love you.
you know you never need to edit for me
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it was woth it to learn from slight of hand. |
it was woth it to learn from slight of hand.
let me rewrite that from my perspective:
i can inflict pain and i have, but not towards you. you can inflict pain, and have, but not towards me. so you can't continue because you didn't start. and, for what it's worth, i don't think you're a vindictive or hurtful person. perhaps you lash out when you're hurting inside. if you were purposeful about it then i should feel touched because you haven't lashed out at me. and if you're totally random about it because you're overwhelmed then it's just a matter of time before my time comes... at which point i will understand because i'll look back on my times with you. i'm the incapable of being pain inflicted upon by zilpha person. so to end that all off, meh, *hugs* and love you. ;)
I'd like to have some "meh" in person sometime.... oh and I'd like the hugs too.
oh I am hurtfull, just ask the people closest to me. they are the ones I hurt the most, with my selfishness, my depression, my suicidal tendancies, my bluntness, my crassness and my honesty. I appretiate honesty in people. I don't like being lead to believe one thing and to hear that the truth of it is something else (as in this thing with my friends mum). love you too pachocho
zilpha, if it's worth anything, i love you too.� i don't know what to say, bc i always say the wrong thing. and i always lose friends over stupid petty crap bc i'm a selfish person. and i don't ever want my feelings hurt. and i hope i haven't hurt your feelings too much.
thanks, erica. I love you too. happy birthday honey... sorry I've been too wraped up to notice it sneaking up on me. when my phone was like, *beepbeep* Erica-20th b-day, I was like oh crapsidaisy, I missed it. you never hurt my feelings. hope to see ya soon on here erica.
well, i figured if anyone had too much going on to be focused on me june 6th, it'd be you, lol. keep in touch darling.
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