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Poll: What's your status?

Camping-upper 7 (20%)
Camping-lower 9 (26%)
Camping-somewhere else 4 (11%)
Coming, but not camping 3 (9%)
Not coming 9 (26%)
clod. 3 (9%)
   Discussion: Poll Call - FRFF 04
Kris 'engaged' Bedient · 20 years, 3 months ago
yes. it's redundant. everyone has duitifully reported on where they would be.�Maybe this would be a good time to list tent dimensions. (42 days left (thursday)-6/10)
Paul · 20 years, 3 months ago
does volunteer camping qualify as somewhere else?
Chaya Papaya Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
when you volunteer you can still camp with everyone else.
ChrisChin is Getting Old · 20 years, 3 months ago
Cause sleeping and having an orgy in the big slutty tent all crooked is fun!
Chaya Papaya · 20 years, 2 months ago
hey everyone, this seems like a decent place to say:

i've really enjoyed spending the past 3 falcon ridges with all y'all.

i'm sorry i've mostly dropped off the face of the earth recently, i miss my fruheads!

i'm not going to be there this year, but there is a SMALL chance that i will be making an appearance to see DVN's last performance at Philly folk fest, if anyone will be there, let me know!

if any of you are ever in rochester or minnesota give me a holler!
iPauley Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
I'm like, always in Rochester.

but you parbably knew that. *nod*

-- Pauley
Brian Dinsky · 20 years, 2 months ago

Ladies and gentlemen, I will be attending FRFF 2004 like a motherfucker.

I love how they extended it an extra day last year/this year/from now on.

At this time I simply pose one single question to myself: Do I want to take advantage of the 400W power inverter I purchased in order to have the option to bring/play my xbox/lcd (modded for media center capabilities)?� Of course I can appreciate how un-frffish it could be to bring such a thing, but on the other hand, there definately are times at falconridge where I had nothing entirely special to be doing.� At times like those I could see myself being happy I had brought it, but on the other hand, I kinda don't wanna be 'that guy'.� then again, i'm always that guy, so who knows.

nate... Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
That'd be awesome. :D

Are you camping upper or lower? (please say lower... please say lower)


Brian Dinsky Back · 20 years, 2 months ago

heh, sorry nate, i tend to have this thing about putting myself through misery by camping upper and doing the hill more times than my body wants me to.

i guess i will bring my xbox, now that i think about it.� i'm rig it to my 5 inch psone lcd screen, which sounds not-so-good, but it's actually a pretty fuckin' nice lcd display, as i was excited to find out.�

so yeah, i'll bring my xbox, i'm sure i'll be whipping it out on a nightly basis while sitting around my campsite kickin' it max and relaxin' all cool.

i gots me full NES/SNES/GENESIS/TG16 romsets, along with maybe 20 or so xbox games, so some awesome video gaming can take place.� not to mention like 100 dvdr's filled with television show collections in divx/mpg1/2 formats.� so to make a long story short (too late!), i don't expect myself to get anmy sort of bored at this festival.� not that the festival is boring or anything, but i tend to just sit at my camp site for a larger amount of the time because you can pretty much hear all of the main stage music from anywhere on the hill.� so yeah, keep an eye out for me and my xbox, cause i'm sure i'll be playing it.

oh, heh, and if anyone has soul calibur 2 skill, come see me :-)� albeit it might be reasonably more difficult to play on a 5 inch screen, although i've ran it on there a few times and it's pretty clear and it wasn't terriblyu hard to see the characters and play the game with reasonable functionality.�

wow, being bored at work really brings out the yakkity-yak-yak when i find something even remotely interesting to talk/type about.�

so yeah, video gamin'.

Joe Navratil Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
oh, heh, and if anyone has soul calibur 2 skill, come see me :-)

Damn, now I'm more annoyed than ever that I'm not going. One of these days, Riff... :-)
Brian Dinsky Back · 20 years, 2 months ago

heh, sorry joe.� you are no match for my kung foo. :P

perhaps next year!

John J. Ryan · 20 years, 2 months ago
I say, why not? It's your stuff, you can bring whatever you want, no matter what anyone else says. Just watch, people are going to be clamoring to play that XBox.
Rimbo Back · 20 years, 2 months ago
Dude, I'm not even going, and I want to play it.
Brian Dinsky Back · 20 years, 2 months ago

yeah.� i'm not so much worried about what other people would think if i brought it, especially since i brought my psone last year and it came in handy more than a few times, i was just asking more along the lines what sort of ratio of people think it is something that would be worth bringing.� i have a strange habit of being 'that guy', the one sitting there playing with whatever sort of new technology he's got his hands on at the given time.� i suppose it's entirely more commonplace and socially acceptable to be videogame/computer guy these days, what with everyone seeming to be into it, anyways.

i should swing by the budgie dome this year, for both the singalongs as well as the various buskers/singers/songwriters that tend to rock out the dome.� russell wolff is having a cd release party again, or something of that nature, no?

nate... · 20 years, 2 months ago
Anyone got one? I'm trying to convince a friend of mine to go...

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