get into some sort of bad situation.

what would you do?
Geoff Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
If you don't go, you'll regret it

Also, afraid of food? Please elaborate as to why, if you don't mind. We all have our weird fears (mine is the lack of restrooms), but this is a new one to me.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
Go and bring some food of your own that you know you'll feel safe with, Peanut Butter always works for me. Then if you get anxious just eat that.

As for the risks, my doctor told me fresh out of surgery and cancer to live my life, that's the best medicine.
soul groove feline · 20 years, 2 months ago
argh. just when i decided to go, the trip fell through. rats and ratmonkeys. thanks for the advice though, guys. :)

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